

1. 邰丽华出生于湖北省宜昌市;

2. 2岁时失去听觉,7岁时进入聋哑学校,开始学习舞蹈,并刻苦训练;

3. 因听不到音乐,她只能依靠老师的手势和记忆每一个舞蹈动作来反复练习;

4. 已应邀到30多个国家演出;

5. 邰丽华说自己像一朵向日葵,始终向着太阳绽放。

注意:1. 内容可适当发挥,使行文连贯;

      2. 词数:100-120。

聋哑学校:deaf and dumb school   手势:gesture    向日葵:sunflower   

 (One possible version):

Tai Lihua, born in Yichang City, Hubei Province, fell into a silent world at the age of two. When she was seven, she went to a deaf and dumb school, where art opened a door to her. From then on, she decided to use dance to show her love for life.

    Since she can’t hear the music, she has to dance according to her teacher’s gestures. What she has to do is to remember every action and practice it again and again.

    Up to now she has been invited to more than 30 countries with her partners. However, she is still very quiet. She says she’s like a sunflower and will smile at the sun forever.


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