
17.With the help of Mohandas Gandhi,India gained its independencefrom Britain in 1947.

分析 在Mohandas Gandhi的帮助下,印度于1947年脱离英国获得独立.

解答 答案:independence
根据句意以及首字母的提示可知,空缺处的意思是:独立;由于此处用在形容词性的物主代词its之后,作动词 gained 的宾语;故填名词independence.

点评 做类似的题时,首先应根据句意以及首字母的提示判断出空缺处的意思;其次从语法分析的角度,确定出应填单词的形式;因此在平时的学习中,除了应牢固记忆单词的拼写之外,还要熟练掌握一些的语法知识.

19.Ancient China was a palce where states were often at war with each other.But it was also a time(61)inwhich there were many great philosophers.Confucius ( 551BC---479BC ) is the philosopher whose influence has been the greatest.
 Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to(62)thoseof Confucius.Mencius was born in 372BC.He(63)was brought(bring) up by his mother.He became a student of Confucius's ideas,and was then given an important position in the government of a state.(64)However,when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice,he resigned.For many years he travelled from state to state,(65)teaching(teach) the principles of Confucius.He spent his last years preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Mencius.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is(66)thatman is good.He believed that people were more important than rulers,and hated the state (67)whenit treated people badly.
Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.He(68)founded(found) the philosophy called Mohism.In some ways,his (69)beliefs(belief) were similar to those of Confucius.For example,he considered that government was most important.Mozi believed that all men were equal.His idea of love was different from the Confucian idea of(70)kindness(kind).Mozi taught that we should love all human beings and look after those who are weaker than ourselves.He hated the idea of war.Mozi died in 390BC.

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