
3.Move Earth-It's Not Science FictionLONDON-Scientists have found an unusual way to prevent our planet from overheating:move it to a cooler spot.All you have to do is send a few comets(彗星)in the direction of Earth,and its orbit will be changed.Our world will then be sent spinning into a safer,colder part of the solar system.
This idea for improving our climate comes from a group of US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) engineers and American astronomers.They say their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our planet-effectively doubling its working life.
The plan put forward by Dr.Laughlin,and his colleagues Don Kory can sky and Fred Adams,needs carefully directing a comet or asteroid (小行星)so that it passes close by our planet and sends some of its gravitational energy to Earth.
"Earth's orbital speed w ould increase as a result and we would move to a higher orbit away from the Sun,"Laughlin said.
Engineers would then direct their comet so that it passed close to Jupiter or Saturn.The comet would pick up energy from one of these giant planets.Later its orbit would bring it back to Earth,and the process would be repeated.
In the short term,the plan provides an ideal way to global warming,although the team was actually concerned with a much greater danger.The Sun is certain to heat up in about a billion years and so"seriously compromise"our biosphere(生物圈)-by cooking us.
That's why the group decided to try to save Earth.
The plan has one or two worrying aspects,however.For a start,space engineers would have to be very careful about how they directed their asteroid or comet towards Earth.The smallest miscalculation(误算)in orbit could fire it straight at Earth-with deadly results.
There is also the question of the Moon.As the current issue of Scientific American magazine points out,if Earth was pushed out of its current position,it is"most likely the Moon would be stripped away from Earth".This would greatly change our planet's climate.

67.What makes the scientists plan to move Earth?C
A.A few comets are moving to the direction of Earth.
B.Earth's working life is coming to an end soon.
C.Earth will become too hot for mankind to keep alive.
D.The moon is moving farther and farther away from Earth.
68.If the plan is successful,Earth will have a working life ofAyears.
A.12 billion B.6 billion C.18 billion D.24 billion
69.What serious problems might the plan cause according to the passage?A
A.The comet might hit Earth and man might lose the Moon.
B.Earth might be moved too far away and man might be frozen to death.
C.The comet might hit Jupiter or Saturn and never return to Earth.
D.Earth's working life might be greatly shortened.
70.What does the underlined word"compromise"mean?D

分析 科学家们找到了一种非同寻常的阻止地球过热的方法--改变地球的轨道.

解答 小题67:选C.细节理解题.文章首句LONDON-Scientists have found an unusual way to prevent our planet from overheating:move it to a cooler spot说科学家们找到了一种非同寻常的办法防止地球过热,第六段The Sun is certain to heat up in about a billion years and so"seriously compromise"our biosphere(生物圈)-by cooking us,可知大约十亿年以后太阳肯定会更炙热,以至于将人类化为灰烬.故选C.
小题68:选A.细节理解题.根据文章第二段They say their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our planet-effectively doubling its working life,可知他们把地球六十亿年的寿命加倍,是120亿,故选A.
小题69:选A.细节理解题.最后两段段意分别指出该计划可能带来的两大恶果:一是The smallest miscalculation(误算)in orbit could fire it straight at Earth-with deadly results,万一轨道计算出错会使被控星体撞向地球,二是if Earth was pushed out of its current position,it is"most likely the Moon would be stripped away from Earth".This would greatly change our planet's climate地球脱离原轨道后很可能会失去月球,从而导致气候巨变.故选A.
小题70:选D.词义猜测题.由前面The Sun is certain to heat up in about a billion years,可知大约十亿年以后太阳肯定会更加炙热,从而严重损害地球的生物圈,故选D.

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14.I suppose I will always remember my kind grand-mother as one of those rare individuals that always put others first and self last.There was no ego(自我).No trying to make herself look better than someone else.She just always tried to do  what was right and fair and it didn't matter who was involved.Whether you were the richest person in town or the poorest,it made no difference.You were no better than anyone else.She lived in a small town where everyone knew each other,both the good and the bad.
She was a real champion for those who couldn't speak for themselves or were mistreated or taken advantage of.She was a true servant at heart,always making sure that everyone else's needs were met before her own.In fact,she later became Mayor of her little town.I was so proud that my grandmother became the Mayor.She managed to improve the city's water supply and was able to have the County's first Nursing Home built in her city.Her natural abilities to serve others were just fulfilled even more as Mayor.
I have always been a rather picky eater.As a young child,she noticed that I loved spaghetti.I would eat only spaghetti and I wouldn't eat vegetables or anything else that was prepared.Rather than do what most adults would do as saying,"you eat what I prepared for you,or don't eat at all,"she spoiled me and made spaghetti.In fact,every time we visited and ate with her,she prepared a special batch of spaghetti just for me.She remembered and she continued doing this up until the day she passed away.As I got older,I noticed that not only did she prepare spaghetti for me,but she prepared a special desert for someone else or a special vegetable for another.She wasn't happy until she knew she had pleased someone else.
Suffice it to say that I learned the real meaning of"it is more blessed to give than to receive".

61.we can infer from the passage that grandmother wasB.
A.loving but strict
B.considerate and helpful
C.critical and selfish
D.responsible but ambitious
62.which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 2?A
A.Grandmother's natural abilities to serve others couldn't be made full use of when she was Mayor because she was too busy.
B.Grandmother arranged some projects closely related to people's daily life when she was Mayor.
C.Grandmother went on serving others heart and soul after she became Mayor.
D.People who were mistreated used to turn to grandmother for help.
63."A rather picky eater"in Paragraph 3 refers to someone whoC.
A.eats only low calorie foods
B.eats only high calorie foods
C.eats only particular food and is hard to please
D.eats only what he/she thinks is beneficial to his/her health
64.we know from the passage thatB.
A.grandmother was the first to build a Nursing Home in the world
B.people were familiar with each other in the town where grandmother lived
C.grandmother used to prepare spaghetti as well as a special vegetable for me
D.grandmother always tried to make herself look perfect in other people's eyes
65.What did the writer learn from grandmother?D
A.No pains,no gains.
B.Practice makes perfect.
C.God helps those who help themselves.
D.Giving rings people more pleasure than receiving.
11.Everyone strives to be a great person,kind and caring.But for some,that?s not always the case.(36)CA few of these harmful characteristics are offered for you below.If you happen to realize that you possess any of them-quit!
You are self-centered.Many people do this unconsciously.You think you are the only one that matters,and often don?t care what others have to say.If this is you,it?s time to change.(37)G
You are always in competition.Are you the person who has to be better than everyone else?If so,you?re unattractive.(38)AIf they overcame their fear of heights and climbed 10 feet in the air,don?t say,"That?s all?I?ve climbed 30 feet!"Instead say,"That?s awesome.I?m really proud of you."
(39)EYou are definitely unattractive when constantly asking why others don?t see you as important as you think they should.For instance,your two friends went somewhere without you.It doesn?t matter to them,but to you it does.Get over it.Your friends?lives don?t stop when you?re not around.
You are the boss.(40)BIf you?re the one always making decisions,needing to be in charge,or trying to control what others are doing,you?re acting in an unattractive way.

A.You should let your friends have their moment.
B.In a group of friends,ever yone should be on an equal playing field.
C.There are many behaviors making people unattractive or annoying.
D.You are unreliable,yet depende nt u pon others.
E.You question your importance to others.
F.People seen as unattractive are often in fights with their friends.
G.No one wants such a friend as only cares about themselves.
9.It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain.Without enough blood,the brain lives for only three to five minute.More often the doctors can't fix the damage.Sometimes they are afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain.The doctors might make the person worse if he operates on the brain.
Dr.Robert White,a famous professor and doctor,thinks he knows a way to help.He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold.If it is very cold,the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes.This gives the doctor a longer time to do something for the brain.
Dr.White tried his idea on 13 monkeys.First he taught them to do different jobs,then he operated on them.He made the monkeys'blood go through a machine.The machine cooled the blood.Then the machine sent  the blood back to the monkeys'brains.When the brain's temperature was 10 C,Dr.White stopped the blood to the brain.After 30 minutes he turned the blood back on.He warmed the blood again.After their operations the monkeys were like they had been before.They were healthy and busy.Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.

28.The biggest difficulty in operating on the damaged brain is thatA.
A.the time is too short for doctors
B.the patients are often too nervous
C.the damage is extremely hard to fix
D.the blood-cooling machine might break down
29.The brain operation was made possible mainly byC.
A.taking the blood out of the brain
B.trying the operation on monkeys first
C.lowering the brain's temperature
D.having the blood go through a machine
30.What is the right order of the steps in the operation?B
a.send the cooled blood back to the brain
b.stop the blood to the brain
c.have the blood cooled down
d.operate on the brain
A.a,b,c,d   B.c,a,b,d   C.c,b,d,a   D.b,c,d,a
31.With Dr.White's new idea,the operation on the damaged brainA.
A.can last as long as 30 minutes
B.can keep the brain's blood warm
C.can keep the patient's brain healthy
D.can help monkeys do different jobs.
6."We are good mothers,"I said to my friend,as we sat on our comfortable beach chairs under our beach umbrella and watched our children playing in the waves.
Out of nowhere,the children took off running.About fifty yards from us,a man-maybe in his fifties-was fishing.The children stood next to him and watched with their little mouths hanging open as he cast the fishing lines.He smiled at them.They ran back to us-all except my three-year-old daughter,Drew.
My heart beat fast with horror."Drew!Come here!Play with your friends!"I shouted,very aware that my speeches about not talking to strangers weren't working.It seemed that many parents heard of horrible stories about children being taken away by strangers.Responsible mothers should teach their children that the world is a dangerous place.So I felt relieved when Drew ran towards me and took hold of a shovel(铲子).Then she looked me in the eye:"I want to be with the person."
Again,she approached the middle-aged man,and started digging next to him.
Several seconds later,she returned,waving something shiny.
"Look,Mommy!A toy fish!"
It was,indeed,a toy fish-yellow and rubber.This must have been what he was using to attract the fish.And he'd given it to Drew.The three other children were deeply impressed,and they didn't try to hide how jealous(妒忌的)they were-clearly,they all wanted the fish.
"My friend gave me that fish!"Drew shouted loudly.The sand in front of the umbrella turned into a preschool cage match with a yellow rubber fish flying through the air.I felt like I might cry myself.
Unexpectedly,there he was:the man,standing right next to us with three more rubber fish in hand.He handed them to each of the children.By their faces,you would have thought he was actually the really kind big brother.
"Thank you,"I said,realizing that there is good and kindness in strangers.

24.How did the author feel when Drew stood beside the man?C
25.The author thinks good mothers shouldB.
A.be around their kids
B.warn their kids of danger
C.teach their kids to behave well
D.devote themselves to helping their kids
26.The author was at a loss whenB.
A.Drew handed her the toy fish
B.the kids fought for the toy fish
C.the toy fish was covered with sand
D.the stranger appeared from nowhere
27.What would be the best title for the text?A
A.Give a kid a fish
B.We are good mothers
C.The world is dangerous
D.Teach kids to be kind.
7.A long-term American study shows the importance of early education for poor children.The study is known as the Abecedarian Project.It involved more than one-hundred young children from poor families in North Carolina.
Half of the children attended an all-day program at a high-quality child-care center.The center offered educational,health and social programs.Children took part in games and activities to increase their thinking and language skills and social and emotional development.The program also included health foods for the children.
The children attended the program from when they were a few weeks old until the age of five years.The other group of children did not attend the child-care center.After the age of five,both groups attended public school.
Researchers compared the two groups of children.When they were babies,both groups had similar results in tests for mental and physical skills.However,from the age of eighteen months,the children in the educational child-care program did much better in tests.
The researchers tested the children again when they were twelve and fifteen years old.The tests found that the children who had been in the child-care center continued to have higher average test results.These children did much better on tests of reading and mathematics.
A few years ago,organizers of the Abecedarian Project tested the students again.At the time,each student was twenty-one years old.They were tested for thinking and educational ability,employment,parenting and social skills.The researchers found that the young adults who had the early education still did better in reading and mathematics tests.They were more than two times as likely to be attending college or to have completed college.In addition,the children who received early education were older on average,when their first child was born.
The study offers more evidence that learning during the first months and years of life is important for all later development.
The researchers of the Abecedarian Project believe their study shows a need for lawmakers to spend money on public early education.They believe these kinds of programs could reduce the number of children who do not complete school and are unemployed.

77.The Abecedarian Project has lastedC.
A.almost one year
B.about five years
C.more than 20 years
D.no more than 15 years
78.Those who had been in the child-care centerA compared with those who hadn't.
A.have their children at later ages
B.get more help from other people
C.have no parenting or social skills
D.are poorer at reading and mathematics
79.What don't we know about the Abecedarian Project after reading the text?D
A.What the children learned at the child-care center.
B.How important early education is for poor children.
C.How many children are involved in the Abecedarian Project.
D.Whether lawmakers will spend money on public early education.
80.The study of the Abecedarian Project shows that early educationC.
A.costs a lot of money
B.leads to a lower birthrate
C.can improve the life of poor children
D.is not important for later development.

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