
Some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. I’m not going to say luck, talent, and circumstances don’t come into play because they do. Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence, and that’s just the reality of how life is.

However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And, in addition to that, in order to get really good at something, one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing. To become great at certain things, it’ll require even more time, time that most people won’t put in.

This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you love. If you don’t enjoy what you do, it is going to feel like unbearable pain and will likely make you quit well before you ever become good at it.

When you see people exhibiting some great skills or having achieved great success, you know that they have put in a huge part of their life to get there at a huge cost. It’s sometimes easy to think they got lucky or they were born with some rare talent, but thinking that way does you no good, and there’s a huge chance that you’re wrong anyway.

Whatever you do, if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out, almost to the point of addiction, and over a long period of time. If you’re not willing to put in the time and work, don’t expect to receive any rewards. Consistent, hard work won’t guarantee you the level of success you may want, but it will guarantee that you will become really good at whatever it is you put all that work into.

1.Paragraph 1 mainly talks about ______.

A. the meaning of success B. the reasons for success

C. the standards of success D. the importance of success

2.Successful people suggest doing what one loves because ______.

A. work makes one feel pain B. one tends to enjoy his work

C. it takes a lot of time to succeed D. one gives up his work easily

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A. People sometimes succeed without luck or talent.

B. Successful people like to show their great skills.

C. People need to achieve success at the cost of life.

D. It helps to think that luck or talent leads to success.

4.What is the main theme of the passage?

A. Having a goal is vital to success.

B. Being good is different from being great.

C. Luck, talent and family help to achieve success.

D. One cannot succeed without time and practice.


Valentine's Day had arrived and like other days of the year, I was very busy.

My romantic husband, Roy, planned a date like we had never had before. A reservation at an expensive restaurant was made. A beautifully wrapped present had been sitting on my dresser for a few days before the heart-filled holiday.

After a hard day at work, I hurried home, ran into the house and jumped into the shower.

When my sweetheart arrived, I was dressed in my finest outfit and ready to go. He hugged me, just as the babysitter arrived. We were both excited.

Unfortunately, the youngest member in our household wasn't so happy.

"Daddy, you were going to take me to buy Mamma a present," Becky, my eight-year-old daughter said, as she sadly walked over to the sofa and sat down beside the babysitter.

Roy looked at his watch and realized that if we were to make our reservations, we had to leave right away. He didn't even have a few minutes to take her to the store to buy a heart-shaped box of chocolate candy. "I'm sorry, I was late getting home, honey," he said.

"That's OK," Becky replied. "I understand."

The entire evening was bittersweet. I couldn't help being concerned about the disappointment in Becky's eyes. I remembered how the joy of Valentine's Day had left her face just before the door closed behind us. She wanted me to know how much she loved me. She didn't realize it, but I already knew it very well.

Today, I can't remember what was wrapped in that beautiful box, which I was excited for sev- eral days, but I'll never forget the special gift, which I received when we arrived, back home.

Becky was asleep on the sofa., holding a box, which was sitting on her lap. When I kissed her cheek, she awoke. "I've made something for you, Mamma," she said, as a big smile covered her ti- ny face.

The little box was wrapped in newspaper. As I tore the paper off and opened the box, I found the sweetest Valentine gift that I have ever received. It was a heart-shaped pillow, filled with love, which I'll cherish forever.

My wonderful Valentine gift has a special place in my bedroom today, some thirteen years later. As she was growing up into a young woman, many times I held that pillow close to my heart. I don't know if a pillow can hold magic, but this pillow has surely held a great deal of joy for me over the years. It has helped me through several sleepless nights since she left home for college. I not only treasure the gift, but the memory, as well.

I know that I am a very lucky mother, indeed, to have such a wonderful little girl, who wanted so much to share her heart with me. As long as I live, there will never be another Valentine's Day, which will be any more special to me.

1.How did the writer plan to spend Valentine's Day?

A. To stay at work.

B. To have dinner with her husband.

C. To have a family dinner.

D. To celebrate the day alone.

2.How did Becky feel when she knew her father had no time to take her to buy mother a gift?

A. She was sad and cried.

B. She was lonely and frightened.

C. She was disappointed but understanding.

D. She was happy to be together with the babysitter.

3.What's the best title for this passage?

A. A Gift in Newspaper. B. Becky's Dream.

C. Valentine's Day. D. A Special Gift.


The B.S.Report

Designed for the sports fan with a sense of humor,The B.S.Report is hosted by the sportswriter Bill Simmons. Simmons' show is in very loose and free form and it's not uncommon for him to go almost a whole show without even mentioning sports,especially when he really gets going about movies or his ongoing enthusiasm about reality television.

Wait,Wait...Don't Tell Me

One of the most popular programs on National Public Radio,Wait,Wait…Don't Tell Me is now available as a podcast.The show is a news program in the form of a game show.Each week a group of three humorists and writers join host Peter Sagal in Chicago,where they are quizzed on the week's most important and funny news stories. Listeners also get to call in to play different news related games for a prize.

The Moth

The Moth is a weekly podcast run by a nonprofit art organization.The show is made up of recordings of "true stories told before a live audience without notes".Each week,the group releases short 10-20 minute tales told by people from all walks of life.Past presenters have included writers,comedians,scientists,and even New York City police officers.


Filmspotting is a weekly podcast and is a must-listen for any movie fan.The show is focused on movie reviews, but hosts Adam Kempenaar and Matty Robinson do more than just tell their listeners which new movie is worth seeing.They also discuss and examine film as an art form.The show doesn't just focus on current movies,either,as the hosts frequently discuss old films as part of theme marathons.

1.Which host can you turn to if you want to win an award?

A. Bill Simmons.

B. Peter Sagal.

C. Adam Kempenaar.

D. Matty Robinson.

2.What do The B.S.Report and Wait,Wait...Don't Tell Me have in common?

A. The content

B. The style

C. The theme

D. The form

3.What can we learn about The Moth?

A. It's an art podcast.

B. It's a daily program.

C. It presents various true stories.

D. It's available only in New York.

4.Which podcast may entertain a movie fan?

A. The B.S.Report.

B. Wait,Wait…Don’t Tell Me.

C. The Moth.

D. Films potting.

Hundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, love their country. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland. But there were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.

One night, the leader of the Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonight, my men,” he said, “Tomorrow we will fight one more battle①. We must win, or we will die.”

They were all very tired. So they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they were very tired, too, and one by one, they fell asleep.

The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they went up the hill. Closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a minute they were on their feet and ready for a battle. The fighting was hard, but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved Scotland②.

The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people liked it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.

1.Hundreds of years ago, the Romans ____ .

A. came from the north through England to make war on Scotland

B. came to the north Scotland from England to make war on Scotland

C. came from the north of England to fight the Scots

D. came to the north from the south of Britain to fight the Scots

2.At the shout of a Roman soldier, all the Scots who were asleep at the hill ____ .

A. began to fight the Romans hard

B. stood up without putting on their shoes and began to fight

C. woke and rose immediately, ready to fight

D. put their feet into their shoes at once and were ready to fight

3.The result of the war is that ____ .

A. the Romans killed all the Scots

B. the Scots were defeated

C. the Scots were driven out of Scotland

D. the Scots defeated the Romans

4.The Scots made thistle their national flower because thistle ____ .

A. is lovely, though not beautiful

B. gave them happiness

C. is a kind of useful plant

D. helped the Scots in wiping out the Romans

A Toronto man is offering a free roundworld air to the right woman. But _____ apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallahgher and have a Candian ________ .

Jordan Axani, 28, said he and his then girlfriend, Elizabeth Gallagher, booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May, but their _________ ended and he did not want her ticket to __________. The ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让)__________, but since passport information was not required when _________ , any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can __________ it.

“I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to ________ a lot of joy,” said Axani. He posted his _______ on a social networking website, and received thousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallagbers with the _______ passports, “More _______ , there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in ________ their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,” Axani said. “It was absolutely out of _______ , thousands of e-mails, people around the world _____ their stories of travel.”

Axani wrote in his post that he is not ______ anything in return and that the woman who uses the ______ticket can choose to either travel with him or _____ the ticket and travel on her own.

The ______ is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and New Delhi before ______ in Toronto on January 8. He said the ______ woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.

1.A. benefits B. deposits C. retrictions D. examinations

2.A. orgin B. passport C. accent D. firend

3.A. holiday B. marriage C. dream D. relationship

4.A. go to waste B. come to mind C. go no sale D. come into effect

5.A. policy B. order C. parment D. schedule

6.A. applying B. booking C. checking D. bargaining

7.A. use B. borrow C. choose D. buy

8.A. sacrifice B. express C. experience D. provide

9.A. answer B. advice C. offer D. comment

10.A. same B. right C. now D. real

11.A. interesting B. annoying C. satisfying D. convincing

12.A. writing B. giving C. lending D. changing

13.A. touch B. question C. date D. control

14.A. admiring B. advertising C. sharing D. doubting

15.A. leaving B. looking for C. losing D. dealing with

16.A. leaving B. looking for C. losing D. dealing with

17.A. return B. take C. reserve D. hide

18.A. interview B. program C. trip D. meeting

19.A. ending B. calling C. repeating D. staying

20.A. honored B. lovely C. intelligent D. lucky

Great white sharks! Just hearing that name makes many people’s hair stand on end. In reality, these big fish have more to fear from us than we do from them. For many years, people killed countless great white sharks in the waters around the United States.

But thanks to conservation (保护) efforts, great whites are making a comeback in the U.S. Two recent studies show that the population of these sharks is rising along the east and west coast.

Why is the growing population of a killer fish something to celebrate? “When you fish too many of them, you start to lose balance in the environment,” says shark researcher Tobey Curtis. As the biggest killer, sharks help keep the populations of fish, seals, and other creatures they eat from growing too large.

In spite of their importance, great white sharks had long been hunted for their meat and their fins (鳍). Then, in 1997, the U.S. government passed a law that didn’t allow the hunting of great whites.

Afterwards, the numbers of these sharks in the U.S. waters started to increase.

The law wasn’t the only thing that has helped great whites. Conservationists have also played a part

in the sharks’ comeback. The research group OCEARCH is using a method called tagging (加标签) to help change people’s attitudes about great white. They let the public follow each shark as it travels the world’s oceans. OCEARCH also gives each tagged shark a name to help people form a closer connection with the big fish.

The group’s most well-known shark is named Katharine. She was tagged last year near Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Since then, thousands of people have tracked Katharine’s movements on Twitter and the

OCEARCH website.

This helps people see sharks in a new way. Chris Fischer, the founder of OCEARCH believes

learning to appreciate great whites will encourage people to do more to protect them.

1.The underlined part “makes many people’s hair stand on end” in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced by______.

A. worries many people B. bores many people

C. frightens many people D. interests many people

2.The law passed in 1997 ______.

A. seemed very helpful B. let scientists down

C. needed to be changed D. made people like great whites

3.Katharine’s example is used to show that ______.

A. great whites are in fact lovely animals

B. the OCEARCH website has a lot of visitors

C. the number of great whites is growing quickly

D. OCEARCH help people get closer to great whites

4.The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. introduce an experiment result

B. make an advertisement for OCEARCH

C. remind us that big killers are dying out

D. inform us that great whites are making a comeback

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