
"But Ijust paid 1.69 for this bottle of wine last week.How is it that the price is 2.25?"

There are at least three things going on that have caused the price of wine to rise.All haveto do with the supply and demand factors of economics.

    The first factor is that people are drinking more wine than ever before.This demand formore wine has increased wine sales in America at the rate of 15 percent a year.

    The second factor is that the supply of wine has stayed relatively the same, which meansthat the same number of bottles is produced each year.Wine producers are trying to open upnew land to grow more grapes.But in at least three wine producing areas of the world-France,Germany, and California --- new vineyards (葡萄园)will not be useable in the near future.Wines are produced in other countries, such as Italy, Spain, and Portugal, as well as Argentine,Australia, Austria, and Chile.And these wines will be seen more often on the American market.But none of these countries will be able to fill the good wines.

    The third factor is that costs of wine production are soaring.The workers who make wine are asking for more money, and the machinery needed to press the grapes is becoming more expensive.

    When the demand for something is greater than the supply, prices go up.When productioncosts, meaning the price of labor and machinery rise, the producer adds this increase to the price of the wine.For these reasons, that bottle of wine now costs 2.25 instead of 1.69.

What is the main idea of this passage?

        A.Every year people drink more wine.

        B.Countries won't be able to fill the demand for good wines.

        C.The prices of things go up when the demand for them is greater than the supply.

        D.The supply of wine will always be less than demand.

This passage is written to .

    A.describe where wine is produced 

    B.persuade people drink more beer

        C.explain why the price of wine is rising

        D.describe why wine is a favorite drink to many Americans

The underlined word "soaring" means"   .

    A.adding quickly       B.reducing fast   

    C.demanding badly D.increasing fast




Embroidering (刺绣)

When I was a little boy living in New York, my mother used to embroider a great deal. I would sit at her knee and look up from the    36    and ask what she was doing. She    37   me that she was embroidering. I told her that it looked like a mess from where I was. As from the underside I watched her work within the    38   of the little round hoop(铁环)that she held in her hand, I complained to her that it sure looked    39    from where I sat.

    She would smile at me, look down and   40    say, "My son, you go about your    41    for a while, and when I am finished with my embroidering, I will put you on my    42    and let you see it from my side."

I would wonder why she was using some dark threads along with the    43    ones and why they seemed so jumbled(混乱的)from my   44   . A few minutes would pass and then I would hear Mother's voice say, " Son, come and sit on my knee." This I did only to be  surprised and    45  to see a beautiful flower or a sunset. I could not    46   it, because from underneath it looked so messy.

   Then mother would    47   to me, "My son, from underneath it did look messy and jumbled, but you did not realize that there was a   48   plan on the top. It was a    49   . I was only following it. Now look at it from my side    50    you will see what I was doing."

   Many    51    through the years, I have    52    up to my Heavenly Father and said, “ Father, what are You doing? ” He    53   , “ I am embroidering your    54   . ” I say, " But it looks like a mess to me. It seems so jumbled. The threads seem so dark. Why can't they all be bright ? " The Father seems to tell me, " My child, you go about your business of doing My business, and one day I will bring you to    55    and put you on my knee and you will see the plan from My side. "

1.A. floor                   B. corner          C. ceiling                       D. step

2.A. demanded       B. blamed                 C. persuaded        D. informed

3.A. decorate              B. boundaries        C. picture           D. surface

4.A. messy                  B. dirty              C. shabby            D. tight

5.A. smartly                 B. cautiously       C. gently             D. precisely

6.A. complaining            B. playing                        C. embroidering              D. imagining

7.A. back           B. chair             C. knee             D. table

8.A. white          B. black                       C. bright            D. shining

9.A. eyes                   B. opinion           C. heart           D .view

10.A. hopeful      B. thrilled                       C. expecting           D. enthusiastic

11.A. believe         B. consider              C. see                   D. touch

12.A. talk            B. mention              C. say                           D. whisper

13.A. pre-drawn      B. previewed         C. preserved                   D. produced

14.A. direction        B. line                 C. diagram                      D. design

15.A. or             B. and                    C. until                         D. unless

16.A. times                  B. days              C. seasons                   D. chances

17.A. climbed               B. jumped                   C. shouted                      D. looked

18.A. required             B. answered          C. instructed               D. concluded

19.A. decision       B. fortune          C. life                      D. business

20.A. home                 B. mother                   C. America                     D. Heaven



 depend        important   similar    contribute     mean      

pronunciation   differ      strength   end up        attend

We can see the 1) __________ between American English British English but they are different sometimes. Many students want to know about the 2) __________ between American English and British English.

At first the language in Britain and America was the same. In 1776 America became a (an) 3) __________ country. After that, the language slowly began to change. For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language in England changed. For example, 300 years ago the English talked about "fall".

Today, most British people talk about "autumn", but Americans still talk abut "fall". In the same way Americans still use the expression "I guess" 4) __________ "I think", just as the British did 300 years ago.

At the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages, 5) __________ with different words. For example, the British took "typhoon" from Chinese, while the Americans took "tornado" from Spanish.

In 1828 Noah Webster published the first American dictionary. He wanted to make American English different from British English, so he changed the spelling of many words. That’s why the words "colour", "centre" and "traveller" are spelt "color", "center" and "traveler" in American English. Except for spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English.

They are also different in the spoken language. For example, Americans say dance /dæns/, and in southern England they say /dɑ?ns/. In America they 6) p__________ not /nɑt/; in southern England they say /n?t/. However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any trouble in understanding each other.



  What is language for? Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words—the longer the lists,the better. That's wrong. Language is for the exchange(交流)of ideas and information. It's meaningless knowing all about a language if you can't use it freely. Many students I have met know hundreds of grammar rules, but they can't speak correctly or fluently. They are afraid of making mistakes. One shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language. Native speakers make mistakes and break rules, too. Bernard saw once wrote, "Foreigners often speak English too correctly." But the mistakes that native speakers make are different from those that Chinese students make. They're English mistakes in the English language. And if enough native speakers break a rule, it is no longer a rule. What used to be wrong becomes right. People not only make history, they make language. But a people can only make its own language. It can't make another people's language. So Chinese students of English should pay attention to grammar, but they shouldn't overdo(做过头)it. They should put communication first. 

1.Language is used to ________.

A. express oneself           B. practice grammar rules

B. talk with foreigners only    D. learn lists of words

2.Generally, when an American or an Englishman speaks English, he ________.

A. never makes mistakes           B. often makes mistakes

C. can't avoid making mistakes      D. always makes mistakes

3."Foreigners often speak English too correctly. "This sentence means that ________.

A. foreigners speak correct English

B. foreigners speak incorrect English

C. foreigners speak English according to the grammar rules

D. foreigners never make mistakes when they speak English

4.If too many native speakers break a rule, ________.

A. what they use will become right  B. they are against the law

C. they should say sorry to others  D. they will become heroes

5.When we speak a foreign language, we should ________.

A. speak in Chinese way       B. speak by the rules

C. speak to native speakers   D. not be afraid of making mistakes


"It's this time of year when the weather starts warming up and frogs start breeding - but they haven't been breeding," says John Wilkinson, research and monitoring officer at the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC).

Amphibians (两栖动物) are just one of the groups of animals that nature observers fear may have problems reproducing this year, as groundwater levels are even lower now than in the infamously dry summer of 1976, according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). According to the UK's Centre for Hydrology and Ecology the average rainfall so far this winter has been the lowest since 1972.

"If ponds dry up totally," says Mr. Wilkinson, "you could have lots of dead tadpoles." Drier and windier conditions could also make it more difficult for juvenile amphibians to survive their journeys between wet habitats.

But Peter Brotherton, the biodiversity manager for Natural England, says that "drought is part of nature's cycle", and, at present, a lot of animals, plants and insects are still in hibernation. This means that the population picture is unclear. "However, when we get extreme events, we get animals dying," he says. "And what is worrying is that normally at this time of year we expect soil to be near saturation(湿润)after winter."

Charlie Kitchin, the RSPB's site manager of the Nene Washes in Cambridgeshire, says the 2,000-acre wetland and grassland area is now struggling following two winters with relatively little winter rain and no flooding. One species that could suffer, he says, is the black-tailed godwit(黑尾豫). "There are only 50 breeding pairs in the country, and we have 40 of them, and everything is bone-dry," Mr Kitchin says.

But one bad nesting season, he says, is "not the end of the world". "One of the features of flood plains is that they're volatile anyway," he adds. "But if they fail to breed another year, the population is likely to dip again."

1.According to the passage animals may have problems reproducing this year mainly due to _____.



C.windier conditions

D.extreme events

2.What really worries Peter Brotherton is that ________.

A.drought is part of nature’s cycle

B.animals are still in hibernation

C.soil at this time is far from saturation

D.the population of animals is still unclear

3.Which of the following is NOT true of Charlie Kitchin’s words?

A.Drought has so far continued for two winters.

B.Animals could survive one bad nesting season.

C.The black-tailed godwit is in danger of extinction.

D.40 black-tailed godwits live in the Nene Washes.

4.The underlined word volatile in the last paragraph can be replaced by ________.

A.losing water

B.undergoing changes

C.breeding animals

D.suffering flood

5.It can be learnt from the text that ______________.

A.groundwater levels this summer are lower than those of 1976

B.the average rainfall this year has been the lowest since 1972

C.windier conditions could also cause some amphibians’ death

D.flooding plays no useful role in wetlands and grasslands


Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, led the international team that did the study. Professor Worm says species have recently been disappearing from oceans at increasing speed. At this rate, he says, all seafood species could collapse by 2048 and seafood supplies from the world’s ocean could be almost gone by then.

Other studies have also warned about the dangers of overfishing and the effects on ocean environments. But not everyone thinks the oceans are likely to be empty in fifty years. Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems, but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations. Government officials in several countries with large fishing industries also questioned the research.

The study appeared earlier this month in Science magazine.

The researchers say damage to oceans affects not only fish populations but also the productivity of ecosystems. These complex systems help control water quality. The scientists say the loss of different kinds of sea life appeared to increase the risk of fish kills and beach closures from harmful algae growth.

The scientists examined the results of thirty-two experiments and observed forty-eight protected areas. They also looked at records of catches worldwide. They studied records from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for nineteen fifty to two thousand three. And they examined archeological information and other historical records for twelve coastal areas. That research reached back over a thousand years.

Boris Worm says the findings were, in his words, "beyond anything we suspected." But he also said the situation is not too late to correct. He said that with good fisheries management, some species could completely recover in three to ten years.

1.Which of the following isn’t the damage to the ocean?    

A. The species of fish in the ocean are reducing.

B. Sea water is polluted.

C. Sea water quality is improved.

D. Less productivity of ecosystem.

2.The conclusion of the research led by Boris Worm is _________. 

A. unbearable               B. unbelievable

C. doubtful                 D. Convincing

3.The research led by Boris Worm _________.          

A. was conducted by scientists from Canada

B. referred to information of many countries

C. lasted from 1950 to 2003

D. referred to records dating back to over 1,000 years ago.  

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?      

A. It’s too late to take action to improve the situation.

B. Some species will recover with efforts.

C. Boris Worm hopes that people take the warning serious.

D. Boris Worm shows great concern about ecosystem.


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