

1£®Where are they talking?

A£®In the street£®

B£®At school£®

C£®At dinner table£®

2£®What does the woman carry with her?

A£®A£®handbag, a box and some books£®

B£®A box, some clothes and a suitcase£®

C£®A handbag, some books and an umbrella£®

3£®Why couldn¡¯t the woman get through?

A£®The man's telephone was out of order£®

B£®The man's receiver was not properly put£®

C£®The man was busy calling, too£®

4£®What does the man prefer to have?

A£®Coffee with milk£®

B£®Coffee with sugar£®

C£®Tea with milk and sugar£®

5£®Where did the woman meet Tom?

A£®In the bank£®

B£®outside the bank£®

C£®In the post office£®



6£®What are they discussing about?

A£®How to spend the weekend£®

B£®Where to go this evening£®

C£®What to do on Sunday evening£®

7£®What aren't there that night according to the man?




8£®What do they finally decide to do?

A£®To see a comedy£®

B£®To watch a new play£®

C£®to go to a dance party£®


9£®Which position is the woman interested in?

A£®General manager£®

B£®Advertising manager£®

C£®Sales manager£®

10£®How long has the woman been in the small company?

A£®Eight years£®

B£®Nine years£®

C£®Ten years£®

11£®What does the woman want to do?

A£®To go to different places for holidays£®

B£®To get chances for her future development£®

C£®To meet more new friends on her trip£®


12£®Why did the officer want to see the driver's licence?

A£®The driver was driving too fast£®

B£®The driver caused a traffic accident£®

C£®The driver took the wrong turn£®

13£®What is the speed limit in business areas of this city?

A£®25 miles per hour£®

B£®20 miles per hour

C£®35 miles per hour£®

14£®What did the police officer finally do?£®

A£®She told the man to the police station£®

B£®She just warned the man and let him go£®

C£®She took away the driver's licence£®


15£®Where was George yesterday?

A£®at his usual place£®

B£®In the newspaper office£®

C£®At his home£®

16£®Why did the woman call George?

A£®To ask him to a concert£®

B£®To go on a holiday with him£®

C£®To invite him to dinner at home£®

17£®Where did George see Mary?

A£®At the office£®

B£®At the concert£®

C£®In his sister's home£®


18£®What is the main topic?

A£®The relationship between the speaker and Susan£®

B£®The arrangement of the speaker's marriage ceremony

C£®The speaker's parents' opinion of Susan£®

19£®Where did the speaker meet Susan?

A£®At Sisan's home£®

B£®In a swimming pool£®

C£®At a dance party£®

20£®What does the speaker want to do?

A£®He wants to marry Susan before 24£®

B£®He wants to stop the relation with Susan£®

C£®He wants to get married and set up a business of his own£®




1£®What does the woman mean?

A£®The man can¡¯t smoke at all

B£®The man can smoke£®

C£®Neither of them can smoke here£®

2£®Where does the woman want to go?

A£®Science Museum£®

B£®Art Museum£®

C£®Bus Station£®

3£®Where and when will the meeting be held?

A£®Room302, 3 pm, today£®

B£®Room 303, 2 pm, tomorrow£®

C£®Room 302, 2pm, tomorrow£®

4£®What can we learnt from the conversation?

A£®John will play£®

B£®John will be punished£®

C£®John will read his book£®

5£®What does the woman think of the acting?


B£®Just so-so£®

C£®Very bad£®



6£®Where does the woman work?

A£®In a school£®

B£®In an advertising agency£®

C£®In a magazine press£®

7£®Who is the magazine for?

A£®People between 18 and 25£®

B£®People under 18£®

C£®People above 25£®


8£®What¡¯s wrong with the caller?

A£®She dialed the wrong number£®

B£®She mistook Peter for Jim£®

C£®She was sick£®

9£®What number did she dial?





10£®What is the main purpose of the man¡¯s trip?

A£®To improve his skating skills£®

B£®To take a vacation£®

C£®To take a course£®

11£®Why does the woman know so much about Albuquerque?

A£®She attends college there£®

B£®She lives 30 minutes from there£®

C£®She visited there last year£®

12£®What can be inferred about the man?

A£®He has been to New Mexico many times£®

B£®He has just graduated from college£®

C£®He enjoys sports£®

13£®What may cause the man the most problems according to the woman?

A£®The changing climate£®

B£®The high altitude£®

C£®The extreme temperature£®


14£®How far is James¡¯s place for his flat?

A£®Around 5 miles£®

B£®More than 6 miles£®

C£®5.6 miles

15£®How long does it take James to get to work?

A£®45 minutes£®

B£®54 minutes£®

C£®40 minutes£®

16£®How much does it cost James to get to work?

A£®20 pounds a day£®

B£®20 pounds a week£®

C£®20 pounds a month£®


17£®Which national channel of the BBC broadcasts almost only music programs?

A£®Radio One£®

B£®Radio Two£®

C£®Radio Three£®

18£®Which national channel of the BBC broadcasts educational programs?

A£®Radio One and Radio Two£®

B£®Radio Two and Radio Three£®

C£®Radio Three and Radio Four£®

19£®Which of the following programs is NOT mentioned in the passage?


B£®Pop music£®

C£®Film reviews£®

20£®Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?

A£®The BBC offers a wide range of music programs£®

B£®Radio Four is the newest and most popular channel with listeners

C£®Radio Two is especially favored by sports lovers



1£®Why can't the man get a table?

A£®The woman is busy at lunch time£®

B£®There is no free table at the moment£®

C£®There is a traffic jam at the moment£®

2£®How will the medicine affect the woman?

A£®It will make her weak£®

B£®It will make her sleepy£®

C£®It will make her hard to sleep£®

3£®How will the man probably go downtown?

A£®He is likely to take a bus£®

B£®He is likely to take a taxi£®

C£®He is likely to take the underground£®

4£®What did the man suggest the woman do?

A£®The man suggested that the woman stay indoors in the morning£®

B£®The man suggested that the woman go outdoors in the morning£®

C£®The man suggested that the woman stay indoors in the evening£®

5£®What can we do through the Internet according to the woman?

A£®Help our everyday life£®


C£®Get information and communication£®



6£®What time is it now?

A£®It's 10¡Ã10 pm£®

B£®It's 10¡Ã30 pm£®

C£®It's 9¡Ã50 pm£®

7£®How long will it take the woman to get to the railway station?

A£®Less than fifteen minutes£®

B£®More than fifteen minutes£®

C£®Less than fifty minutes£®

8£®Why did the man invite the woman to his house?

A£®They had a tea party£®

B£®They had a dinner party£®

C£®They had a dancing party£®


9£®When will the man come back from the trip?

A£®On May 13£®

B£®On May 16£®

C£®On June 2£®

10£®Which flights is the man going to take for his round trips?

A£®Flight 220 and Flight 476£®

B£®Flight 444 and Flight 220£®

C£®Flight 220 and Flight 414£®

11£®How much will the man probably pay for the tickets?



C£®About ¡ç326£®


12£®What kind of people didn't they need?

A£®Those who knew no foreign language£®

B£®Those who wanted to work 30 hours a week£®

C£®Those who had no experience in office work£®

13£®Who will get a higher pay?

A£®Those who are well educated£®

B£®Those who have much experience£®

C£®Those who can speak a second language£®

14£®What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Boss and Secretary£®

B£®Husband and wife£®

C£®Two bosses working in the same company£®


15£®How is the man speaker?

A£®His back hurts£®

B£®He is weak£®

C£®He is busy£®

16£®Why didn't the woman ask Jim for help?

A£®Because Jim was busy then£®

B£®Because she thought Jim hadn't been in£®

C£®Because the cupboard was too heavy£®

17£®Where does the conversation take place?

A£®In the office£®

B£®In a shop£®

C£®At home£®


18£®Which floor was destroyed?

A£®The first floor£®

B£®The second floor£®

C£®The third floor£®

19£®Who lived in the building?


B£®Many families£®

C£®A few elderly£®

20£®What caused the fire probably?

A£®The broken wires£®

B£®A burning cigarette£®

C£®An oven£®



1£®What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A£®They are host and guest£®

B£®They are waiter and customer£®

C£®They are husband and wife£®

2£®Where did this conversation take place?

A£®At the hospital£®

B£®At the airport£®

C£®At the post office£®

3£®Why will the woman go to London?

A£®To have a look at London

B£®To go with her friend£®

C£®To spend the weekend£®

4£®What's the woman's job?

A£®She is a saleswoman£®

B£®She is a waitress£®

C£®She is a hotel clerk£®

5£®How is the weather now?

A£®It's snowing£®

B£®It's raining£®

C£®It's clear£®




6£®Why was Paul angry with Jane?

A£®She told the others about his salary£®

B£®She told Mrs£®Wallace his salary£®

C£®She always talks to everybody£®

7£®Why did Jane tell Mrs£®Wallace the news according to her own explanation?

A£®Because she thought it doesn't matter£®

B£®Because she knew everybody would know at last£®

C£®Because she got too excited and wasn't thinking£®

8£®What does Paul mean by¡°Everyone in this town got a big nose¡±?

A£®People in this town have big noses£®

B£®People in this town are always eager to know about others' things£®

C£®People don't care about each other£®


9£®What is the man reading?

A£®A magazine£®

B£®A Chinese play£®

C£®A newspaper£®

10£®Where are they going at the weekend?

A£®Beijing Theater£®

B£®Beihai Park£®

C£®Beihai Cinema£®

11£®What are they going there for?

A£®For a visit£®

B£®To see Beijing Opera£®

C£®To learn Beijing Opera£®


12£®Why didn't Mike take an examination yesterday?

A£®Because he didn't want to do so£®

B£®Because he got sick£®

C£®Because he got the examination date wrong£®

13£®What did the professor permit Mike to do?

A£®Have all examination at home£®

B£®Have an exam sometime later when he got better£®

C£®Have an exam next term£®

14£®Why didn't Mike drive his car?

A£®Because the doctor told him not to£®

B£®Because he liked taking a walk£®

C£®Because he didn't think he was able to£®


15£®What does Rogers mean in this conversation?

A£®Tom's friend£®

B£®Tom's teacher£®

C£®The name of a person£®

16£®What does Tom tell his mother in yesterday's lecture?

A£®He had made a new discovery

B£®He had lost his new job£®

C£®He had just bought a car£®

17£®Why does Tom tell his mother about his job?

A£®Because he doesn't want her to worry about his job£®

B£®Because he doesn't want her to worry about his life£®

C£®Because he doesn't want her to worry about his marriage£®


18£®Where did the fire probably start?

A£®On the first floor£®

B£®On the second floor£®

C£®On the third floor£®

19£®When was the building built?

A£®In 1930£®

B£®In 1782£®

C£®In 1718£®

20£®What was the building used as at the time of the fire?

A£®A history museum£®

B£®A hotel£®

C£®The old people's home£®

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