

You can't imagine what difficulty we had ______ home in the snowstorm.

A. walked B. walk

C. to walk D. walking


【解析】 句意:你很难想象我们在暴风雪中走回家的困难。此题考查have difficulty (in) doing sth 结构。注意分析句子成分, imagine 后接宾语从句,后半部分句子可还原为we had difficulty (in)walking...


【题目】My first job was working for a women’s clothes manufacturer at the age of 15. It made me realize what I didn’t want to do for my future employment.

The only advantage of this job was receiving a wage at the end of the week and sometimes getting clothes for free if they were to my taste. I carried on doing this for only a year, as my studies at school were getting more serious and I wanted to study more to get the right grades.

After I had finished college, my first real job was working for a play publisher in central London. I remember writing a letter of application for the post of administration for Samuel French Limited. I had put so much effort into writing it, not realizing that this would be my first step in the process of finding out what I really wanted to do for my future employment. I didn’t think I would get the job, but as it turned out, I got a telephone call quickly and started a week later. I remember being excited that I would be working for a publisher in London. Although I had thought I would prefer to work for a book publisher, a play publisher was just as enjoyable.

Looking back now, not all first jobs turn out to be enjoyable. Some of my friends worked in supermarkets while they were at college just to earn a bit of money. I remember thinking how much happier I felt working in a clothes factory than in a supermarket.

Years later, I can see how good it is to experience work at an early age, as it gives people the opportunity to decide what kind of career will be most suitable for them one day. The boring task of a job will make a person want to pursue an education to get into the right type of employment, which was what I had realized in the end.

【1】The author did her first job for only a year because _______.

A.the clothes made there didn’t suit her taste

B.she really didn’t like such a boring job

C.she wanted to get the right grades at school

D.she didn’t get well paid at the end of the week

【2】What can we learn about the author in the third paragraph?

A.She was confident that she could get the first job.

B.She telephoned Samuel French Limited for a post.

C.She was aware of the importance of writing the application letter.

D.She used to think she would prefer to work for a book publisher.

【3】It could be inferred from the text that the author _______.

A.took her first job in order to support her poor family

B.realized what her first job meant to her future employment

C.had a great interest in her first job in a clothes factory

D.thought her friends’ job in supermarkets was more interesting

【4】What would be the best title for the text?

A.My Experience in a Clothes Factory

B.The Qualities of a Play Publisher

C.Importance of Early Work Experience

D.The Secrets to Get the Right Grades

【题目】Nowadays, girls are so mean to each other. Many girls are becoming the victims of the harmful behaviors of the female bully.

Emma Tracey was a popular 17-year-old and a well-liked athlete who had already won a soccer scholarship to college. But none of that stopped Emma from becoming the target of online girl on girl bullying (欺凌). Emma began to receive hundreds of online unpleasant comments via the latest social networking site called www.formspring.com.

In March 2011, Emma committed suicide and although all agreed that the online bother was not the single factor that led to Emma’ death, everyone did agree that it was a contributory factor.

Unfortunately, Emma’ story is not unique. A 2010 study conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center states: “Cyberbullying victims were almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to youth who had not experienced cyberbullying. Girls are 57% more likely to be victims of aggressive cyberbullying and 92% more likely to be the criminals.”

Suicide is obviously the extreme and no one can minimize the tragedy of it. However, there are other damages that occur as a result of aggressive bullying. It can damage self-confidence and lead to feelings of worthlessness, and also increase social isolation and make victims become withdrawn, depressed, anxious, and unsafe. So what causes girls to be so unkind towards each other?

A term known as relational aggression may best describe the cause of girl on girl bullying. It starts with a clique (派系) usually led by a girl with a high level of social status and popularity. In order not to lose her position, she will control girls within the clique and take action if she feels threatened. At the leader’s directive the girls within the clique will spread rumors and lies and annoy other girls continuously.

The bullying starts at school but will quickly go to cyberbullying due to anonymity (匿名) and lack of punishment. Girls will easily do so in the anonymity of the Internet. Finally the cause will be summarized as the unsafety and jealousy of one girl and the twisted loyalty of members within her clique. Underneath the confident exterior (外表) of a female bully lie desperate unsafety.

【1】The example of Emma Tracey is given to show .

A.popular youth are not easy to become the target of bullying

B.today’s youth don’t like to study any more

C.suicide is a serious problem among youth

D.cyberbullying is quite common among teenagers

【2】The bullying will quickly go to cyberbullying mainly because .

A.it’s free to post comments online

B.the bullies don’t have to give their names online

C.it will not attract much attention

D.it will not affect their real life

【3】Which of the following is NOT the cause of bullying?

A.Lack of safety.

B.The twisted loyalty of members within a clique.

C.Jealousy of others.

D.Trying to be friendly.

【4】We can infer from the last paragraph that a female bully_______ .

A.has strong self-confidence

B.has strong leadership skills

C.is actually weak inside

D.is usually good at study

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