

第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.Where does Mr.Smith come from?




2.What color is the woman’s car?




3.What is the man’s house number?




4.What happened to the man?

A.He was just robbed.

B.He lost his watch.

C.He got lost in the street.

5.What time is it now?




第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What subject did the man do worst in?




7.How do the man’s parents feel about his results?





8.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At home.

B.In the company

C.On the phone

9.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Discuss a new project

B.Go to work tomorrow

C.Pick her up tomorrow

10.When will they meet tomorrow?





11.What will Mary do this afternoon?

A.Go to see a film.

B.Go shopping.

C.Stay at home.

12.When will they go to the cinema together?

A.On Friday night.

B.On Saturday night.

C.On Sunday night.

13.What kind of movie does the man like?

A.A comedy

B.A war movie

C.A romantic movie.


14.What time will the woman arrive?

A.At 3∶00 this afternoon.

B.At 3∶00 tomorrow afternoon.

C.At 3∶30 tomorrow afternoon.

15.Where is the woman now?

A.In America

B.In Canada

C.In Britain

16.What did the woman do in Canada?

A.Went on business



17.What can we know from the conversation?

A.The man will pick the woman up.

B.The woman will go back by taxi.

C.The woman’s plane is arriving late.


18.How did Harry do in his training course?

A.He failed the course.

B.He passed the course.

C.He didn’t finish the course.

19.What does John do?

A.A teacher

B.A singer

C.A businessman

20.What does Tony think of English people’s manners?


B.Too polite

C.Very good










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18


1.What time is it now?

[  ]

A.8:00  B.7:50  C.8:10

2.How much had Jack saved?

[  ]

A.20 yuan  B.16 yuan  C.4 yuan

3.When did the man leave college?

[  ]

A.In 1985  B.In 1987  C.In 1982

4.What will the woman see?

[  ]

A.The biggest safari park.

B.The biggest national park.

C.Some of the safari parks.

5.Why can't men do better in a computer company than women?

[  ]

A.Because they are too strong.

B.Because they are not so careful as women.

C.Because their hands are too big.





6.Where did she spend the nights in the country?

[  ]

A.In a farmer's house.  B.In the open.  C.At a hotel.

7.What was the weather like in the country?

[  ]

A.It was fine.

B.It was OK but rained once.

C.It was terrible.

8.How long did it take her to come back from the country?

[  ]

A.Half an hour  B.Four hours.  C.Nine hours.


9.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In the woman speaker's office.

B.In the woman speaker's house.

C.In a classroom.

10.What was Jane doing on the when the day dialogue took place?

[  ]

A.She was taking a rest.

B.She was taking an exam.

C.She was preparing for an exam.

11.What will Kate do next year?

[  ]

A.Go to Japan.  B.Change her job.  C.Go to night school.


12.What can be seen at their supper table?

[  ]

A.Fried chicken, sandwiches and tea.

B.Sandwiches with chicken.

C.Tea and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

13.Which is not true about the kitchen?

[  ]

A.It's from Kentucky Fried Chicken.

B.It's delicious.

C.Alice cooked it herself.

14.Where did the dialogue most probably take place?

[  ]

A.In Oianmen.  B.In a restaurant.  C.At home.


15.According to the conversation. What kind of weather is usual for March?

[  ]

A.Cool.  B.Very hot.  C.Dry.

16.How often should the bus come to their stop?

[  ]

A.Every twenty minutes.  B.Every half hour.  C.Once a day.

17.Where has the man lived for ten years?

[  ]

A.In Florida.  B.In New York.  C.In California.


18.Where was the small restaurant?

[  ]

A.Near a train station.

B.Inside a train station.

C.Near a bus station.

19.Why did people come to drink in it after midnight?

[  ]

A.Because they want to show her that they were rich.

B.Because they. enjoyed the food in the expensive restaurant.

C.Because they were waiting for trains there.

20.What was the farmer doing at 2 o'clock in the morning?

[  ]

A.He was feeling sick.

B.He was eating there.

C.He was sleeping there.










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What does the man mean ?

[  ]

A.It will take him a long time to help the woman.

B.He can help her for a while.

C.It won't take a long time for him to help her.

2.What will they not do today?

[  ]

A.Play basketball.   B.Play volleyball.   C.Play football.

3.What will the man remember to do ?

[  ]

A.Telephone the woman.

B.Buy the woman a ring.

C.Come to see the woman.

4.What do you learn about the woman from the conversation?

[  ]

A.She is on a diet in order to lose weight.

B.She no longer likes beef.

C.She is not hungry at all this moment.

5.How long is the journey?

[  ]

A.Two and a half hours.

B.Three and a half hours.

C.Four and a half hours.





6.What are the two speakers going to do tomorrow afternoon

[  ]

A.They are going to have lunch together.

B.They are going to a party.

C.They are going to have tea together.

7.What will the man do?

[  ]

A.Join the committee.

B.Have some coconuts.

C.Make some cookies.


8.How is the kitchen ?

[  ]

A.It's well equipped.

B.It's very big.

C.It's too small.

9.What is the woman going to do next ?

[  ]

A.To buy some furniture.

B.To move into the house.

C.To decorate the house.

10.What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman ?

[  ]

A.They are husband and wife.

B.They are friends.

C.They are a newly-married couple.


11.Where does this conversation take place ?

[  ]

A.In a classroom.

B.At a weather station.

C.On the road.

12.What is the woman trying to do?

[  ]

A.Teach the man some knowledge about the weather.

B.Ask the man to stop and have a rest.

C.Persuade the man to turn around and return home.

13.What are the man and the woman doing?

[  ]

A.Listening to the weather forecast.

B.Riding bikes in the countryside.

C.Having a picnic in the country.


14.Why did the officer want to see the driver's license?

[  ]

A.Because the driver was speeding.

B.Because the driver was a stranger.

C.Because the driver took the wrong turn.

15.What is the speed limit in business areas of that city?

[  ]

A.25 miles per hour.

B.20 miles per hour.

C.35 miles per hour.

16.What did the police officer finally do?

[  ]

A.She took the man to the police station.

B.She just warned him and let him go.

C.She gave him a ticket.


17.When was the speech made?

[  ]

A.Before they left school.

B.After they left school.

C.At a parents' meeting.

18.What did the speaker said?

[  ]

A.They felt happy because their parents attended the meeting.

B.They were hopeful for their further studies.

C.They also felt sad because they would leave school soon.

19.What was the main purpose of the speech ?

[  ]

A.Say good-bye to their school.

B.Thank their parents and teachers.

C.Encourage all the schoolmates.

20.What did the speaker not mention?

[  ]

A.Their plan for the future.

B.Their thanks for teachers.

C.Their thanks for parents.










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What does the man mean?

[  ]

 A.He can't help the woman.

 B.He is dead.

 C.He is really an expert.

2.What will the man possibly do?

[  ]

 A.Mail letters when he goes out.

 B.Wait until later to go to class.

 C.Wait while the woman finishes her letter.

3.What's the main topic of this talk?

[  ]

A.A performance.

B.A group.

C.A theatre.


4.What does the man mean?

[  ]

 A.He wants to say good-bye to her at the airport.

 B.He likes to watch the plane take off.

 C.He thinks she should take the bus to the airport.

5.What is the man probably going to do?

[  ]

 A.He is going to be out of his way home.

 B.He is going to give the woman a gift.

 C.He is going to pick up the woman.







6.Who are talking?

[  ]

 A.A teacher and a student.

 B.Two students.

 C.Two teachers.

7.What were the students tired of?

[  ]

A.Their homework.

B.Their weekend.

C.Their English teacher.



8.What is the woman busy with?

[  ]

A.Her eating.

B.Her preparing.

C.Her missing.


9.What do you know about the woman's shopping?

[  ]

 A.She has done some.

 B.She has already bought many things.

 C.She hasn't done any shopping.

10.What is the woman going to get?

[  ]

A.A lot of things.

B.A lot of dinners.

C.A lot of weight.



11.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]



C.Former classmates.


12.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a plane.

B.At a conference.

C.In a dream.


13.Why does the woman feel nervous?

[  ]

 A.She has never been to a conference before.

 B.She has to meet the man there.

 C.She has to go to a place alone.


14.Who is Jane?

[  ]

A.A new employee.

B.A good secretary.

C.A pretty clerk.


15.Why did Jane get told off?

[  ]

A.She was late.

B.She took a coffee break.

C.She didn't go well.


16.Which of the following can show the boss is very strict?

[  ]

 A.He let the woman take half an hour off.

 B.He got her to do overtime.

 C.He made her to sit at her desk all the time.

17.What kind of person do the others think of the boss?

[  ]

 A.He is really hard.

 B.He is easy to get on with.

 C.He is strict with everyone.


18.What is the main idea of the speech?

[  ]

 A.“Thank you” is the best expression.

 B.Never say “thank you” to your advisor.

 C.Say “thank you” but don't do it too much.

19.Why do we say “Thank you”?

[  ]

 A.Someone does the ordinary things.

 B.We recognize what someone does for us.

 C.We want to give empty thanks.

20.What will happen if you say too many thanks to someone?

[  ]

 A.He will quarrel with you.

 B.He will feel anxious to help you again.

 C.He will keep away from you.  










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.When will the woman be free?

[  ]

A.Until six.

B.After six.

C.Before six.


2.What is Ellen Bates' problem?

[  ]

 A.She had no electricity last night.

 B.She didn't turn the electricity on.

 C.She didn't turn off the electricity.

3.What does the woman tell the man?

[  ]

 A.He should be more careful with his notebook.

 B.She will give him something to write on.

 C.She thinks she knows who borrowed his notebook.

4.What is the woman surprised at?

[  ]

 A.The park is dangerous at night.

 B.The park isn't dangerous at night.

 C.The man is so sure.

5.What did the woman mean?

[  ]

 A.The woman didn't allow the man two days leave.

 B.The woman allow the man two days off.

 C.Next Monday and Tuesday would be possible.







6.What's the relationship between the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.She's his wife.

B.She's his sister.

C.She's his friend.


7.Whom will the man work with?

[  ]



C.His little brother.


8.Where will the man work?

[  ]

A.In the opening.

B.At a newspaper.

C.At a station.



9.What will Mary's mother receive for her birthday?

[  ]

A.A shirt.

B.A skirt.

C.A plate.


10.Who'll cook the special dinner?

[  ]


B.Mary's friend.

C.Mary's mother.


11.Who will do the shopping?

[  ]

A.Mary's father and mother.

B.Mary and her mother.

C.Mary and her father.



12.Why does the woman ask the man to hold the stick?

[  ]

 A.In order to plant the tree.

 B.So that she can knock it in.

 C.In order to put it in the hole.

13.What is the first step for planting the tree?

[  ]

A.Hold the stick.

B.Knock it in.

C.Dig the hole.


14.What is the last step for planting the tree?

[  ]

A.Tie the tree to the stick.

B.Fill in the hole with earth.

C.Water the tree.



15.What is Hank worried about?

[  ]

 A.The new boy disappeared.

 B.He interviewed and hired a bad boy.

 C.The money in the safe is missing.

16.What do we know from the conversation?

[  ]

 A.Office boys often take money away.

 B.The money is in the bank now.

 C.The man is often carried away.


17.If we live in a remote area how can we find the books we need?

[  ]

 A.Go to the school library.

 B.Go to the travelling library.

 C.Lend the book in the town library.

18.How can we find the book we need in a library?

[  ]

A.Search the shelves.

B.Find the certain order.

C.Look up a card index.


19.What kind of books can't be borrowed from the library?

[  ]

 A.Ordinary books.

 B.Reference books.

 C.Books on a particular subject.

20.Where can we find old issues of newspaper?

[  ]

A.On microfilm.

B.On microfilm reader.

C.In the ordinary section.




Section A(共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)


1.Where are the two people?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a shop.

C.In a vegetable market.

2.How old is the girl now?




3.What is the man going to do?

A.To meet the woman.

B.To move over one seat.

C.To sit between the woman and her friend.

4.What sport does the man like best?




5.What musical instrument does the man play?


B.The piano.

C.The violin.

Section B(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6.Where is the woman going to work?

A.A police station.

B.A train station.

C.A television station.

7.When is the woman going to New York?

A.Next week.

B.Next month.

C.Next year.


8.What does the cheapest round-trip flight ticket cost?




9.What will the three-week special include?

A.Hotel, food and travels in Japan.

B.A free round-trip flight ticket.

C.Flight, hotel and two meals a day.


10.Why does the man want to make an appointment with the doctor?

A.For a treatment.

B.For an interview.

C.For a checkup.

11.Why can’t the man see the doctor right now?

A.The doctor isn’t there.

B.The doctor’s schedule is full.

C.The doctor is ill.

12.When can the man see the doctor?

A.In the middle of next month.

B.At 9:15 tomorrow.

C.On the ninth of next month.


13.Where are these two people?

A.In a bookshop.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a language center.

14.Which course is the man in?

A.The third course.

B.The fourth course.

C.The fifth course.

15.How long has the man been at the institute?

A.For two years.

B.For two months.

C.For two weeks.

16.What does the man think of the classes?

A.They are too large.

B.They should be much larger.

C.They are a bit small.


17.What did the man usually do before he went to school?

A.He went to a nursery.

B.He played with his friends.

C.He stayed at home.

18.Why did he quickly run back to school after lunch?

A.To play football.

B.To attend afternoon classes.

C.To play with his friends.

19.What did he start studying at junior secondary school?

A.History and Latin.

B.Physics and Latin

C.French and Latin.

20.When did the man enter senior secondary school?




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