

1.Rose's eyes were full of _____ at the bad news and she looked _____ at her husband. (sad)

2.You are not ________ to leave here without his ________.(permit)

3.Tom was a boy full of ________and he did everything ________.(energetic)

4.He hasn’t ___________ to Lilly by now. He'd better make an ________to her. Of course,it is not the only way but the most direct one. (apologize)

5.It is surprising that there are still many people in the world ________ to death each year,that is,many people die of ________.(starve)

6.As the patient's ability of ________ food is rather poor,you should give her some food that is good for ________.(digest)

7.The boy has a very strong _________. He is _______ about everything he sees. (curiously)

8.The doctor always treats his patients ________ because he knows the job requires both skills and ________.(patient)

9.Do you think his_______ is ________?(believe)

10.Tom is a dishonest boy. He is always ______ to others. He ____ to his mother again yesterday. ( lie)



1.sadness  sadly    

2.permitted   permission     

3. energy   energetically    

4.apologized  apology       

5.starving   starvation        

6.digestive  digestion  

7.curiosity  curious     

8.patiently   patience     

9. belief  believable/ unbelievable   

10.lying  lied



1. sadness  sadly  第一空放在of后面要使用名词形式sadness;第二空用副词sadly修饰动词短语look at。

2.permitted   permission  第一空是被动语态的形式,使用过去分词permitted的形式;第二空放在his的后面使用名词permission的形式。

3. energy   energetically  第一空放在介词of的后面做宾语,要使用名词的形式energy;第二空用副词energetically做状语修饰动词did everything。

4. apologized  apology  第一空使用动词apology作为动词在句中做谓语;第二空用名词apology作为冠词an后面的表语。

5.starving   starvation   本句第一空的动词starve与前面的people构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词的形式在句中做状语;第二空使用名词starvation作为of的宾语。

6. digestive  digestion  第一空使用形容词digestive修饰名词foof;第二空放在介词for的后面,要使用名词digestion的形式。

7. curiosity  curious  第一空放在形容词的后面,说明使用名词curiosity作为strong后面的名词。第二空是固定词组be curious about…对…好奇;

8. patiently   patience   第一空用副词patiently修饰动词treat his patuents;第二空使用名词patience与前面的名词skills构成并列关系。

9. belief  believable/ unbelievable   第一空用brief放在his后面做句子的主语;第二空使用形容词在句中做表语。

10.lying  lied 第一空中的动词Lie表示说谎,lying是它的现在分词形式;第二空是Lie作为说谎的动词形式。






Jackie Chan is satisfied with his limited edition car

China news, May 18 - According to the Hong Kong- [1]  (base) newspaper Ta Kung Pao, Jackie Chan  [2]  (助动词)participated in the promotion of many famous brands of clothing, shoes, stationery and food  [3]  (介词)recent years. Several days ago, he unveiled(使公诸于众)a limited edition four-wheel drive car, [4]  (从属连词)is especially customized(定做, 定制) to his personal taste.

  At the press conference in Singapore a few days ago, Jackie said that he [5]  (情态动词)have cooperated with Parjero, but the plan was suspended because of the sudden pass-away of the car designer. Later he decided [6]  (work)with his old partner Ralliart, [7]  (代词)of the brands of Mitsubishi, and finally rolled out(大量生产) this limited edition car with a storage capacity of 3,500 cubic centimeters of oil. Only 50 such cars will be available [8]  (介词)the world.

  As a car fan, Jackie has participated in the car design himself. The car, [9]  (decorate)with the symbols of "dragon", is said to "be comfortable as a sedan(轿子) and powerful as a roadster(跑车)." He added that making this car is to fulfill his dream, not to make money. The car price has not been announced yet due to [10]  (物主代词)status of limited edition and different taxations all over the world.

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