


Five years ago, when I founded the Garden of Friendship, I had no idea it would play such  31   important role in the lives of so many of our members.

To many of us, the Garden of Friendship  32  (become) a home in our lives. Many of our members are disabled,  33  (limit) to our homes and the Garden gives us  34  may not be possible in everyday life. The Garden has touched our lives and hearts in many ways, yet the  35  (big) reward of membership is our friendship.

36   the Garden celebrates five years of friendship, I would like to say “thank you” to each of our members  37  the role you take in our success. I’d also like to express   38  deepest thanks to the Garden keepers. Together, the ten Garden keepers handle all the Garden of Friendship administration and website maintenance, discuss new ideas, and keep in touch with all our group leaders.

Congratulations to all our Garden family! I look forward to celebrating many more years of friendship together in the future. Special thanks to everyone for the love  39  care you give to the Garden.

Happy the  40  (five) Birthday to the Garden of Friendship!



31. an    32.has become    33. limited    34.what       35. biggest  36. As/When  37. for     38. my (用the扣0.5分)    39. and  40. Fifth




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