
When I was a girl, in the deserts of Somalia(索马里), my family was nomadic(游牧的),   36  with our animals, and leading a happy life.
I was about thirteen  37 my father called me at the end of a hot day. “Come and  38  here.” He said.“I’ve found you a  39 ! We have arranged that he will  40  me five camels. “ That night I ran away. I was  41.For almost three weeks, I walked  42  the desert, and finally I got to my auntie’s house in Mogadishu. Auntie’s husband was an ambassador(大使), and in a few months I  43  Britain to work at his London house.
One day a  44  called Michael Goss saw me in the street. He took my picture and the photographs were  45 . “You should try and do  46 ,” he told me. When my aunt and uncle  47  Africa, I stayed in London. I found a place to stay and got  48  at McDonald’s before I  took Michael Goss’s photographs to an agency one day. They  49  me to a studio, and my picture appeared  50  of the Pirelli calendar. Soon after that, the agency got me  51  in the James Bond film The Living Daylights.
That was seven years ago. Since then I’ve done modeling all over the world and I’ve had frequent  52  in magazines such as Vogue and Elle. I have  53  hosted the US music program Soul Train.
Once  54  five camels, now I can  55  up to ?5000 for one day’s work. I have gone from the bottom to the top.
36.A.working hard     B.living together     C.looking after        D.moving around
37.A.when            B.after              C.as                 D.before
38.A.listen            B.sit                 C.work             D.see
39.A.business          B.boss              C.husband            D.chance
40.A.support           B.provide            C.share             D.give
41.A.excited           B.worried            C.frightened         D.surprised
42.A.around           B.through            C.inside            D.beyond
43.A.flew to           B.stayed in           C.chose            D.left
44.A.director          B.editor            C.photographer       D.writer
45.A.satisfied          B.beautiful           C.well-mannered     D.young
46.A.designing        B.photographing      C.dressing            D.modeling
47.A.moved to        B.changed for         C.returned to       D.started for
48.A.something to eat  B.a job              C.a bedroom        D.a workroom
49.A.sent             B.wanted            C.ordered            D.informed
50.A.in the list        B.on the cover         C.in the ads          D.on the page
51.A.a rise            B.a job             C.a part            D.an actress
52.A.interviews        B.performances       C.visits             D.appearances
53.A.already           B.even              C.yet                D.still
54.A.looking after      B.feeding             C.worth            D.as much as
55.A.pay             B.spend            C.give                 D.earn

36—40 DABCD 41—45CBACB 46—50 DCBAB 51—55CDBCD

第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A group of graduates, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor.
Soon they began to complain about   21  in work and in life. While the guests were
talking, the professor went to the    22   and prepared coffee. Then he  23   with a large
pot of coffee and a  24   of cups made of porcelain (瓷) , plastic, glass or crystal. Some were
plain-looking, some delicate (精致) and   25   ,some. .. The professor told them to   26 
themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee  27  hand, the professor said, "If you took
careful   28 , all the nice-looking, expensive cups were  29  , leaving behind the plain
and cheap ones. While it is  30  for you to choose the best for yourselves, that is the  31   of your problems and pressure.  32   what all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, you  33   the best cups directly and were  34   each other' s cups. "
The professor paused and then went on, " Now consider this: Life is the coffee and the
jobs, money and   35   in society are the  36 . They are just tools to hold and  37   life
and they do not change the   38   of life. Sometimes, if we are concentrating only on the cup,
we   39   to enjoy the coffee. So, don't let the cup   40  you too much and just enjoy the
coffee instead.
21. A. condition           B. pressure            C .relation            D. communication
22. A. kitchen                 B. bedroom           C. study                D. lab
23. A. went                  B. got                   C. returned           D. turned
24. A. sort                   B. kind                 C. type                  D. variety
25. A. expensive           B. cheap                      C. common            D. rough
26. A. enjoy                 B. turn                 C. wish                 D. help
27. A. for                    B. by                    C. in                   D. with
28. A. sight                  B. notice               C. look                 D. view
29. A. brought                     B. carried            C. fetched              D. taken
30. A. natural                B. formal            C. necessary          D. important
31. A. answer                      B. cause               C. result                D. reason
32. A. Though              B. When         C. If                  D. Since
33. A. cared for            B. looked for     C. went for          D. called for
34. A. facing                B. eyeing            C. smelling           D. tasting
35. A. wealth                      B. attitude           C. position            D. situation
36. A. plates                B. bowls             C. pots                D. cups
37. A. control                      B. include           C. contain             D. experience
38. A. quality                      B. color        C. cost            D. style
39. A. manage         B. start               C. hope                D. fail
40. A. surprise                     B. drive               C. worry               D. move
Most young architects ----particularly those in big cities ----can only dream about working in a building of their own. And marking that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want, which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner, Brain Bell. Their building is a former automobile electrical –parts firm in Atlanta. Form the outside, it looks too old, even something horrible, but open the door and you are in a wide, open courtyard, lined on three sides with rusting(生锈的) walls.
In 2000, Yocum and Bell found this building in the city’s West End. Built in 1947, the structure had been abandoned years earlier and the roof of the main building had fallen down. But the price was right, so Yocum bought it. He spent eight months of his off-hours on demolition(拆除), pulling rubbish out through the roof, because it was too dangerous to go inside the building, The demolition was hard work, but it gave him time to think about what he wanted to do, and “to treasure what was there – the walls, the rust, the light,” Yocum said.” Every season, more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops. It’s like an art installation(装置) in there-a slow-motion show.”
Since the back building had been constructed without windows, an all-glass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard, and skylights were installed in the roof. The back of the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife. A sort of buffer(缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom, a kitchen and a mechanical room, and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allow views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.
Yocum and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from decoration of their building, focusing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work. It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less.
小题1: According to the passage, it is      for most young architects in big cities to work in a building of their own.
小题2:Yocum bought the old building because  __.
A.it was a bargain to himB.it was still in good condition
C.it was located in the city centerD.it looked attractive from the outside
小题3: Working on the old building, Yocum and Bell_.
A.pulled rubbish out through the roofB.removed the skylights from the bathroom
C.presented a slow–motion show in an art gallery
D.built a kitchen at the back part of the old building
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that Yocum and Bell __.
A.benefited a lot from pulling down the roofB.turned more old buildings into art galleries
C.got inspiration from decorating their old building
D.paid more attention to the outside of the gallery
小题5:The main idea of the passage is that __.
A.people can learn a lot from their failures
B.it is worthwhile to spend money on an old building
C.people should not judge things by their appearance
D.creative people can make the best of what they have

Though your parents probably meant to have your name last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they’d hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they cared for when they chose it may not match yours. If your name no longer seems to fit you, don’t lose heart. Film stars change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.
If you wish to pick up a new name, you don’t need to make the change official. Under common law, all that is necessary is to start using the name of your choice. Remember, though, that you must use it everywhere—even with your mother—for it to become your legal name.
Getting friends and fellow workers to call you Leach instead of Lola may be harder than any paperwork involved, but you’ll probably meet official resistance, too. Be sure that no law prevents you from using the name you have chosen, unless you use it for the purpose of cheating. If the gas company tells you that you cannot get your bill under a new name, they are wrong. You don’t have to show them any sort of court document. You have a right to be called by whatever name you choose.
By this time, you’ve probably realized that changing your name is more difficult than replacing your furniture or changing your hair color, though the effect can be unusually encouraging. Don’t care too much if you have to keep reminding others of your change of a new name—keep on, and your friends and lover will accept your new name. Good luck!
51.   You may wish to change your name because _____.
you are required to do so
you don’t mean to have your name last a lifetime
you like to follow what film stars often do
you may not like your parents’ choice
52.   If you wish to start using the name of your own choice, you _____.
must get friends to call your new name
don’t have to get permission from anybody
must use it with your mother first
need to be approved by the court
53.   No law keeps you from using whatever name you have chosen, if only ____.
you pick up a new name not for the purpose of wrong-doing
you can get your fellow workers to call you the new name
the gas company agrees to get your bill under your new name
some sort of court document is given to you
54.   You may realize that changing your name ____.
usually has good effect
is actually asking for trouble
is not as easy as rearranging your room
means you have to go through some trouble
55.   The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is to _____.
show you the need of changing your name
encourage you if you want to change your name
tell you how easy it is to change one’s name
list all the difficulties in changing one’s name
If women are mercilessly exploited(剥削) year after year, they have only themselves to blame.Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores.Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.
Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste.Many women spend large sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn.Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time changing their old-fashioned dresses.Skirts are lengthened or shortened; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on.
No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society.Fashion designers are rarely concerned with necessary things like warmth, comfort and durability (耐用).They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right.There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or picking her way through deep snow in high heeled shoes.
When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious.Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers.Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.
小题1:Designers and big stores always make money_________.
A.by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry
B.because they are capable of predicting new fashions
C.by constantly changing the fashions in women's clothing
D.because they attach great importance to quality in women's clothing
小题2:To the writer, the fact that women change their old-fashioned dresses is seen as ___________.
A.a waste of money
B.a waste of time
C.an expression of taste
D.an expression of creativity
小题3:New fashions in clothing are created for ___________.
A.the commercial exploitation of women
B.the women's strength of character
C.basic qualities of inconstancy and instability
D.an important contribution to society
小题4:By saying "the conclusions to be drawn are obvious" ( Line One to Line Two, Paragraph Four), the writer means that ___________.
A.women's inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at
B.women are better able to put up with discomfort
C.men are also exploited greatly by fashion designers
D.men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36---55各题后的 A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A gift left to her
Early in the morning, I was taken in a nylon bag into a truck. I felt horrible as well as ___36___What would she do with me? She was almost mad after the___37__of her husband.
A few minutes later, I heard the truck___38__its engine and move fast. I kept making sounds to show my protest, but failed to make any___39___ Finally she put me down in a __40__place. Maybe she didn’t want me to die from lack of air; she untied the bag.
I ___41___ out and looked up, only to see many strange faces and fingers pointing at me.
It turned out that my owner meant to___42___ me. I saw my owner on the truck, which was going farther and farther. So I cast my head ___43__the direction of the truck. The days we spent together was like a movie playing in front of my eyes as I ran after the truck. I saw my male owner, who suffered liver cancer; look at me with his sad eyes. I saw myself___44__my owner everywhere; I saw him lie in his dying bed, she all___45__.
I ran as fast as I could. And the___46___I saw her wave to me, my eyes became wet. I wouldn’t blame her for treating me like this for she was such a (n) ___47___ lady. She seemed even somewhat ___48___ at his leaving her alone, trying many ways to ___49___the pains of losing him. She ___50___ his pictures and clothes, and she redecorated the whole house. Now I was the only ___51___ thing to remind her of him. ___52___ later, I am pretty sure that she would realize how mad she was to do this…
The truck finally stopped when I was almost ___53___. She ran up to me and hugged me ___54___. I heard her ___55___: “I know you are a present he left to me.”
36. A. puzzled           B. excited          C. delighted             D. frightened
37. A. separation           B. absence       C. departure           D. death
38. A. run                        B. begin            C. start                    D. operate
39. A. sense                  B. trouble                 C. effort                      D. difference
40. A. usual                  B. strange              C. familiar               D. dark
41. A. walked        B. rushed           C. ran                      D. struggled
42. A. harm               B. desert            C. punish                      D. sell
43. A. into                    B. at                        C. in                            D. to
44. A. follow            B. bring            C. guide                        D. support
45. A. with tears            B. in tears                 C. out of breath        D. in silence
46. A. time                  B. direction       C. way                    D. moment
47. A. cruel                  B. unfriendly     C. unfavorable          D. unfortunate
48. A. calm                   B. depressed      C. angry                       D. sad
49. A. kill                        B. remove             C. bear                    D. prevent
50. A. kept                   B. burned                 C. sold                    D. hit
51. A. moving           B. walking         C. existing               D. blessing
52. A. But                    B. And                  C. Thus                   D. Then
53. A. worn out             B. knocked out    C. left out               D. made out
54. A. tightly            B. patiently        C. sadly               D. desperately
55. A. shout                  B. speak            C. whisper            D. talk

Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son. For weeks, he’d been memorizing   36  for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class. I went to  37  their rehearsal(排演).
As I waited, students were led into the room. Each class,  38  by their teacher, sat cross-legged on the floor. Then, each group, one by one  39  to perform their song. I didn’t expect anything other than fun.
My son’s class rose to sing “Christmas Love”. Those in the front row on the center stage held up large  40 , one by one, to spell out the  41  of the song. When the class sang: “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter C, then another would hold up “H” for happy, and on and on,  42  each child was holding up a letter, presenting the  43  message, “Christmas Love”.
The performance was going  44 , until suddenly we noticed her, a small, quiet girl in the  45  row holding the letter “M” upside down-totally  46  that her letter “M” appeared as a “W”. The audience began to laugh at this little girl’s  47 . But she had no idea that they were laughing at her, so she stood tall,  48  holding her “W”.  49  many teachers tried to quiet the children, the  50  continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together. A  51  came over the audience and eyes began to  52 . In that instant we understood the  53  why we were there, and even though it was such a busy holiday, there was a(n)  54  for celebrating Christmas. When the  55  letter was held high, the message read loud and clear: “ CHRIST WAS LOVE”. And I believe that this is why Christmas is so important.
36. A. songs                  B. message                   C. texts                        D. performance
37. A. direct                 B. celebrate                  C. design                      D. attend
38. A. led                            B. accompanied             C. looked                            D. pulled
39. A. stood                  B. turned                      C. rose                         D. came
40. A. letters                 B. words                      C. names                    D. boards
41. A. topic                  B. title                         C. idea                         D. theme
42. A. when                  B. after                        C. until                        D. while
43. A. exact                  B. complete                  C. proper                      D. right
44. A. smoothly            B. happily                    C. heatedly                   D. joyfully
45. A. back                   B. middle                            C. left                          D. front
46. A. ignoring                B. unknown                  C. unaware                   D. recognizing
47. A. action                 B. play                         C. mistake                    D. joke
48. A. highly                B. proudly                    C. clearly                            D. bravely
49. A. Unless                B. As                           C. Although                  D. In spite of
50. A. performance        B. laughter                   C. audience                   D. message
51. A. fear                    B. worry                      C. pride                        D. silence
52. A. widen                 B. close                        C. rise                          D. wink
53. A. cause                  B. reason                      C. way                         D. place
54. A. purpose                     B. excuse                      C. reward                            D. song
55. A. seventh               B. middle                            C. last                         D. full
Chinese New Year for Kids
‘Chinese New Year for Kids’ is a full color paperback book with beautiful Chinese illustrations (插图). This is a hands-on workbook for parents and teachers, written for children from ages 3 to 12 years old, for use in the classroom or at home. Music, physical movement, art, and food all add to the atmosphere of taking an imaginary trip to China during the Chinese New Year.
Author:         Cindy Roberts
Date:            2002-10-01
List Price:        $ 9.95
Price:            $ 8.95 Buy it On Amazon.com
  The Polar Express
One couldn’t select a more delightful and exciting premise (前提) for a children’s book than the tale of a young boy lying awake on Christmas Eve only to have Santa Claus sweep by and take him on a trip with other children to the North Pole. And one couldn’t ask for a more talented artist and writer to tell the story than Chris Van Allsburg.
Author:         Chris Van Allsburg
Date:            1985-10-28
List Price:        $18.95
Price:            $ 12.89 Buy it On Amazon.com
  The Secret of Saying Thanks
Perhaps you’d like to know a secret, one of the happiest ones of all. You’ll discover it all on your own, maybe when you least expect. If you’ve not yet discovered the secret of saying thanks, it’s waiting for you. The secret can be found in the sunrise that offers promises for the day ahead, or in the gentle shade of a tree sheltering you from the hot rays of the sun.
Author:         Douglas Wood
Date:            2005-9-27
List Price:        $ 16.95
Price:            $ 11.53 Buy it On Amazon.com
  The Runaway Pumpkin
When Buck, Billy and their little sister Lily spy the biggest pumpkin they’ve ever seen, they can’t resist (抵制). Buck and Billy try to roll the pumpkin down the hill to show everyone, but it’s too big! Before they know it, it’s rolling out of control down the hillside. It knocks over Grandpa Baxter and makes him think of pumpkin soup. And when Poppa Baxter finally stops, all he can think of is pumpkin bread.
Author:         Kevin Lewis
Date:            2003-09-01
List Price:        $ 15.95
Price:            $ 6.38 Buy it On Amazon.com
小题1:We can infer from the passage that Chinese New Year for Kids ________.
A.is very popular with readers all over the world
B.is helpful to foreigners to travel to China.
C.helps readers to learn about Chinese culture
D.introduces a lot of outdoor activities.
小题2:If you buy a copy of The Runaway Pumpkin on Amazon. Com, you can save ________.
小题3: The author wrote the passage mainly to ________.
A.offer us some advice on shoppingB.tell us some interesting stories
C.introduce some children’s booksD.compare some books’ information

Is your schoolbag too heavy to bear? The e-schoolbag will free you from the weight.
It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon.An experiment with several hundred e-schoolbags will begin in seven cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Taiyuan and Shijiazhuang.And the e-schoolbags are going to cover all over China if the experiment shows to be successful.In fact, the e-schoolbag should perhaps be called an e-notebook.It is a small hand-held computers for school students.
Heavy schoolbags have long been a serious problem for school students.The average schoolbag of middle school students weighs up to 5 kilos.But the e-schoolbag will change everything.It is much lighter than a usual schoolbag, weighing under 1 kilo.Also, it is no bigger than a usual book, but it can still hold all the things for study, such as a textbook, a notebook and exercise book.They could be made into chips that are as small as a stamp.The students can read the text page by page on the screen.They can still take notes using a special electronic pen.If they want to know the meaning or the pronunciation of a new word, or even e-mail their teachers, it’s just a press of a button.
In some foreign countries, it is becoming common.But it is hard to tell when people will receive this new form of study.Some say that e-textbooks can easily be broken, some say that it is not good to students’ eyesight to look at the screen for long.But only time will tell.
69.The e-schoolbag has many functions EXCEPT ________.
A.It can pronounce the words.                B.It can send e-mails.
C.It can be used as a dictionary.              D.It can phone somebody.
70.According to the passage, the e-schoolbags ­­­________.
A.are not heavy as before but still large 
B.are used as an experiment in Tianjin
C.are made of metal                 
D.are going to cover China if it shows to be successful
71.Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.All the students in China will use this new schoolbag.
B.We can do a lot of work based on the programmes of the chips.
C.The e-notebooks are very perfect.
D.We will not make notes because the e-notebook can make all by itself.

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