

1.       The P__________ is the biggest ocean in the world.

2.       Dad did some research and had no d________________ in finding us cheap tickets.

3.       Learn from your failures and go on to the next ________________(挑战).

4.       My uncle led us to a small path ____________(远离) the main trails to increase our chances of seeing wildlife.

5.       The cause of the big fire still r______________(仍然) unknown.

6.       We are s______________(应当) to get to the railway station at six so as to catch the train.

7.       Our trip to Hainan was s_____________(糟蹋) by flight delay, bad weather and poor service.

8.       She lost the necklace borrowed from her friend, which u___________ her very much.

9.       Either she didn’t see me or she _____________(不理) me on purpose.

10.   It is nearly 40 years since they ______________(定居) in the small village.

11.   Terry was so tired that he couldn’t walk _______________(笔直).

12.   People present at the meeting ______________________(要求) to wear formal suits.

13.   The old lady is __________________________(受。。。折磨) a bad back.

14.   I am very ______________________(感激不尽) all those take the trouble to help me.

15.   As far as _______________________(依他看来), the film is worth seeing a second time.

16.   She always ___________________(不同意) him, for his ideas are always crazy.

17.   The newcomer ___________________________(与。。。相处得很好) the others at present.

18.   Our teacher suggested that we _____________________(充分利用) time to do more reading.

19.   Any scientific theory should _____________________(建立在) a large number of serious experiments. 

20.   Computers ________________________________(起了重要作用) since it was invented. 

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