
Should students do the grading?

The Supreme Court says the practice doesn’t violate(侵犯) a student’s right to privacy, but is it right for students to grade one another?

Walter Potenza, California

The Supreme Court was absolutely correct to say it’s OK for students to grade one another’s homework, quizzes, and tests: in fact, it’s a great idea.

By grading one another’s papers and seeing the problems their classmates have, students double their exposure(暴露) to the troubles that they may meet on future exams and tests. Grading one another’s papers may be one of the best ways for students to reinforce within themselves the ways to master the most difficult parts of what they are learning.

Teachers are underappreciated and underpaid for the number of hours they have to work to be able to teach really well. Grading all their students’ papers can take hours. Some of that time and energy can be saved by spending a few minutes in class, while providing an extremely valuable learning experience.

I understand that some individuals are sensitive to their classmates seeing their work or grades. Any good teacher would be considerate of students who don’t want their classmates to grade their assignments.

Winston Smith, North Carolina

A girl moves back as her classmate announces her failing test grade and hands her the paper. The quiet classroom heats up.

With the increase in student grading over the past few years, scenes like this have become a bitter reality in schools across the nation. Teachers and schools should not advocate student grading and public announcement of grades because it provides a violation of privacy for students and causes unfair judgments and treatment by their classmates.

Since 1974, a law known as the Buckley Amendment has forbidden the release of education records in order to protect the privacy of students and their families. I strongly disagree with the Court’ s ruling that this law does not include student grading.

I can think of no greater violation of privacy than the exposure of one’s personal information to a group of peers(同龄人). This can be very embarrassing. Releasing this sort of personal information should be avoided, especially by institutions that seek to provide a supportive environment during essential years of human development.

1.The underlined word “reinforce” has the same meaning as “_________”.

A. change     B. imagine     C. strengthen       D. create

2.Walter Potenza suggests that ______________.

A. teachers should set aside some time to grade students’ papers

B. the Supreme Court should do more research on students grading

C. teachers should guide students on how to grade homework

D. teachers should be careful not to hurt those sensitive students

3.By mentioning the example of a girl, Winston Smith wants to ____________.

A. show her weak points

B. criticize the student grader

C. tell us she is not a good student

D. present the negative effect of student grading

4.What does Winston Smith seem to agree?

A. Student grading is not related to families’ privacy.

B. The Supreme Court should change its decision.

C. The Buckley Amendment doesn’t apply to student grading.

D. Student grading is OK, but not public announcement of grades.









试题分析:文章介绍了在学校里面老师让学生之间相互批改试卷引起了社会很大的关注,最高法院宣布,学生之间相互批改试卷并没有侵犯学生的隐私,也从正反两个反面论述了不同的观点,Walter Potenza, California支持让学生之间相互批改,并说出了其中的好处,而Winston Smith, North Carolina是反对这一做法的,说出了这一做法对学生的负面影响。

1.C词义推测题。Grading one another’s papers may be one of the best ways for students to reinforce within themselves the ways to master the most difficult parts of what they are learning.句意为:让学生去批改别人的试卷是让学生加强他们在课堂上学到的最困难的部分的最好方法。由此句可知reinforce的最佳理解是加强的意思,加强他们在课堂上学到的东西。change vt改变,改换;imagine vt想象,设想;create vt创作,创造。故答案应为C。

2.D细节理解题。A girl moves back as her classmate announces her failing test grade and hands her the paper. The quiet classroom heats up.句意为:一个女孩儿移到了后面,当她的同学宣布她的失败的分数,把她的试卷给她的时候,安静的教室沸腾了起来。在这种情况下,会伤到一个学生的自尊,所以是在建议老师应该注意这种情况不要去伤害那些很敏感的学生,故答案应为D。

3.D细节理解题。A girl moves back as her classmate announces her failing test grade and hands her the paper. The quiet classroom heats up. With the increase in student grading over the past few years, scenes like this have become a bitter reality in schools across the nation. Teachers and schools should not advocate student grading and public announcement of grades because it provides a violation of privacy for students and causes unfair judgments and treatment by their classmates.句意为:在过去的几年里,随着学生之间相互批改作业现象的增加,象这个小女孩的情况在全国的学校里已成了痛苦的现实,老师和学校不应该主张学生之间相互批改作业公布分数等。他认为这是很痛苦的事情,所以是在呈现这一现象的负面影响。故答案应为D。

4.B细节理解题。I strongly disagree with the Court’ s ruling that this law does not include student grading.句意为:我强烈的不同意,最高法院的这种关于学生评价的这种裁定,所以从此处是说他认为最高法院应该改变他们的决定。




We feel sad that 22 primary school stu-dents in Central China's Henan province were wounded by a villager with mental health problems wielding a knife on Friday, the same day as 20 children and seven adults in the United States were shot dead by a gunman in Connecticut. While the school shooting in the US brings forth the topic of gun control, the tragedy in China points to the necessity of tightening security in schools, those in rural areas in particular.

This tragedy took place in a rural primary school in Guangshan county and the preliminary investigation shows that the culprit with a knife in his hand entered the school without anyone stopping him, and then he hacked his way from the first floor of the school building to the third floor.

It would have been extremely difficult to stop the gunman who shot the students in Connecticut, but it should have been possible to stop the man from attacking the school children in Guangshan.

The culprit might not have been able to enter the school had there been security guards, who were responsible

enough to stop him and ask his identity. But unfortunately there was not even a janitor, never mind security guards, at the school gate at the time, according to reports.

It might have been possible to subdue the culprit had teachers come to the defense of the students. It was reported that some boys blocked the door of their classroom and the attacker failed to cause any harm to students in that classroom. But where were all the teachers?

The ministries of education and public security required that local governments must arrange security guards at nurseries and primary schools two years ago when a series of similar tragedies occurred at kindergartens.

Now there are security guards in most urban schools. But apparently this rural village school had no one to guard the students from intruders. Neither was there any preventive measure in place, say a janitor or an alarm system, in case any intruder broke into the school.

The school principal and even the county leader will receive disciplinary punishments. But will all the rural school principals and local government leaders be made to discuss all the safety hazards children may face at school and then adopt preventive measures in advance? We shouldn't wait until another tragedy occurs.

71. Why does the writer mention the criminal cases both in China and in the US?

A. Because the two criminals belong to the same organization.

B. Because the two criminal cases are both shocking

C. Because the writer can prove that it ’ s more dangerous to live in the US

D. Because the writer may show it ’ s common for children to be killed by criminals.

72. The underlined word “ subdue ” in Paragraph 5 is probably closest to “ ________ ”

A. control the actions of B. make gentle in effect

C. keep safe from harm D. stay away from

73. According to the last paragraph, the writer will probably agree to _________.

A. punish the county leader B. discuss safety hazards with children.

C. set up preventive measures. D. see and wait for another tragedy

74. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage ?

A. Improve School Security B. Control Guns and knives

C. Stop Killing Children, Criminals D. Please Protect Our Children

75. After similar tragedies occurred at kindergartens two years ago, ________.

A. most urban schools began to have security guards

B. ministries of education and public security sent security guards to schools

C. security guards left rural village school for urban schools

D. gunmen in Connecticut of the US were insp

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