Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

This year’s Cannes Film Festival threw actress Fan Bingbing into the international spotlight–  thanks to her performance on the red carpet, not on the big screen. 36   a string of fancy dresses may have impressed many, the film featuring her -– director Wang Xiaoshuai’s Chongqing Blues–failed to take home an award.

Chongqing Blues, based on a real story, is about a captain and  37  (Wang Xueqi) who has been    38    with work __39___ neglects his family.When he learns that his son was killed by police because of a kidnapping, he goes   40   from Rizhao to Chongqing to discover the truth, while reflecting on his own faults during the trip.

In the judges’ eyes,   41  , the film was just not artsy enough.In an interview with after the award presentation, Wang Xiaoshuai admitted that the main reason why the film  42  was because it was a bit too commercial for the judges.“Yes, it’s a pity.But a film can’t just fulfill a director’s ambition.It should also  43   a market, and keep the investors’ needs  44  , ” Wang said.“So, we had to add some commercial elements into this film.”

Wang Xiaoshuai and the main actors   45   Wang Xueqi and Fan Bingbing in this film, have got a modest attitude.“We didn’t   46   too much when we came,” said Fan in a press conference.“This time we’ve   47   great communication with filmmakers around the world–that’s what we came here for.”

A.While         B.When          C.Because      D.For

A.father             B.mother        C.teacher

A.angry            B.busy          C.familiar      D.popular

A.and              B.then                       D.or no way the way      C.all the way the way

A.meanwhile        B.fortunately           C.therefore     D.however

A.lost              B.succeeded           C.won         D.missed

A.take to           B.take on             C.appeal to     D.apply for

A.out of mind mind            C.never mind mind     C.such that that

A.expect          B.think               C.hope          D.wish

A.made           B.founded             C.built                D.established

Mr Reese was born in a big city. His father had several companies and got a lot of money. He could give his son all the young man wanted. He was busy with his business and never asked him how he got along with his studies. So the boy spent most time in the restaurants or cinemas. Of course he was weak at his lessons and learned nothing at school. He made many friends but none of them was good and when they knew he came from a rich family, they began to teach him to gamble(赌博). Of course he lost much money.

Now Mr Reese was twenty and finished middle school. He could not do anything. But his father didn't mind it until one day he found the young man had sold one of his companies. He became so angry that he made him leave his house. The young man couldn't gamble any longer. His friends made him pay his debt. He had to ask his mother to help him and the woman often gave him some money. But one evening his father happened to find it. The old man stopped his wife from doing so. They began to fight in the room. The young man brought out a knife and killed his father. His mother helped him to run away, but soon after that he was caught and sentenced(判刑)to death.

It was a cold and wet day. Suddenly it began to rain hard when Mr Reese was being sent to the execution ground(刑场). Soon both he and the soldiers were wet through. He said angrily, “Bad luck! I shall be shot in such bad weather!”

“Don't complain(抱怨), brother, ”said one of the soldiers. ‘You're luckier than us all. We'll have to go back to the city after that!”

68. Old Reese never wanted to know about his son's studies because ____.  

A. he was sure his son was good at his lessons   B. he spent all his energies on his business

C. he knew nothing about the education        D. his wife looked after their children

69. The bad young men taught Young Reese to gamble in order ____.    

A. to play with him

B. to spend spare time

C. that the could get much money from him

D. that they could find jobs in his father's companies

70. Old Reese became angry because ____.      

A. his son had learned nothing at school.          B. his son was weak at all his lessons

C. his son couldn't do anything in the companies    D. his son had lost one of his companies

71. Mr Reese complained ____.  

A. he was sentenced to death               B. he would be shot

C. he went to the execution ground on foot    D. he would be shot in bad weather

II. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)
A proud father has named his son after a computer software term. Jon Blake Cusack, from Michigan, told local newspapers the US traditional way of adding “Junior” after a boy’s name was too   21  .
So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name Jon Blake Cusack 2.0, as if he were a __22__ upgrade. Mr. Cusack admitted that it took months to   23   his wife, Jamie, to accept the idea. Mrs. Cusack said she asked several friends whether they can accept this name or not. All the men, she said, felt the name was __24   . However, her women friends did not think so. “I think the women ___25__ like it,” she said.
Mr. Cusack told the local newspaper he got the   26   from a film called The Legend of l900, in which an abandoned baby is given the name 1900 to remember the year of its   27  . “I thought if they could do this. Why can’t we?” After little Jon 2.0 was born, Mr. Cusack even sent a celebratory e-mail to the family and friends designed to look as if he and his wife had   28   a new software.
“I wrote things like there are a lot of new features from Version 1.0 with   29   features from Jamie”, he said. And he is already planning for his son’s future. “If he has a   30  , he could name it 3.0,” he said.
21. A. ordinary                B. usual                  C. normal                    D. common
22. A. software                    B. program                  C. machine                   D. computer
23. A. advise                B. suggest           C. persuade                  D. ask
24. A. cool                          B. bad                   C. out-of-date           D. strange
25. A. take up                     B. add up                        C. end up                     D. get up
26. A. plan                      B. opinion             C. thought                 D. idea
27. A. growth               B. birth               C. name                   D. time
28. A. created              B. founded               C. discovered                  D. found
29. A. newer                B. common            C. additional            D. scarce
30. A. son                        B. child                    C. friend                   D. daughter

Mozart was one of the greatest composers who ever lived. He was born in Salzburg,
Austria, in 1756. Even when he was very young, Mozart loved music. His father, who was the leader of an orchestra, was very happy that his son was so interested in music. When Mozart was three years old, he learned to play the harpsichord, which is a kind of piano. Mozart began to compose music at the age of five, and his father took him to play in front of the kings and queens of Europe.
At one concert, one of the violinists was missing from the orchestra. Mozart picked up a violin and played the music without a mistake. Mozart’s father and the other players in the orchestra were surprised. Mozart had never been taught to play the violin! Mozart continued travelling around Europe with his father, who was his teacher in everything. He composed many pieces for the piano, the violin, and later for full orchestra.
Mozart could write down a piece of music even if he had heard it only once. One day, he went to hear a group of people singing in a big church in Rome. The song was very special. The church leader said that people could sing the song only once a year, and only in his church. No one else was allowed to have the music. Mozart listened to the song. Although it was very difficult and long, Mozart went back home and wrote down the whole piece from memory. The head of the church heard about this, and instead of being angry with Mozart, he gave him a prize.
When Mozart grew up, people were not so interested in him. He worked as a teacher and pianist, but he did not make much money. In 1791, at the age of 35, he died. He was so poor that there was not enough money for him to have a proper grave. No one knows where he is buried.
43. The story is mainly about ____.
A. Mozart and his music
B. a leader of an orchestra
C. the life of a great composer
D. the head of a church in Rome.
44. Mozart’s father helped Mozart a lot by ____.
A. teaching him about music
B. giving him a violin to play with
C. sending him to a music school
D. giving him a lot of money
45. When Mozart was only three years old, he ____.
A. went to Rome  B. began to sing  C. began to compose music  D. played the harpsichord.
46. Mozart had a very good _____.
A. violin   B. grave   C. memory   D. orchestra
47. Although Mozart was one of the world’s greatest composer, ____.
A. he died poor   B. he did not teach anyone.
C. he did not know many famous people
D. he couldn’t play the piano or violin

An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old son. Suddenly a crow(乌鸦) landed on their window.

   The father asked his son, “What is that?”

   The son replied, “That is a crow.”

   After a few minutes, the father asked his son for the second time, “What is that?”

   The son said, “Father, I told you just now. It is a crow.”

After a little while, the father asked his son the same question for the third time, “What is this?”

This time his son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? I have told you already. ‘IT IS A CROW.’ Are you not able to understand this?”

A minute later the father went to his room and came back with a diary, which he had kept since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page:

Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow suddenly landed on the window edge. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied him 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question. I did not at all feel angry, but instead felt affection for my son.

If you parents reach old age, do not look at them as a burden, but speak to them gently, and be kind to them. From today say this aloud, “I want to see my parents happy forever. They have cared for me ever since I was a little child. They have always showered me with love. I will take care of my old parents in the BEST way no matter how they behave.”


 The writer mainly intends to ______.

   A. tell us the function of a diary      B. call on us to love our parents

   C. teach us what a crow is               D. introduce a pair of son and father


 According to the passage, the son felt _____ when his father kept asking the same question.

A. puzzled             B. angry             C. grateful            D. surprised


 We can know that the father wrote this diary at the age of ______.

   A. eighty             B. forty-give          C. thirty-eight         D. thirty-five


 The old man brought out the diary, which he had kept since his son was born, because ___.

   A. he forgot what had happened        B. he would like his son to read it

   C. it could remind himself of the past    D. he wanted to find what a crow was in his diary


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