Not too long ago, an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatly. A guest___36___ out of our Polynesian Village resort(度假胜地)at Walt Disney was asked how she ___37___ her visit. She told the front-desk clerk she had had a (n) ___38___ vacation, but was heartbroken about ___39___ several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet ___40___. At that moment she was particularly ___41___ over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, 42___ this was a memory she especially treasured.

Now, please understand that we have no written service rules___43___ lost photos in the park. 44___, the clerk at the front desk___45___ Disney’s idea of caring for our ___46___. She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of ___47___ film, promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian Luau.

Two weeks later the guest received a ___48___at her home. In it were photos of all the actors of our show, 49___ signed by each performer. There were also ___50___ of the public procession(游行队伍)and fireworks in the park, taken by the front-desk clerk in her own ___51___ after work. I happened to know this ___52___ because this guest wrote us a letter. She said that ___53___ in her life had she received such good service from any business.

Excellent ___54___ does not come from policy (政策性的)handbooks. It comes from people who ___55___ —and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude.

36. A. working       B. checking    C. trying D. staying

37. A. expected      B. realized      C. paid    D. enjoyed

38. A. disappointing      B. wonderful  C. uncomfortable   D. important

39. A. taking   B. dropping    C. losing D. breaking

40. A. developed    B. taken  C. washed       D. loaded

41. A. silly     B. nervous      C. calm   D. sad

42. A. when    B. where C. as       D. which

43. A. covering      B. finding       C. making      D. keeping

44. A. Excitedly     B. Fortunately C. Therefore   D. Quietly

45. A. understood   B. reminded    C. trusted       D. discovered

46. A. workers       B. guests C. managers    D. clerks

47. A. printed B. shot    C. unused       D. recorded

48. A. film     B. card    C. camera       D. packet

49. A. frequently    B. personally  C. alone  D. actually

50. A. rules     B. pictures      C. handbooks  D. performances

51. A. case      B. work   C. time    D. position

52. A. story    B. place   C. photo  D. show

53. A. only     B. almost C. never  D. nearly

54. A. advice  B. experience  C. quality       D. service

55. A. care      B. serve   C. like     D. know

Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Most Chinese hotels often provide guests with things like disposable (一次性的) toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and slippers. Many guests like the idea because they don't have to bring their own. But, if you travel to Beijing, remember to bring your own things. Starting from June, some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables. They want to ask people to use less disposable things.
Many disposable things are made of plastic(塑料). People throw them away after only using them once. It is a waste of natural resources and is very bad for the environment. Do you know, one Chinese person makes as much as 400kg of waste a year! Most of that waste comes from disposable things. In Beijing, people throw away about 19,000 tons of plastic bags and 1,320 tons of plastic lunch bowls every year! Plastic can take between 100 and 400 years to break down. So the less plastic we throw out, the better. So, wherever you travel, bring your own things and use them again and again.
Back at home and school, you can also do something to make our world a better place. Try to do these things in your daily life:
Use cloth shopping bags, not plastic ones.
After using a plastic bag, wash it out and let it dry. Then you can use it over and over again.
Do not use paper cups. At your school canteen(食堂), use your own bowl and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.
【小题1】Why do many hotels provide guests with some disposable things?

A.Let their guests be convenient during their travelling.
B.Hope their guests use less disposable things.
C.Wish their guests to save money.
D.Want their guests to use more disposable things.
【小题2】Some Beijing hotels will no longer provide guests with ____. food and drink B.disposable things
C.good service TV programs
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Many disposable things are made of plastic.
B.Throwing disposable things away is a waste of natural resources.
C.Plastic is very bad for the environment.
D.Plastic breaks down easily.
【小题4】What can we do to make our world a better place at home and school?
A.Use shopping bags made of plastic.
B.Do not throw away paper cups.
C.Use disposable plates, bowls and chopsticks.
D.Do not forget to reuse daily necessities(日用品).
【小题5】We can tell from the story that ____.
A.people don't like disposable things at all
B.we can't use paper or plastic bowls at school
C.we should use less plastic things and protect our environment won't provide disposable things because they want to save money

Hilton Shanghai, the city's first international hotel, has been recognized as a top business hotel in Shanghai for its convenient location and outstanding facilities for more than 20 years.

However, the hotel's newly appointed general manager Gerd Knaust says it is the people that make the hotel successful.

More than 380 employees have been working with the hotel for more than 15 years. Some of them have personal relationships with customers.

''It's a people-relation business,'' Knaust says. ''They really tell me about the stories in the last 15 years. It's something very nice to listen to. It's also a lasting memory for the guests.''

In fact, over the years, some of the guests have stayed in the hotel 200 or even 300 times.

Knaust, who has been working in the hospitality industry for more than 30 years, started his career as a chef in Germany. During his early 30s, Knaust already moved to the top in the culinary (烹调的) field as director of kitchen of Hyatt Regency Cologne in Germany.

After holding several general manager positions in Mandarin Oriental hotels, Knaust joined Hilton International as the general manager to open the Conrad and Doubletree by Hilton at Haitang Bay, Sanya in 2010.

When he was appointed as the general manager of Hilton Shanghai in November, he not only was heavily involved in recruitment, sales and marketing strategies but also he worked closely with the food and beverage team to develop the hotel's restaurant concepts and menus.

''I believe that we should offer quality and healthy food.'' he says.

Knaust believes that a hotel must value the customers' comments on Ctrip, Trip Advisor and other platforms, etc.

''It keeps us more on guard to be 100 percent professional,'' he says.

1.Why do business travelers choose Hilton Shanghai?

A.Because of its location, facilities and good service.

B.Because it is in Shanghai.

C.Because its general manager is excellent.

D.Because some customers are the staff’s relatives.

2.From the passage we know ______ .

A.Hilton Shanghai is the first international hotel in China

B.Gerd Knaust thinks that the staff is the most important in making the hotel successful

C.Gerd Knaust has worked in Hilton Shanghai for more than 20 years

D.most of the employees in Hilton Shanghai have personal relationships with customers

3.Knaust joined Hilton International as the general manager to ______.

A.start his career as chef involved in recruitment the Conrad and Doubletree

D.develop the hotel’s restaurant concepts and menus

4.Trip Advisor in the last paragraph but one is likely to be______.

A.a person who can give you some advice about trip

B.a place where you can have a good trip organization which can give you some advice

D.a website where travelers can leave their advice

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.First international hotel in Shanghai.         B.How to manage a hotel well.

C.Knaust's management idea.                D.Knaust's life story.



Vince, Jason, Rosa, Danny和Donna各自打算参加学校的一个俱乐部。阅读第71~75题中的个人情况说明和A到F六个俱乐部介绍,选出特合各人个性特征的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1. As a freshman in university, Vince enjoys a lot of spare time. But unlike some of his classmates who waste the time on sleep and computer games, he wants to make his spare time more colorful. He will use the first year to travel around to broaden his horizon.

2. Having traveled a lot, Jason realized the need to keep the beautiful scenery forever in his mind. So he saved money and bought a camera. Now all he needs is the skill to catch the breathtaking moment.

3. Smart and adorable, Rosa is a popular singer in her university. Besides, like an English-majored student, she speaks fluent and beautiful English. It always comes to her mind why not put singing and English together, it will be a perfect way to learn and entertain.

4. Everyone has a dream, so does Danny. He dreamed of becoming a diplomat(外交官) since childhood. So he likes to read the books concerning politics, economy and foreign affairs. His classmates thus gave him the nickname "Mr. Know Everything".

5. Donna spent her childhood mostly in her father's study, where she did a lot of readings about Chinese classical literatures. Now as a college student, she thinks she should make full use of her free time to read as many literary books as possible.

A.Siyuan Club It was founded in September, 2007. Our club is aimed at bringing students into traditional Chinese culture and classical literature. We have had some outings for visiting cultural relics and watched art movies related to Eastern and Western ancient cultures. All these activities can build a good link between Chinese and Western cultures.

B.View Forum This club aims to explore students' global view in politics and enable students to think logically and critically by looking at and discussing current events. There are 12 members and 4 meetings have been held on the discussion of several different topics. Students are encouraged to focus on the happenings in the world and build their own opinions.

C.Mathematics Club It is an academically-oriented club organized by students who are interested in mathematics, who are strong or even weak at mathematics. It is like an extended stage to continuously study mathematics outside the classroom. There are about 45 club members arranging regular team work, collecting updated exercises for extra practice, organizing lecture notes for revision and recruiting new members.

D.Photographic Club It was established by a group of shutterbugs with the purpose of promoting an interest in photography. Students can learn how to take and edit photos using professional software and have the opportunities to exhibit their works. Also the members are required to take pictures in all the university affairs.

E. Youth Club     It was founded in October, 2006. It is aimed at making students' spare time more colorful. Our club mainly organizes trips for both individuals and organizations and all our activities are based on investigation in order to give good service to students.

F. Harmony Club     Established in November 2007, this club is to teach traditional English song; and deliver English culture and music. One reason why it is so popular is that it often invites famous musicians to give coaching lessons here. You are welcome to join it.


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