
根据对话情景和内容, 从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两项是多余项。(E=A+B; F=A+C; G=A+D)

The wonderful weekend is coming! We’ve been working hard at our lessons for a whole week? 1.?

Great idea! What do you suggest?

2.?? I hear Merchant of Venice is on at the People’s Theater.?

—Really? Why not????

(Searching on the Internet)Ohdear me! There’s no performance at the People’s Theater this weekendBut we can choose to go to the cinema instead.???

3. ?

Let me see…UmPride and PrejudiceWe have several cinemas to choose from at will.

---That sounds wonderfulThe nearer, the better.

Ah, The RoyalI think.???

—What time does the film start????

—Why don’t we go to the 1830 show?? 4.?

—But I am afraid we won’t have enough time for dinner.???

Do you want to go to the earlier or the later show????

——Ah... 5.??

ThenThere’s the 2030 show.???

That’s okayI think.???

AHow about seeing a play????

BWhatdo you think of a basketball match????

CWhat’s on????

DSo why don’t we take it easy this weekend????

EI want to go to the earlier show.???

FIt is convenient for us, I think

GI fancy going to the later one









1.D 根据后句说Good idea.表明此空为提建议,而且是周末的建议,所以选D、周末为什么不放松一下呢?

2.A 后面提到戏剧《威尼斯商人》,所以建议去看戏剧。所以选A、看戏剧怎么样啊?

3.C 根据后面说“让我看看……”,所以此句问C、演什么啊?

4.F 提建议说要看18:30的电影,补充说F、我觉得这时间方便。

5.G 对方询问“你想看早场还是晚场?”所以选G、我喜欢看晚场。


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