
Teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet, a new study shows. It is not clear, researchers say, whether television itself is the reason, but it is possible that things like snacking in front of the TV or seeing ads for junk food influence young people’s diets.

The study included nearly 1,400 high school students. It showed that those who watched TV for five hours or more every day had less healthy diets than other students five years later. As a group, they ate fewer fruits and vegetables, but ate more fast food, snack products and fried foods.

“We’re not able to tell why,” lead researcher Dr. Daheia J. Barr-Anderson said. “But we have some speculation(推测).” People who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers, may have more snacks. It may influence their long-term diet quality. It’s also possible that TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks make teenagers eat more of those foods. TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.

The researchers found a clear relationship between TV time during high school and diet quality of the young. The heaviest TV viewers ate the most junk food five years later, and those who’d watched fewer than two hours every day had the most fruits and vegetables.

According to Barr-Anderson, the findings support experts’ advice that children should watch no more than two hours of television every day. “Parents should cut the TV time.” Barr-Anderson said. She advised that parents set a good example by eating right, being physically active and controlling their own TV time.

1.Is it clear that television is the reason for young people’s poor diet?

(no more than 3word)

(2 marks)

2.What kind of TV ads will makes teenagers eat more unhealthy food?

(no more than 10 words)

(2 marks)                                                             

3.According to Barr-Anderson, what should parents do to set a good example for their children? (no  more    than    15  words)                                                   (3 marks)                                                                                                                                               

4.What is the passage mainly about?  (no more than 10 words)            

(3 marks)





2.TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks

3.They should eat right, be physically active and control their own TV time.

4.The relationship between TV time and diet quality.



1.细节题:从第一段的句子:It is not clear, researchers say, whether television itself is the reason, 可知答案是No

2.细节题;从第二段的句子:As a group, they ate fewer fruits and vegetables, but ate more fast food, snack products and fried foods.可知答案是 TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks

3.从文章的最后一句话:She advised that parents set a good example by eating right, being physically active and controlling their own TV time.

可知是要求父母:They should eat right, be physically active and control their own TV time.

4.主旨题:文章的主题是看电视时间和饮食质量的关系:The relationship between TV time and diet quality.





Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They believe that their family members, especially their parents.Don’t know them as well as their friends do.In large families.it is often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice.
It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or many friends.Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone.This communication is very important in children’s growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members.
However, parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them.Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of “choice” is an interesting one.Have you ever thought of the following questions?
Who choose your friends?
Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?
Have you got good friend your parents don’t like?
【小题1】Many teenagers think their            know them better than their parents do.

A.friendsB.teachersC.brothers and sistersD.classmates
【小题2】When teenagers stay alone,the usual way of communication is to              ,
A.go to their friends.
B.talk with their parents
C.have a d discussion with their family
D.talk with their friends on the phone
【小题3】The passage suggests(暗示)that         
A.Parents cannot choose friends for their children successfully.
B.Perhaps some children’s friends are chosen by their parents.
C.Children won’t let their parents choose friends for them.
D.Parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them.

 Which comes first, happiness or money? Are richer people happier? And if so, how do people get much richer? A recent study could tell you the answer.

The study looked into thousands of teenagers and found that those who felt better about life as young adults tended to have higher incomes by the time they turned 29. Those who were happiest earned an average of $8,000 more than those who were the most depressed.

The researchers, from University College London and the University of Warwick, say that very gloomy teens, no matter how tall or smart they were, earned 10% less than their peers, while the happier ones earned up to 30% more.

Happier teenagers have an easier time getting through school, college and a job interview, chiefly because they always feel better about life. It may also be true that happier people find it easier to make friends, who are often the key to homework help or networking.

A report in June suggested that professional respect was more important than dollars in terms of workplace happiness. In August scientists announced that they had found the gene for happiness in women, Alas (the same gene doesn’t appear to have the same effect on men). And in October researchers in the UK and in the US announced that people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day report being the happiest.

The big question is: if it really is true that happier kids end up being wealthier kids, is it necessary for parents to get their kids to do the homework? The fact is that no homework will make kids happy but surely hurt their grades. Studies do show, after all, that more education leads to better-paid jobs, which may give us a deep thought.

“These findings show that the teenagers’ happiness is important to their future success,” one of the report’s authors writes. “But what is the most important is that we should find a way to help children gain more satisfaction from doing schoolwork.”

1.What conclusion can the researchers draw from the recent study?

A. Happy teenagers grow up to be wealthier.

B. Money can make people become happier.

C. Wealth has nothing to do with happiness at all.

D. Schoolwork can help teens achieve success.

2.The main reason why happier people have more chances to succeed is that ________.

A. they are easy to communicate with others

B. they are good at doing their schoolwork

C. they are hopeful and optimistic about their life

D. they eat much more fruit and vegetables a day

3.The underlined word “gloomy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A. upset          B. glorious          C. happy           D. wealthy

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. The way to educate kids.             B. The source of happiness.

C. How to achieve your goal.            D. The secret of being wealthier.


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