There are two main things that make aircraft engineering difficult: the need to make every part as reliable as possible and the need to build everything as light as possible. They are to be combined (结合).The fact that an aeroplane is up in the air and can't stop, if anything goes wrong, makes it perhaps a matter of life or death that its performance is completely dependable.

Given a certain power of engine, and so a certain amount of oil, there is a practical limit to the total weight of aircraft that can be made to fly. Out of that weight as much as possible is wanted for fuel radio instruments, passenger seats, or freight(货物) room, and, of course, the passengers or freight themselves. So the aircraft has to be as small and light as safety will allow. The designer must work out the normal load that each part will bear. This specialist is called the "stress(压力) man." He takes notice of any unusual stress that may be put on the part as a means against errors in production, accidental damage, etc.

The stress man's decisions go to the designer of the part, and he must make it as strong as the stress man says is necessary. One or two small parts are always tested to prove that they are as strong as the designer wanted. Each separate part is tested, then a whole one-for example, a complete wing, and finally the whole aeroplane. When a new type of aeroplane is being made, normally only one of the first three made will be flown. Two will be destroyed on the ground in strict tests. The third one will be tested in the air.

When a plane has passed all the tests it can get a government permission of flight, without which it is illegal(非法的) to fly, except for test flying.

The main difficulty of aircraft design lies in________.

A. the combination of lightness and reliability      B. the speed and cheapness

C. reliability and passenger comfort             D. its engine power and oil burning

The stress man's job is to work out ________.

A. how safe the plane is                         B. the load that each part bears

C. the possible errors made by designers        D. the amount of load the aircraft may carry Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The total weight of an aircraft depends on the power of the engine.

B. An aircraft has to pass all the tests.

C. Permission of flight can be got from the government.

D. It is necessary for all the first planes to be tested in the air.

     For the first time in modem history, less than half of the U.S. adult population now reads literature, according to a recent survey. Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America presents a detailed review of the decline of reading's role in the nation's culture.

     Reading at Risk is a survey of national fashion in adult literary reading. The data source for Reading at Risk is as reliable and objective (客观的) as any such survey can be. The key results of the survey are presented in the "Summary", but the report can be further explained as: literary reading in America is not only declining rapidly among all groups, but the rate of decline has been speeded up, especially among the young. Reading at Risk merely shows a great cultural change that most Americans have already noted our society's great turn to electronic media for entertainment and information.    

Reading a book requires a degree of active attention and devotion. Indeed, reading itself is a progressive skill that depends on years of education and practice. On the contrary, most electronic media such as television, recordings, and radio make fewer demands on their audiences, and indeed often require no more than passive participation. While oral culture has a rich reality and electronic media offer the considerable advantages of variety, print culture affords irreplaceable forms of focused attention and thought that make various communications and views possible. The decline in reading, therefore, equals a larger retreat (减少) from participation in public and cultural life.

     What is to be done? There is surely no single solution to the present problem, just as there is no single cause. The important thing now is to understand that America can no longer take active and devoted reading for granted.

     Reading is not a timeless, common ability. As more Americans lose this ability, our nation becomes less informed, active, and independent minded. These are not qualities that a free, inventive, or productive society can afford to lose.


59. The main purpose of the survey is to_______.

    A. focus on the role of electronic media and reading

    B. show that American young people read less and less

    C. give a report of the national fashion of literary reading

    D. review that less than half of the population now reads literature

60. According to the passage, reading_______ .

A. requires less attention and devotion  

B. demands no more than passive participation

    C. limits various communications and views

    D. means active participation in public and cultural life

61. The underlined phrase "cultural change" in Paragraph 2 refers to the change________.

   A. from oral culture to electronic media   B. from print culture to electronic media

   C. from electronic media to oral culture   D. from electronic media to print culture

62. The author of the passage_______ .

    A. misunderstands oral culture

    B. doubts the results of the survey

    C. encourages the Americans to read more

    D. agrees to the solution to the present problem in reading

When I was younger it seemed that the super hero was Batman or Spiderman. As I grew up, I looked to real people with some of these qualities to be my super hero including being strong, honest, friendly, brave, skilled, hardworking, and reliable. The person I think of when I hear these words is my dad.

My dad is one of the toughest people I have ever met. He has been through it all. When I was five, 60 percent of his body was burned. In 1999 he fell from a tree, breaking his arm and shattering his ankle. In 2004, he had a liver transplant (移植) after being on the list for six years after a bad blood transfusion that gave him Hepatitis C. Now, my dad is 45 years old and feels better than he has in 15 years.

My dad is one of the most reliable people I know. Anything I ask of him, he does. Whenever he tells me he is going to do something, it is always done before I get home from work. Whenever I need my dad, he is there. When I was ten and he told me my grandmother was going to die, I felt really down. He was the one there trying to cheer me up.

My dad has worked hard for everything he has. At home, he is always busy doing projects and has painted every room in our house. After our shop was built, he constructed an office you would think a professional built. When I do something stupid, he helps me fix it. Of course, he does his complaining, but I know he likes fixing things just as much as I like tearing them up.

My dad has been one of the greatest parts of my life. I have learned a lot from watching him and I don’t believe I will ever meet anyone like him. I hope when I grow up, I can possess the same qualities as my dad, and have someone look up to me as a good role model. This is why my dad is my hero. 

1.The author describes his father as reliable mainly _________. appearance example comparison behavior

2.What does the underlined word “shattering” mean in Paragraph 2?

A.breaking          B.transplanting       C.burning           D.destroying

3.The second paragraph is mainly about ___________?

A.the reasons why 60% of Father’s body was burned.

B.the successful skin transplant in 2010.

C.the sufferings Father has gone through in the last 15years.

D.the operations that Father had through his 45 years of struggle

4.Which of the following can best describe the father?

A.busy, tough and reliable                  B.strong, skilled and optimistic

C.tough, reliable and hardworking            D.rough, reliable and friendly

5.Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage?

A.My Father—My Hero                    B.My Father and I

C.A Man Who Survived                    D.A Good Model to Respect


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