
【题目】In spite of his own safety, the boy, , jumped into the river to save the girl in the water.

A.risked to be drowned B.risked drowning

C.risking to be drowned D.risking drowning



试题分析:句意:这个男孩不顾自己的安全,冒着溺水的危险跳入河中去救那个女孩“冒着...危险” risk doing,可以排除A、C两项谓语动词是“跳入”, 冒着危险应该用非谓语形式,表示人主动冒险,用现在分词,所以选D


【题目】A new study from Harvard University revealed that the message parents mean to send to children about the value of sympathy(同情心) is being mistaken by the message they actually send. In fact they value achievement and happiness above all else.

The Making Caring Common Project at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education surveyed 10,000 middle and high school students about which is more important to them—achievement, happiness, or caring about others. Almost 80 percent of students placed achievement or happiness over caring about others. Only 20 percent of students considered caring about others as their top aim.

In the study “The Children We Mean to Raise: The Real Message Adults Are Sending about Values”, the authors refer to a reality gap, an incongruity (不一致) between what adults tell children they should value and the message we grown-ups actually send through our behavior.

Simply talking about sympathy is not enough. While 96 percent of parents say they want to raise caring children, and cite the development of moral character as “very important, if not essential”, 80 percent of the youths surveyed reported that their parents “are more concerned about achievement and happiness than caring about others”. Approximately the same percentage of the students reported that their teachers put their achievement over caring.

As the report shows, simply talking about sympathy is not enough. Children are sensitive creatures, fully capable of telling the true meanings in the blank spaces between well-organised words. If parents really want to let their kids know that they value care and sympathy, the authors suggest, they must make a real effort to help their children learn to care about other people—even when it’s hard, even when it does not make them happy, and yes, even when it is at odds with their personal success.

【1】The first paragraph suggests that parents _____.

A. value achievement less

B. fail to make students realize the importance of sympathy

C. don’t intend to value success

D. regard achievement and happiness as the same

【2】What can be concluded from the study?

A. 20% of the students are not ambitious.

B. Kids care more about achievement.

C. About 80% of the students are not caring.

D. A majority of the kids are kind students.

【3】What may be the cause for the reality gap?

A. Children’s failure to understand parents’ well-organised words.

B. The generation gap between parents and children.

C. Children’s desire for getting individual achievement.

D. Parents’ lack of a real effort to guide children.

【题目】One day, my mother and I were in a shop to buy Christmas gifts. There, I saw a telephone and I liked it very much. ___________lovingly up at my mother, I asked, “Mama, can I have that telephone?” She replied, “Baby, not now.” “But Mama, I want it.” She was a little ___________ and said, “Nora, you can’t have that telephone today.” ___________ we were waiting to pay for the things we had bought, I ___________on the ground and began screaming, “I want it.” Other people looked but my mother calmly said, “Nora, you’d better get up by the ___________ of three or else. One two three ”I didn’t stop. Then she lay down __________me on the floor, and began kicking and screaming, “I want a new car. I want a new house I want …”___________, I stood up. “Mama, stop. Mama, get up,” I tearfully said. She stood up, and many people began to clap. Her face turned ___________ and she said ___________to others. People said to me, “Your mom got you ___________. Never try that again.” And I didn’t. I would never forget that experience.

【1A. Crying B. Speaking C. Looking D. Talking

2A. disappointed B. angry C. hungry D. happy

3A. When B. Before C. Until D. Unless

4A. laid down B. lay down C. fell down D. put down

5A. number B. figure C. sound D. count

【6A. besides B. beside C. over ahead

【7A. Excited B. Disappointed C. Shocked D. Puzzled

【8A. red B. blue C. gray D. yellow

【9A. thanks B. sorry C. hello D. ok

【10A. wrong B. good C. lesson D. reason

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