
IV. 根据汉语意思完成下列各句  (7%)

1.       中国虽属于发展中国家,却为世界和平做出了重大贡献。

Though _______________ ________________ the developing countries, China is making great contributions to world peace.

2.       我们公司和其它一些大公司将以新的生产线替换旧的。

Our company as well as some other big ones ___________ to ____________ the present production lines __________ new ones.

3.       你知道宇宙是如何形成的吗?

Do you know how the universe ________________  ________________  _________?

4.       他如此粗心,结果又考不及格了。

He was so careless. ____________  __________  _____________, he failed the test again.

5.       听到这个可笑的玩笑,大家都大声笑了出来。

Hearing the funny joke, everyone _______________  ___________  _______________.

IV. 根据汉语意思完成下列各句  (7%)

1. belonging to  2. is, replace, with  3. came into being  4. As a result  5. burst into laughter/ burst out laughing


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