

1. 接受他们,鼓励他们和你一样过一种丰富多彩,充实的生活。

  Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live _____________________ as you do.

2. 有一段时间,智障儿童在很多方面不能过一种正常的生活。

  There was a time when children with mental disabilities were prevented from ____________________ in many ways.

3. 尽管托尼当时在隔壁房间,他还是及时赶过来把她接住了。

  Even though Tony was in the next room, he ________________ catch her in time.

4. 从那时开始,他认真地把自己看作是一名作家。

From that moment, he started to                           a writer.

5. 残疾人应该拥有享受电影院的机会,而且是有尊严地享受。

Disabled people should have the opportunities to enjoy the cinema and to do so __________.

6. 克莱尔知道,格拉迪丝以为她有风流韵事。

Claire knew that Gladys thought she was _______________.

7. 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。

I have a very busy life with no time _______________ feeling sorry for myself.

8. 托尼还是得接受一番改造---总不能让女人与机器人相爱吧。

Tony would have to be rebuilt--- you cannot have women ____________ machines.

1. as rich and full a life 2. living a normal life 3. managed to  4. take himself seriously as  5. with dignity   6. having an affair  7. to sit around  8. falling in love with



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