
【小题1】The officers on duty have ____________(克服) all the difficulties, many of them in tears.
【小题2】The Spring Festival Gala was broadcast live without ____________ (打断).
【小题3】It was the boy that was scolded for not____________ (道歉)to the girl who was made fun of by him.
【小题4】By ____________ (积累) as much wealth as possible, they finally came into power with their own financial support.
【小题5】“It’s now or never!” she exclaimed, and she knew she shouldn’t have ____________ (犹豫).
【小题6】 Large ____________ (数量) of money have been put into the research to find out the cause for the cancer. http://www. .com/
【小题7】Of course, no country has the ____________ (特权)of fishing in our coastal water.
【小题8】A distant ____________ (亲戚)is not as good as a near neighbour.
【小题9】Eating out ____________ (吸引) to me in my childhood, but it can’t now.
【小题10】Having worked hard for such a long time, I can ____________ (自信地) promise that this year is going to be very different. http://www. .com/
【小题11】As a designer, ____________ (想象) that customers are critical is very important.
【小题12】He has no ____________ (抱负) or aim in his life. He only drifts along.
【小题13】The Prime Minister ____________ (后悔)not having mentioned the problem at the international conference.
【小题14】We think that he is the most ____________ (体贴的) person we have ever met.
【小题15】____________ (沮丧) about her future, she began to take drugs and became addicted to it.

【小题3】apologising / apologizing  
【小题6】amounts / quantities
【小题8】relative /relation
【小题11】 imagining
【小题15】Depressed / Upset  

【小题3】考查动名词做for的宾语:道歉:apologising / apologizing 男孩因为没有向他取笑的女孩道歉被责备。
【小题5】考查动词;犹豫,should have done用hesitated
【小题6】考查词组:large amounts / quantities of money大量的钱
【小题8】考查名词:亲戚:relative /relation,远亲不如近邻。
【小题9】考查动词短语:有吸引力:appeal to,在童年的时候外出吃饭对我有吸引力,用过去时:appealed
【小题12】考查名词:抱负:ambition ,他的生活没有抱负也没有理想。
【小题15】考查形容词做状语:Depressed / Upset,对生活感到压抑,她开始吸毒,而且上瘾了。




We should not judge a person by his __________ 外表).       

How did the people __________ (反应)to the latest news?     

Schools need __________(志愿者)to help children to read.       

It was said that the little child had been __________(咬)by the fierce dog.           

Police asked __________(过路人)if they had seen the accident.  

I like to read books on __________(电子的)music.          

We may __________(自信地)look forward to the future.       

Lesinko is quite f_________ with China Central Television. He worked there for 25 years.                                                                   

I don’t like b__________ with the sellers over the price of the goods.     

The scientist encourages the young to e__________ unknown fields.

The hotel bill c__________ every fee, including the broken glass.

The doctor p__________ the operation successfully.           

It is a__________ to the weather forecast that we know there will be a heavy snow in 3 days.                                                         

Both the Winter and the Summer Olympics are held every four years on a r__________ basis.                                                     To be honest, some parents don’t a__________ great importance to their children’s character training.                                            



1.We should not judge a person by his __________ 外表).      

2.How did the people __________ (反应)to the latest news?     

3.Schools need __________(志愿者)to help children to read.       

4.It was said that the little child had been __________(咬)by the fierce dog.          

5.Police asked __________(过路人)if they had seen the accident.  

6.I like to read books on __________(电子的)music.         

7.We may __________(自信地)look forward to the future.      

8. Lesinko is quite f_________ with China Central Television. He worked there for 25 years.                                                                 

9. I don’t like b__________ with the sellers over the price of the goods.    

10.The scientist encourages the young to e__________ unknown fields.

11.The hotel bill c__________ every fee, including the broken glass.

12.The doctor p__________ the operation successfully.           

13.It is a__________ to the weather forecast that we know there will be a heavy snow in 3 days.                                                        

14.Both the Winter and the Summer Olympics are held every four years on a r__________ basis.                                                 15.To be honest, some parents don’t a__________ great importance to their children’s character training.                                            


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