
Attend the Next Forum!
For the last fourteen years CPSB has had the pleasure of hosting a learning event we call a Forum. We started offering programs in Sarasota in February in 1991 and our first Forum was held in 1992 as a small group meeting. Being from the Northern USA, this was a particularly good time to go south for the warmth of our friendship with Dr. Treffinger and Dr. Noller and to keep away from the cold winter.
The Forum is the only chance to learn about various topics of the creativity and innovation (革新)and from those who have rich experience and interest in the field. The theme of the 2005 Forum includes searching for a few new methods, sharing lessons from experience, and learning and exchange ideas on cutting-edge research. Space is limited, so early registration (登记)is welcome.
Meeting the Innovation Challenge
February 6 and 7,2005  Lido Holiday Inn
Sarasota, Florida
$ 750 (registration includes some meals and materials)
Interested in becoming qualified to use the VIEW assessment (评估)of Problem Solving Style? The two days just before our Forum provides you just that chance. For more information on VIEW see pages 24-25.
VIEW Qualification Course
February 4 and 5, 2005 Lido Holiday Inn
Sarasota, Florida
$650 (registration includes lunch and course materials)
Special Offer: If you would like to attend the VIEW qualification course and the Forum, you can register for both events for $ 1050.
63. According to this advertisement, at the Forum people _______.
A. come together in order to form an organization
B. express different opinions and discuss public matters
C. eat together to celebrate their success or victory
D. work together for the purpose of business or trade
64. If you register both the VIEW qualification course and the Forum at the same time, you will save _______.
A. $100
B. $300
C. $350
D. $400
65. The underlined sentence “Space is limited, so early registration is welcome” means ______.
A. space is limited, so you can’t register now
B. space is too limited for you to register
C. you’ll lose the good chance if you don’t register soon
D. you’ll be given a special offer if you register now
66. The main purpose of this advertisement is to ______.
A. encourage more people to attend the Forum in time
B. promise everyone can pay less money to attend the Forum
C. call on the people in the north of the USA to go south for holidays
D. introduce some new activities and topics of the Forum

63-66 BCC A



I started winning competitions. We still had very little money -- my father had to borrow $5,000 to pay for a trip to the International Young Pianists Competition in Ettlingen, Germany, in 1994, when I was 12. I realized later how much pressure he was under. Tears streamed down his face when it was announced that I'd won -- earning enough money to pay back our loan.

It was soo n clear I couldn't stay in China forever. To become a world-class musician, I had to play on the world's big stages. So in 1997, my father and I moved again, this time to Philadelphia, so I could attend The Curtis Institute of Music. Finally our money worries were easing. The school paid for an apartment and even lent me a Steinway(斯坦威钢琴).At night, I would sneak into the living room just to touch the keys.

Now that I was in America, I spent two years practicing, and by 1999 I had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. The Chicago Symphony orchestra heard me play and liked me, but orchestra schedules were set far in advance. I thought I might join them in a few years.

The next morning, I got a call. The great pianist Andre Watts, who was to play the "Gala Benefit Evening" at Chicago's Ravinia Festival, had become ill. I was asked to replace him. That performance was, for me, the moment. After violinist Isaac Stern introduced me, I played Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. My father's mouth hung open throughout the entire song.

I played until 3:30 a.m. I felt something happening. Sure enough, it was a great success. Still, my father kept telling me, "You'd better practice!" But living in America with me was beginning to relax him. In Beijing I'd been fat -- he made sure I ate -- and he'd been skinny. Now I was getting thin. He wasn't.

My father and I had often practiced a piece called "Horses," a fun version for piano and erhu. One night in Carnegie Hall, after I played Chopin and Liszt, I brought Dad out on the stage, and we played our duet(二重奏). People went crazy -- they loved it. My father couldn't sleep for days. He was too happy to sleep.

There have been lots of concerts in Carnegie Hall, but for me playing there was especially sweet when I remember the cold days in Beijing. Together, my father and I worked to reach the lucky place where fortune spots you, and lets you shine.

In the first paragraph his father cried when it was announced that he'd won mainly because__________.

A.his father was excited that his son succeeded at last.

B.his father was under too much pressure.

C.they could pay back the loan with the prize.

D.his father was proud of him.

Tell the order of the events.

a. He and his father moved to Philadelphia.

b. He was asked to replace the great pianist Andre Watts.

c. He and his father played “Horses” together.

d.The Chicago Symphony orchestra heard his performance.

e. The Curtis Institute of Music lent him a Steinway

A. a, e, c, b, d       B. b, e, a, d, c       C. d, a, e, b, c       D. a, e, d, b, c

Which of the following statements agrees with the author?

A. The writer’s father had been very fat before they went to America.

B. The writer thought he would be one of them soon when he knew the Chicago Symphony orchestra heard him play and liked him.

C. The Curtis Institute of Music finally eased their money worries.

D. One can achieve his dream if he is lucky enough.

The underlined word there in the last paragraph refers to_________.

A. America     B. Beijing.   C. Carnegie Hall  D. All the places he went to. 

What is the best title of the passage?

A. I Took Off!                          B. When Fortune Spots Me.

C. No Pain, No Gain.                    D. My father and I

Opening week specials at Munchies Food Hall

At the corner of Green and Brown Streets in the city

Monday 7th of January until Sunday, 13th of January 2008

Feast until you’re full ! Come down to Munchies this week to enjoy the special dishes on offer at all of our food outlets. Order from the following:

·Succulent chicken rice          ·Spicy satay beef

·Delicious noodle dishes         ·Plump park chops

·Seafood specialties             ·Crunchy vegetables

·Sweet tropical fruit

Halal food is available at the stall Malay Food Heaven

Win Prizes and Gifts !

·Spend $ 20.00 or more and win instant prizes from our lucky draw box.

·Collect a free party balloon and whistle for each young diner.

·Enjoy a free meal if you are the first customer of the day at any of our stalls.

·Win a holiday to Western Australia. A free raffle ticket is given with every receipt. Just fill in your information and place your entry in the box provided.

Winner to be announced in The Straits Times on the 15th of January.

Join in the Fun !

Between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm each evening until the 10th of January, your favorite Channel 3 television actors and singers will entertain you:

·May Lee          ·Jackie Chen

·Kim Yap          ·Kamal

Autograph sessions will follow each performance ! And who will be our extra special mystery star? Come down on Saturday at noon to find out.

The prices at Munchies are__________.

A.lower than usual                B.bargain prices for the opening

C.lower for two people             D.lower if you spend $ 21.00

Everyone who eats at Munchies will receive a _________.

A.free raffle ticket                 B.lucky draw coupon

C.free meal                      D.balloon and whistle

I will find out who has won the trip to Western Australia when I _________.

A.watch Channel 3 television 

B.come down to Munchies at noon

C.read The Straits Times on the 15th of January

D.attend the lucky draw at Munchies Food Hall

I studied engineering after enjoying top marks, as high school came relatively easy. Then university life came!
I thought that I must have some learning disorder, as it seemed that everyone else was absorbing the material and making progress while to me it was an insurmountable(不能克服的) struggle. There were never enough hours in the day and weekend to attend the lectures, study the lessons and then do the assignment.
During my darkest hour I called home to speak to my father: “Dad, I don’t think I can handle this.” My father then said something, which cut through me like a knife: “There is no returning home. If you quit, then you are on your own.”
I hung up thinking what a terrible heartless thing to say. Then, I determined to somehow gut it out(坚持到底). There seemed to be no other choices available! Soon afterwards, I noticed a sigh posted in a campus common area stating: “Studying Skills” with a place & time to meet. It said that “there is help available”. I attended that meeting! I soon discovered there were several others in a similar situation and that everyone wanted to help each other get through this challenging first term. I soon found a study partner, who helped me a lot, and I was grateful to him for his kind help.
Yes, it was still a very challenging first year, but I found the needed strength and support to get through it. In fact my father has been helping me since then, but he has done it in another way. I know now in my heart that he did the very best help he could to help me fly. Thanks Dad for the push!
【小题1】The story happened when the author _____.

A.just came to the new high school
B.was in his first term in university
C.was in the last year of high school
D.had been in the university for one year
【小题2】What was the author’s problem?
A.His father refused his request of returning home.
B.His father said some terrible words to him.
C.He found the course difficult to understand.
D.He could not understand his teachers.
【小题3】How did the author get through his challenge successfully?
A.He got help from his father in another way.
B.He changed the place and time for study.
C.He joined those who helped each other.
D.He paid more attention to study.
【小题4】Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Differences between high school and university
B.My time in university
C.The importance of being strict with children
D.Push from my father

What to do if you don’t feel popular?
 【小题1】 Call your friends. Plan to do something. The worst feeling is staying home alone, because it makes you feel even more lonely.
Try to make new friends. Choose friends carefully, not just because you think they’re popular.  【小题2】  
Be yourself. If you want to become friends with someone who’s popular, don’t make yourself into someone you are not just to impress that person.
Be nice. Be friendly. Be outgoing. But don’t overdo it! Talk to close friends if you are feeling really bad. Or you might want to write it down in a diary.
 【小题3】  You could take pictures of your friends, or collect their school pictures. This will remind you, when you are feeling unpopular.
Think up your own ideas. These suggestions might not work for everyone.
What to do if you have a problem with you teacher?
Talk to your parents, or another adult who will listen to you and perhaps can help. Talk to friends.  【小题4】   
Don’t give the teacher a reason to have problems with you. Do your work, complete your task, attend the class seriously and take notes. Maybe you just need to give the teacher a chance.
Talk to the teacher if you feel comfortable doing this. Don’t be nasty (闹别扭的), but express your concerns. Listen to the teacher, as well.
Just accept the fact that you’re not going to love all your teachers.

A.Try to take part in activities.
B.Do something special for yourself.
C.Smile is the best way to make friends.
D.Try to find out what the problem is.
E. Try to deal with the problem all by yourself.
F. Maybe they have had problems with the same teacher, too.
G. And remember, making good friends takes time. Choosing a popular person to be friends with is OK if they are nice.

The Wife-carrying World Championship has been celebrated in a small town in central Finland since 1992. In 1992, the people of the town decided to restart some long-forgotten traditions.  1 He was said to only accept men as members of his gang who proved their worth in challenges. At that time, it was also a common practice to steal women from neighboring villages.
   2  A large number of competitors, people, and journalists from Finland to Canada attend the Wife-carrying World Championship every year.
   3   The Wife-carrying World Championship is held on a 253.3 meters long official track. The track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle, about a meter deep. The wife to be carried may be your own, or your neighbor’s. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kg. If she is less than 49kg, the wife will be given a heavy bag to carry. Each time a competitor drops his wife, that couple will be fined 15 seconds.  4 
Alongside with the Wife-carring World Championship, there is also a team competition. The distance is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink official “wife-carrying drink.” Then he may continue the race.  5 
While the Wife-carrying World Championship is being held, there are bands playing music, a wife carrying dance and other forms of entertainment.”

A.There are a few basic rules.
B.People everywhere hold the event.
C.A special prize is awarded to the team.
D.Do you know how these traditions restarted?
E.This event is becoming increasingly popular.
F.The winner is the couple who complete the course in the shortest time.
G.Back in the late 1800s, there was a robber called Rosvo-Ronkainen in that area.

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