

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability. People with autism have trouble communicating and with social skills. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the person also might repeat some behaviors and not want change in their daily activities. Some people with the condition need a lot of help. Others need less.

CDC officials say autism affects one in every 68 children in the United States. More boys than girls are believed to have the condition. But the number of cases appears to be growing. It is unclear whether the growing number shows a real increase or comes from more knowledge about this disorder.

Symptoms of autism

Common signs of autism include trouble making eye contact and a delay in learning how to speak. Some people with severe autism never learn how to talk. Many people with autism also have difficulty understanding facial expressions and the feelings of others. They also have trouble making friends of the same age.

Doctors have learned how to recognize autism, but much is still unknown about its causes.

Researchers at Harvard University have come closer to finding answers. They found that women exposed to the highest levels of fine particulate air pollution late in their pregnancies are two times more likely to give birth to a child with autism. The findings appeared in Environmental Health Perspectives -- a publication of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

The study found that the women who were around high levels of fine particulate matter air pollution were at highest risk of having an autistic child. The increased risk of these women was two times that of women who lived in areas with low levels of fine particulate pollution.

The researchers found that the timing of exposure to pollution was important. They found no increased risk of autism in children whose mothers were around high levels of pollution before becoming pregnant. And the study found air pollution does not seem to increase the risk of children developing autism after they are born.

What can pregnant women do?

Mr. Weisskopf says pregnant women should avoid air pollution as much as possible. But he warns that other things may increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder.

"You can avoid being in extremely polluted cities during pregnancy if possible. You can also choose to go running in a park rather than next to a street. But that said, I think also it's very important to recognize that autism spectrum disorders is a very multi-factorial disorder. And there are lots of reasons why risk could be increased."

Autism is believed to result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

For now, Marc Weisskopf says researchers are trying to identify the exact substances in air pollution that increase the risk of autism.

【1】What can we learn from Paragraph 1________?

A. people with autism dont need help

B. people with autism have no trouble communicating

C. autism is a developmental disability

D. people with autism want change in their daily activities

【2】Which is NOT the Common signs of autism_______?

A. low level of intelligence

B. a delay in learning how to speak

C. understanding facial expressions

D. making eye contact

【3】Which is TRUE according to the passage________?

A. the growing number of cases shows a real increase

B. women exposed to high levels of fine particulate air pollution during their pregnancies are more likely to have a child with autism

C. high levels of fine particulate air pollution have no effect on autism

D. doctors have learned the causes of autism

【4】What can pregnant women do_______?

A. they should go running in a street

B. they should stop smoking

C. they should be in extremely polluted cities during pregnancy

D. they should avoid air pollution as much as possible

【5】What’s the main idea of the passage__________?

A. what is autism spectrum disorder

B. the reasons of autism

C. autism and air pollution

D. how to treat autism









【1】C 段落大意题。根据第一段可知,自闭症时一种发育障碍。自闭症患者在沟通和社交能力上存在障碍,有的患者可能会重复某些行为,并且不希望改变他们的日常生活。有些患者需要大量的帮助,而有些患者需要的帮助则较少

【2】A 细节理解题。根据第段“Common signs of autism include trouble making eye contact and a delay in learning how to speak. Many people with autism also have difficulty understanding facial expressions and the feelings of others. They also have trouble making friends of the same age.”可知,自闭症的常见症状包括眼神接触障碍以及学说话推迟。许多自闭症患者还很难理解面部表情和他人感受。他们在与同龄人交友上也存在障碍。

【3】 B 推理判断题。根据第It is unclear whether the growing number shows a real increase or comes from more knowledge about this disorder.可知,目前还不清楚自闭症人数是真的上升了还是对自闭症相关知识有了更多的了解;根据第四段Doctors...much is still unknown about its causes.可知,医生还不清楚自闭症的原因;根据第五段women exposed to the highest levels of fine particulate air pollution...are two times more likely to give birth to a child with autism可知,细颗粒物空气污染与自闭症有一定的联系

【4】D 推理判断题。根据倒数第四段pregnant women should avoid air pollution as much as possible可知,孕妇应该尽可能地避免接触空气污染。根据You can avoid being in extremely polluted cities during pregnancy if possible. You can also choose to go running in a park可知A、C错误;B项与题无关。

【5】C 主旨大意题。根据women exposed to the highest levels of fine particulate air pollution...are two times more likely to give birth to a child with autism...researchers are trying to identify the exact substances in air pollution that increase the risk of autism可知,文章主要讲的是自闭症与空气污染之间存在的联系。


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