
(CNN)-China will sometimes say “no” and the world should get used to it.
That message came through when China joined Russia in blocking action on Syria.
“Do not mistakenly think that because China takes a careful and responsible position on the Syria issue, China will not use its veto power (否决权) or will always abstain(弃权),” said Cui Tiankai, China’s vice foreign minister, “When China must use its veto power to say no, it will surely use it.”
On Saturday, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called the vetoes “disgusting and shameful.”
He Wenping, director of African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the veto shows China’s confidence in foreign affairs. “A country expressing its true opinion – that’s progress. China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime(政权)change in other countries. This agrees with China’s long-standing diplomacy principle. It is also not acceptable for China to rush a U.N. vote without sufficient discussion.”
So why did China use its veto this time?
China’s critics say China’s veto of the U.N. draft proposal(草案) was in part due to Beijing’s fear that allowing a regime change in Syria could encourage the spread of the Arab revolution and eventually threaten China.
He Wenping disagrees, “China has a completely different political system and economic development path. If someone in the international community thinks that the Arab Spring will happen in China, then I think they misjudge the situation in China, exaggerate(夸大) some problems in the Chinese society and underestimate the ability of the Chinese government to control the situation in China.”
【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.China often uses its veto power on international issues.
B.China never uses its veto power on international issues.
C.China’s normal practice in the U.N. is to abstain rather than veto.
D.China should not have veto power in the U.N.
【小题2】What is the international reaction to China’s veto on the Syria issue?
A.Russia supports China
B.The U.S. feels very unhappy.
C.The international community is used to it.
D.The Arab countries show no concern.
【小题3】Why did China use its veto power this time?
A.Because Russia and China are friends.
B.Because China wants to hold an opposite stand against the U.S.
C.Because China is worried about a chain-action resulting from Syria’s revolution.
D.Because China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime change in other countries.
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.China has a firm stand on international issues.
B.The U.N. asks the whole world to get used to China saying no on international issues.
C.CNN believed that China helped Syria to fight against the U.N.
D.All the member countries of the U.N. supported Susan Rice.




BEIJING, China (CNN)-- China's economic growth dropped to 9 percent for 2008, according to numbers released by the government Thursday--in line with expectations, but still the slowest rate the nation has seen in seven years.

Economists are concerned about what the slowdown means for investment in the future, whether new projects will be undertaken in manufacturing companies and in factories. If not, it will translate into more job losses and erase any optimism about a rebound (反弹) in 2009.

Since 2001, China has been used to double-digit growth as consumers buy Chinese goods. However, the export sector was hit hard in late 2008, with December exports down 2.8 percent.

Consumer spending has mostly held up in China, as people there do not carry as much debt as their American counterparts and can continue to spend.

Consumer confidence, however, is a problem, said Dong Tao, Asia chief economist for Credit Suisse. Infrastructure (基础设施的建设) is the only thing driving the Chinese economy, Dong said.

Tens of thousands of Chinese factories have closed, millions of people are looking for jobs and an untold number of migrants who can't find work may be leaving cities for good because of the slowdown, which would have been unheard of six months ago.

Fourth quarter numbers showed growth at 6.8 percent. Goldman Sachs predicted 6.5 percent, down from 9 percent in the third quarter.

For all of 2008, Goldman Sachs had predicted 8.8 percent, down from 11.9 percent in 2007.

1. Since 2001, the slowest rate in annual economic growth China has seen is ___.

    A. 6.8%    B. 8.8%    C. 9%    D. 11.9%

2. According to Dong Tao, the only thing driving the Chinese economy is ____.

    A. export    B. infrastructure    C. consumer confidence   D. consumer spending

3. Which of the following is NOT the difficulty China is facing?

    A. Tens of thousands of factories have closed.

    B. Millions of people are looking for jobs.

    C. An uncertain number of migrant workers may be leaving cities forever.

    D. The terrible situation will erase any optimism about a rebound in 2009.

4. In which quarter of 2008 did the slowdown of China's economic growth first appear?

    A. 1st.    B. 2nd.    C. 3rd.    D. 4th.

5. The best title of this passage should be _____.

    A. China's Economic Growth Slows.

    B. Economic Crisis in China.

    C. Economists Analyze China's Economy.

    D. Several Factors Determine China's Economy

BEIJING, China (CNN)-- China's economic growth dropped to 9 percent for 2008, according to numbers released by the government Thursday--in line with expectations, but still the slowest rate the nation has seen in seven years.

Economists are concerned about what the slowdown means for investment in the future, whether new projects will be undertaken in manufacturing companies and in factories. If not, it will translate into more job losses and erase any optimism about a rebound (反弹) in 2009.

Since 2001, China has been used to double-digit growth as consumers buy Chinese goods. However, the export sector was hit hard in late 2008, with December exports down 2.8 percent.

Consumer spending has mostly held up in China, as people there do not carry as much debt as their American counterparts and can continue to spend.

Consumer confidence, however, is a problem, said Dong Tao, Asia chief economist for Credit Suisse. Infrastructure (基础设施的建设) is the only thing driving the Chinese economy, Dong said.

Tens of thousands of Chinese factories have closed, millions of people are looking for jobs and an untold number of migrants who can't find work may be leaving cities for good because of the slowdown, which would have been unheard of six months ago.

Fourth quarter numbers showed growth at 6.8 percent. Goldman Sachs predicted 6.5 percent, down from 9 percent in the third quarter.

For all of 2008, Goldman Sachs had predicted 8.8 percent, down from 11.9 percent in 2007.

1. Since 2001, the slowest rate in annual economic growth China has seen is ___.

    A. 6.8%    B. 8.8%    C. 9%    D. 11.9%

2. According to Dong Tao, the only thing driving the Chinese economy is ____.

    A. export    B. infrastructure    C. consumer confidence   D. consumer spending

3. Which of the following is NOT the difficulty China is facing?

    A. Tens of thousands of factories have closed.

    B. Millions of people are looking for jobs.

    C. An uncertain number of migrant workers may be leaving cities forever.

    D. The terrible situation will erase any optimism about a rebound in 2009.

4. In which quarter of 2008 did the slowdown of China's economic growth first appear?

    A. 1st.    B. 2nd.    C. 3rd.    D. 4th.

5. The best title of this passage should be _____.

    A. China's Economic Growth Slows.

    B. Economic Crisis in China.

    C. Economists Analyze China's Economy.

    D. Several Factors Determine China's Economy

(CNN)-China will sometimes say “no” and the world should get used to it.

That message came through when China joined Russia in blocking action on Syria.

“Do not mistakenly think that because China takes a careful and responsible position on the Syria issue, China will not use its veto power (否决权) or will always abstain(弃权),” said Cui Tiankai, China’s vice foreign minister, “When China must use its veto power to say no, it will surely use it.”

On Saturday, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called the vetoes “disgusting and shameful.”

He Wenping, director of African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the veto shows China’s confidence in foreign affairs. “A country expressing its true opinion – that’s progress. China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime(政权)change in other countries. This agrees with China’s long-standing diplomacy principle. It is also not acceptable for China to rush a U.N. vote without sufficient discussion.”

So why did China use its veto this time?

China’s critics say China’s veto of the U.N. draft proposal(草案) was in part due to Beijing’s fear that allowing a regime change in Syria could encourage the spread of the Arab revolution and eventually threaten China.

He Wenping disagrees, “China has a completely different political system and economic development path. If someone in the international community thinks that the Arab Spring will happen in China, then I think they misjudge the situation in China, exaggerate(夸大) some problems in the Chinese society and underestimate the ability of the Chinese government to control the situation in China.”

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. China often uses its veto power on international issues.

B. China never uses its veto power on international issues.

C. China’s normal practice in the U.N. is to abstain rather than veto.

D. China should not have veto power in the U.N.

2.What is the international reaction to China’s veto on the Syria issue?

A. Russia supports China    B. The U.S. feels very unhappy.

C. The international community is used to it.

D. The Arab countries show no concern.

3.Why did China use its veto power this time?

A. Because Russia and China are friends.

B. Because China wants to hold an opposite stand against the U.S.

C. Because China is worried about a chain-action resulting from Syria’s                         revolution.

D. Because China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime change in other countries.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. China has a firm stand on international issues.

B. The U.N. asks the whole world to get used to China saying no on international       issues.

C. CNN believed that China helped Syria to fight against the U.N.

D. All the member countries of the U.N. supported Susan Rice.


BEIJING, China (CNN) --- China's economic growth dropped to 9 percent for 2008, according to numbers released by the government Thursday --- in line with expectations, but still the slowest rate the nation has seen in seven years.

Economists are concerned about what the slowdown means for investment in the future, whether new projects will be undertaken in manufacturing companies and in factories. If not, it will translate into more job losses and erase any optimism about a rebound in 2009.

Since 2001, China has been used to double-digit growth as consumers buy Chinese goods. However, the export sector was hit hard in late 2008, with December exports down 2.8 percent.

Consumer spending has mostly held up in China, as people there do not carry as much debt as their American counterparts and can continue to spend.

Consumer confidence, however, is a problem, said Dong Tao, Asia chief economist for Credit Suisse. Infrastructure is the only thing driving the Chinese economy, Dong said.

Tens of thousands of Chinese factories have closed, millions of people are looking for jobs and an untold number of migrants who can't find work may be leaving cities for good because of the slowdown, which would have been unheard of six months ago. 

Fourth quarter numbers showed growth at 6.8 percent. Goldman Sachs predicted 6.5 percent, down from 9 percent in the third quarter.

For all of 2008, Goldman Sachs had predicted 8.8 percent, down from 11.9 percent in 2007.


72. Since 2001, the slowest rate in annual economic growth china has seen is ______.

A. 6.8%    B. 8.8%   C. 9 %   D. 11.9 %

73. According to Dong Tao, the only thing driving the Chinese economy is ____.

   A. export    B. infrastructure   C. consumer confidence  

   D. consumer spending

74. Which of the following is NOT the difficulty China is facing?

   A. Tens of thousands of factories have closed.

   B. Millions of people are looking for jobs.

   C. An uncertain number of migrant workers may be leaving cities forever.

   D. The terrible situation will erase any optimism about a rebound in 2009.

75. The best title of this passage should be____.

A. China’s Economic Growth Slows.   

B. China’s Economic Difficulty Appears

C. Economists Analyze China’s Economy.

D. Several Factors Determine China’s Economy

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