
18.I came to study in the United States a year ago.Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court.
After the accident,my roommate called a doctor for me.I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day.But the next day,he asked me to pay him  200 for what he had done.I was astonished.He had good reason to charge me,he said.And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury,I'd have to have a good lawyer.And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer.Now that he had helped me find a good doctor,it was only fair that I should pay him.
But every time I went to see the doctor,I had to wait about 50 minutes.He would see two or three patients at the same time,and often stop treating one so as to see another.Yet he charged me  115 each time.The final examination report consisted of ten lines,and it cost me  215.
My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met.But after that he avoided seeing me at all.He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident,yet he hardly did anything.He simply waited to collect his money.He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss him.And he made me pay him  770.
Now I had to act as my own lawyer.Due to my inexperience,I told the insurance company the date I was leaving America.Knowing that,they played for time…and I left without getting a cent.
56.The author's roommate offered to help him becauseB.
A.he felt sorry for the author
B.he thought it was a chance to make some money
C.he knew the doctor was a very good one
D.he wanted the author to have a good lawyer
57.A good doctor is necessary for the author toD.
A.be properly treated
B.talk with the person responsible for the accident
C.recover before he leaves America
D.finally get the responsible party to pay for his injury
58.The word"charge"in the third paragraph meansC.
A.be responsible       B.accuse       C.ask as a price       D.claim (声称)
59.Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are veryB.
A.friendly         B.selfish          C.professional     D.busy
60.What conclusion can you draw from the story?D
A.Going to court is something very common in America.
B.One must be very careful while driving a car.
C.There are more bad sides in America than good sides.
D.Money is more important than other things in the US.

分析 本文叙述了作者在美国经历了一次交通事故,室友帮忙后向他要钱,为作者服务的医生和律师在作者付给他们钱后却只为了他的钱,而不是真心地帮他,最后,自己给自己当律师做辩护,最终作者没有拿到一分钱的赔偿而离开了美国.由此,作者认为在美国钱高于一切.

56   B   细节题.文章第一段交待了作者对美国不了解,第二段告诉我们作者出事故后他的同屋热情地帮他找了一位医生,他认为他是"友好";而后来才发现同屋要他付给他200的劳务费.所以可看出同屋的行为纯粹是为了钱.答案为B. 
57   D   细节题.第二段中And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury,I'd have to have a good lawyer.可以看出,作者找一名好医生的理由是让他为自己找到一名好律师来同肇事方打官司,让他们为自己的负责.答案为D.
58   C    词义解释题."charge"在第二段和第三段各出现一次,而"charge"的前后都出现了200和115的表达式.可以判断charge的含义是索价、要价或要钱的意思.答案为C. 
59    B   推断题.从第三段the doctor的行为及收费和第四段the lawyer的行为及收费,说明他们极不负责任,对金钱极其贪婪.答案为B. 
60     D  结论题.从最后一段作者对美国的评论可知,在美国金钱比友谊、荣誉或职业道德更重要.答案为D.

点评 做阅读理解时要快速的浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意,带着问题回到原文,寻找细节或概括相应的答案,最后要理清作者写作思路.

6.A good friend of mine lives about one hour away.I called her last week and found out that she wasn't doing well at work,which would make the following year a little more difficult.After hanging up the phone,I decided to offer to help her,but I couldn't think of what to do.However,opportunities come themselves when you're not even looking for.
A few days later,some friends and I happened to be eating desserts at a restaurant in her city.As we were looking at the menu,I turned to my friends and asked them if they wanted to join in a game.After explaining the idea,they decided to take 15 minutes to make someone's day.We ordered an extra dessert,wrote a note,added a smile card and were off.However,there was one problem:I had no idea where she was.
Therefore,it was time to rely on the network.I called up a friend and got him to call her to see what she was doing and found out that she was at work.
We drove to her work place and one of my friends became the delivery(投递)person.He went in to look for my friend,found her,didn't really answer her questions and walked out,saying he's simply a delivery person.
He ran out quickly and I bent down as we drove by to make sure she didn't follow him out.Afterwards,all of us had this huge smile on our faces.We felt as if we had just planned a surprise party or something.
A simple opportunity turned into a moment that many of us can now share.
61.Why is the following year a little more difficult for the author's friend?C
A.Because she lives too far away from work.
B.Because she was out of work.
C.Because she didn't do well at work.
D.Because she failed a test.
62.In Paragraph 2,the underlined phrases"make someone's day"probably means"make someoneD".
A.satisfied   B.busy            C.sad       D.happy
63.The author got to know where her friend was byB.
A.asking her friend herself by phone 
B.asking another friend to call her
C.asking what she was doing directly 
D.asking her friend herself on the Internet
64.When given the dessert,the author's friendC.
A.refused the offer           
B.knew the entire thing
C.asked some questions            
D.followed the delivery person out
65.The author and her friends might feelAat last.
A.joyful       B.thankful         C.pitiful     D.fearful.
10.Yesterday I was in Milwaukee visiting my family,and while I was there I stopped at a café on a particular street corner.It was a corner that brought back a specific(特别的) memory.I had been on this street corner long before.
It was a very cold night in late January,1978.I was halfway home that night after working the evening shift (夜班) at the shopping mall,and I had to change buses.I stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus and just shivered(颤抖)."Gosh,this is terrible,"I thought."I need to get out of this."
I also thought about my young life at the time and where I was going.I felt very upset,because I was not satisfied with it.There was something asking me to make a change.I had just heard of a scholarship opportunity at a small university in San Antonio,Texas the week before,and it really got me thinking.But it was 1,200 miles away from my family and friends     But I sensed (感觉到) that if I stayed where I was,I wouldn't be really happy with myself.I felt like there was something missing.And yes,I was really cold,too.I thought of warm days in January in South Texas.That would be nice.
I was at a fork(分叉,岔路口) in the road that night,and little did I know what that decision would mean to me.As the wind rose and my shivering worsened,my mind suddenly cleared and the path became clear-I had to leave.I was going to San Antonio.Even though I wouldn't know a person,I decided to take the risk and do it,and start over.
    The bus finally came and as I finally could feel my face again I looked out of the window of the bus and dreamed about the new horizons that were in front of me.That day,at that moment,at that fork in the road,I made the most important decision of my life-going to university.And thankfully,it was the right one.What an important fork in the road!
46.The writer stayed on that street corner on a very cold night becauseB.
A.he had come out for a walk
B.he was waiting for a bus at the nearby bus stop
C.he had to work at a café till the morning
D.he had to buy something
47.What did the writer think of his life that night?D
A.He was happy with it
B.He thought it was exciting.
C.He thought it was full of hope
D.He was not satisfied with it.
48.For the writer,a disadvantage (不利,劣势) of going to San Antonio was thatA.
A.it was far away from his hometown        
B.it was colder than his hometown
C.it was smaller than his hometown             
D.it was poorer than his hometown
49.That night,the writer decided toC.
A.stay with his family                         
B.find a new friend
C.go to university                         
D.move to Milwaukee
50.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Fork in the road
B.Don't make decisions too quickly.
C.It's never easy to make changes
D.Accept your life as it is.
8.Over the past ten years,the E-commerce revolution has transformed the way we shop to the point where you don't even have to get dressed and make contact(接触) with another human to find a great deal!Although the amount of time and money we spend online grows every year,the E-commerce experience has changed very little since its beginning.
In the beginning,E-commerce was expected to transform the way we shop.In many ways it has lived up to that expectation,but still lacks many of the basic virtues like those in-store shopping experience.For instance,if you shop regularly at your favorite chocolate,or fitness equipment store,it is likely that the employees or owner will get to know you.They will remember what you have purchased,become familiar with your particular taste or workout preference,and suggest items that may be of interest to you.
Although many websites do remember your name,the last item you purchased,or suggest additional items you may want,the experience as a whole is still somewhat predictable,cold and calculated.Completely lacking is the human element,the element that sells to you,or convinces you to change your mind.There is no bargaining and there are no surprises.In this regard,E-commerce has been unable to provide the same experience that shoppers take delight in.Thanks to some dynamic web technologies,all this is due to change in the near future.
Imagine visiting your favorite online store and coming across all kinds of devices.This is something you have been dreaming about for the past three weeks,so you read all about it,examine every photo,and experiment.Then after twenty minutes of consideration,you decide not to buy it,and return to your Facebook page.Had you been in an actual store talking to a live person,that individual may have been able to convince you to make the purchase by sweetening the deal or lowering the price.You would have been transformed from an observer to the proud new owner.But because you're shopping online,a situation which would normally have been an easy sale has become instead,a missed opportunity for both you and the merchant.
21.Which of the following is True about in-store shopping?D
A.Shoppers don't bargain with the merchant.
B.Shoppers make less contact with another human.
C.Store owners are unfamiliar with shoppers'preference.
D.Store owners may convince you to make the purchase.
22.What does the underlined word"calculated"mean?C
23.What's the writer's attitude towards E-commerce?B
24.What can we infer from the text?A
A.More human elements need to be added to E-commerce.
B.Too much time and money is spent on E-commerce.
C.E-commerce experience has changed a lot.
D.E-commerce provides more products than in-store shopping.

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