
Douglas Grace talks about his ideal city of the future.

I see the city of the future in three zones—inner, middle and outer. In the inner zone there will be no private cars. Public transport will be free and there will only be ambulances, fire engines, taxis and police cars. This inner zone will be the residential(住宅的) and recreational(娱乐的) area of the city. People will live there and go out to enjoy themselves—to cinemas and restaurants. There will be parks and open spaces, trees and lakes, schools and universities. This way, when people are at home, they can go out easily and safely.

Just outside the inner zone there will be big car parks for all private cars.

The banks and most of the shops and hospitals will be in the middle zone. These are things that people don’t need every day.

All the factories and offices will be in the outer zone. People will travel out of the center to work, and back to the center in the evenings. The inner zone will be cleaner and better to live in and there will be more space for industry on the outside.

This is my ideal city of the future—a very beautiful place! But I don’t really think things will ever be like that!

Where will people live and go out to enjoy themselves?

A. In the middle zone. B. In the inner zone. C. In the outer zone. D. In the inner and middle zone.

Where will big car parks be?

A. Just outside the middle zone.           B. Just inside the middle zone.

C. Just outside the inner zone.                    D. Just inside the inner zone.

What will be in the middle zone?

A. The banks, hospitals and schools.     B. The banks, hospitals and police stations.

C. The banks, schools and car parks.     D. The banks, hospital and most of the shops.

Douglas Grace is probably_____.

A. a painter    B. a builder    C. a town planner    D. a dentist 






The First Lesson of the New Term, a TV programme about how to protect oneself in time of emergency, is meant to provide school students with the knowledge on self-protection. It will help students in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, snowstorms or floods. Many examples show that enough knowledge about self-protection along with enough courage and willpower can help many survive.

The example is from the earthquake in Sichuan Province in May of 2008. While thousands of school kids were killed by collapsed school buildings, all students from a middle school survived even without a single one being hurt. That’s because of their timely and orderly evacuations (撤离), which they had been drilled in every term.

It’s good to see that this program is the most important activity of a national campaign to make students be aware of personal safety. Chinese Education Ministry has called on all schools national-wide to give lessons on self-protection knowledge in time of emergency every term.







  (3) 呼吁中学生提高安全意识。








"Hey, Tahlia! How's the model?"

    I had just taken a bite of my hot dog __21__ I heard a familiar voice yelling at me from across the crowded school yard. I saw a group of popular girls who were all __22__.

"What kind of __23_ are you going to do? An ad for a Frankenstein movie?" More laughter. My stomach twisted into a tight knot. How could they humiliate (羞辱) me like this, __24__ the entire school? As I walked into the cafeteria, I __25__ the dark scars on my right hand.

At 9 months old, I knocked over a tea pot and dumped boiling water allover my hands and stomach. My parents __26__ me to the hospital, but I had to have skin graft (移植) operation. I was in so much pain! But what __27__ me most were the cruel things people said about how I looked, __28__ that day at lunch.

The girls were being supermean to me because they'd heard I was considering doing some modeling. A close friend had suggested that I shouldn't let my scars limit me and that I might __29__ a good model.

But after that __30__ at school, I was sure I'd made a huge mistake. Upon arriving home, I covered the mirror with a blanket, fell on my bed and sobbed.

    The next day, I __31__ myself to go to school. At lunch my best friend Jesse tried to encourage me: "You can't __32_ forever, Tahlia. So what if you have a few scars? Just go outside and show them that you're just as good as they are." Although I knew he was right, I couldn’t __33__ standing up for myself like that.

However, that night as I sat on the bed, my friend's words replayed in my mind. I'm __34__ hiding from myself, I thought. How stupid! Slowly, I stood up, walked over to the __35__, and tossed the blanket aside. There, in the mirror I saw a slim, dark-haired, blue-eyed girl, looking just fine, __36__ with a few scars.

The next day I wore a comfortable T-shirt to school. What's more, I had lunch outside the cafeteria, __37__ beside those mean girls. They were shocked that I should dare to walk into their territory. I felt __38_ too—free and happy.

Sometimes people still look at me strangely. They __39_ and stare, but I don't let it get to me. I have applied to several modeling companies, and at least one company is considering me for jobs. Maybe I'll never __40_ posing on the runway, but I do know one thing: I'm done.

A. as             B. when             C. while            D. before

A. applauding      B. cheering         C. laughing         D. quarreling

A. modeling       B. writing     C. drilling         D. acting

A. in spite of        B. in view of       C. in terms of      D. in front of

A. looked into         B. searched for     C. wondered about   D. glanced at

A. presented       B. sent             C. rushed           D. handed

A. hurt          B. beat             C. disappointed     D. puzzled

A. for            B. like             C. on           D. after

A. impress         B. make             C. consult      D. defeat

A. effect          B. phenomenon   C. challenge      D. scene

A. forced             B. expected         C. reminded         D. preferred

A. apologize      B. beg          C. hide             D. complain

A. consider        B. imagine      C. appreciate       D. resist

A. hardly             B. ever             C. even             D. gradually

A. blanket        B. bed          C. chair            D. mirror

A. while          B. though       C. but          D. because

A. right          B. still            C. therefore        D. anyhow

A. sensitive       B. uncomfortable    C. different        D. tense

A. compare         B. associate        C. wave             D. whisper

A. give up         B. end up       C. put up       D. set up

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