
I agree with the saying that some people “see old memories as a chance to deal with the past and unite past and present.” Many people are so ___1___ by things that happened in their past that they are not able to focus on the ___2___ . For example, in the book Ceremony, the main character, Tayo, cannot concentrate on the present because he can’t forget his troubled childhood and ___3___ continues to relive things that happened during that time.
However, past memories can help people to ___4___ in the present. A ___5___ example of people learning from the past would be the Marshall Plan. After the ___6___ of World War II there were many war-torn countries around the world in need of ___7___ assistance to help rebuild their countries, and the United States would have to be the one to ___8___ that assistance. Many American politicians thought it was ___9___ for the US government to spend money abroad on countries that would not be able to repay it for a long time. However, George Marshall, a former US general, remembered how the exact same ___10___ of "why should we spend money on war-torn nations that really owe us reparations (赔款)?" had been used after World War I towards Germany. The ___11___ of assistance towards Germany after World War I had caused a gigantic economic depression in Germany that had made the Mark (German money) virtually ___12___ . The German people became so desperate that they started ___13___ an extreme German nationalist named Adolf Hitler, who eventually started World War II. Marshall knew that if the US did not ___14___ war-torn Germany and, especially, Japan, we could ___15___ have a World War III on our hands.

A.shocked B.troubled C.punished D.annoyed
A.memory B.situation C.present D.future
A.constantlyB.innocently C.ridiculously D.rarely
A.forget B.recover C.enjoy D.compare
A.personal B.scientific C.historical D.commercial
A.conclusionB.decision C.invasion D.extension
A.medical B.political C.economic D.lawful
A.need B.provide C.find D.prevent
A.reasonableB.necessary C.difficult D.foolish
A.statementB.argument C.suggestion D.introduction
A.intensionB.request C.influence D.lack
A.hopeless B.worthless C.worldwide D.valuable
A.refusing B.employing C.supporting D.charging
A.stop B.warn C.resist D.help
A.similarlyB.simplyC.regularly D.unlikely


【小题6】名词辨析。A结束;B决定;C入侵;D伸展;根据下文的war-torn countries可知是战争结束以后。
【小题7】上下文串联。根据下文的rebuild their countries可知这里是需要经济援助。


Parents are important elements in the children’s educational progress. They are capable of being good resources not just for children, but also for schools and teachers.

Parents can help children realize the value of education through their love and support, and most importantly, their encouragement plays an important role in educational success. So parents can be more involved in children’s classroom activities. For example, parents can help out with teaching arts and crafts(工艺美术)to preschoolers and children in grades 1-3. Asking parents to show the children their own talents and impart(传授)the knowledge on the subject they love is a good way to involve the parents in their children’s education. And as a teacher, having someone on call to help you with the cutting and gluing(粘)during a craft class will ensure a less daunting(使人畏缩的)job.

Having parent volunteers around when organizing activities for children is definitely an advantage. Organizing field trips, outings, community services, camps, etc., can be a daunting task when you are the only member responsible for catering to the needs of a large group of children. At such times, asking parent volunteers to help out with the basic requirements makes perfect sense. You can even ask them to stay together with students on camping and field trips or help with community services. And activities which allow them to mix freely with the children will help them understand the needs of the children better.

How parent volunteers can help in classroom activities

Help in teaching arts and crafts

·Parents can be asked to   1.   their talents and knowledge with the children on the subject they love.

·Parents can help cut and glue in a craft class.


Help in organizing activities

·Parents can help take   2.   for catering to the children’s basic needs during activities.

·Parents can   3.   students on camping and field trips or help with community services.

·__4.____mixing with the children in activities can give parents a better

understanding of their children’s needs.

Help in





·Parents can help restock what is   6. 

for arts and crafts.

·Parents can help tune musical instruments, organize the library and the children’s artwork.

·Make parents feel it comfortable to do the assignments in order to   7.   

their feelings being offended.

Help in



research or surveys

·Parent volunteers can be employed to help find out the children’s feelings and   9.   about the school.

·Both research and surveys are   10. 

  to make the school environment-

friendly and home-like.

Asking parent volunteers to keep records of classroom activities, the resources used, etc., is a good way of making good use of them. Ask them to help out with restocking(补充)the materials needed for arts and crafts. You can even ask them to help tune musical instruments, organize the library and the children’s artwork. Make sure that they are comfortable doing the work assigned(布置)to them, after all, you would not want to offend(冒犯)their feelings.

 School is considered as a second home, and there is a constant need to conduct research or surveys to find out whether the children are comfortable in school and what they think of it. A better way to do this is to employ parent volunteers to complete the task. Ultimately(最重要地), the goal of research or surveys is to make the school environment-friendly and home-like. Thus, it makes sense to conduct research or surveys with the help of parent volunteers.

It goes without saying that you ought to thank the parent volunteers for all their help. To conclude, I agree with the saying,“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”


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