


1. 同学们对开设烹饪课看法各异;

2. 你持赞成态度及其理由(两点);

3. 你对开设烹饪课的建议(一条)。

注意:1. 词数120字左右。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不能出现你和学校的真实名字

【答案】Recentlyour school is planning to offer us a cooking course as one of the after — school activities. Towards thisstudents have different attitudes.

In my opinionthe cooking course can be beneficial and enjoyable. By attending itwe can learn a very useful living skill to help ourselves not only live independently but also take care of our families. Besidestaking this course is a way to reduce our study pressure and enrich our after—school life.

To make this course a great successI'd like to make a suggestion here. I think it would be ideal if the teachers tell us how to cook safely in order not to get hurt while practicing cooking.

Actuallythe idea of providing the cooking course for students is very creative and I'm really looking forward to it! (134 words)

【解析】文章使用了时态应用使用得当,足见作者语言功底。文中使用了if引导的主语从句,taking短语做主语,不定式作目的状语、宾补、宾语等;高级短语 in order not toreduce pressure等;还有actuallyin my opinionbeneficial等的灵活运用等给文章增色不少。


【题目】The ancient city is in Pingyao county, Shanxi Province. The city wall was first built during the Zhou Dynasty. Since 1997, it has been listed as a World Heritage Site. Now Pingyao city is the only one in China completely protected as it was hundreds of years ago.

The perimeter(周长) of this square city is 6.4km long and the city wall is the earliest and largest city wall in China. It is 12 m high with width of 5 m. The wall was built with earth and covered with bricks. Outside the city wall there is a river, 4 m wide and 4 m deep.

There are several gates of the city, two each on the east and west and one each on the south and north side. All the gates have two doors each. This has given the city the name Turtle City with the two gates on the south and north standing for the head and tail of the turtle and four gates on the east and west as the four legs. The doors on the south and north stand opposite each other, like the head of the turtle extending out and two wells just beyond southern gate are like a turtle’s two eyes.

Located on the trade route between Beijing and Xi’an, Pingyao developed into a merchant center where the local people set up the nation’s earliest banks. These banks were the first in China to use checks.

Several old courtyards have been turned into museums, most of which were homes and offices of Pingyao’s old banks. One of the most unusual aspects of a visit here is realizing that this place was very important to China’s financial(金融的) history.

【1】 What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The ancient city—Pingyao.

B. China’s ancient financial center—Pingyao.

C. The city wall of Pingyao.

D. The museums in Pingyao.

【2】How many gates are there in Pingyao city?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

【3】Which gate in Pingyao city stands for the head of the turtle?

A. The gate on the north.

B. The gate on the south.

C. The gate on the east.

D. The gate on the west.

【4】 It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that__________.

A. Pingyao city played an important role in ancient China’s finance.

B. museums in Pingyao city are now used for bank offices.

C. Pingyao city was one of the largest cities in ancient China.

D. old banks in ancient Pingyao city used checks only.

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