
The majority of the damage ______ easy to repair.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
试题分析:考查主谓一致。当分数百分数或者the rest, the majoriy等做主语的时候,谓语动词要根据后面的名词,如果后面的名词是复数形式,谓语动词就用复数,如果后面的名词是单数形式,谓语动词就用单数。本句后面的不可数名词damage是一个单数形式,故谓语动词也用单数。本句中没有过去时的时间状语,故使用一般现在时。故A正确。
1. 单数名词(代词),不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数形式,复数名词(代词)作主语,谓语用复数形式。
The desk is Tom’s.    这张桌子是汤姆的。
Some water is in the bottle.   一些水在瓶子里。
The students are playing football on the playground.  这些学生正在操场上踢足球。
2. many a+单数名词作主语,意义虽为“许多”,但谓语要用单数形式。
Many a student has been to Shanghai. 许多学生到过上海。
3. more than one+单数名词作主语,谓语用单数。
More than one student has ever been to Beijing.   不止一个学生曾经去过北京。
4. 表示时间,价格,重量,数目,长度,数学运算等的词或短语作主语时,这些通常作一个整体概念,谓语用单数形式。例如:
Two months is a long holiday.   两个月是一个长假。
Twenty pounds isn’t so heavy.    2 0英镑并不太重。
Ten miles isn’t a long distance.   1 0英里并不是一段很长的距离。
Five minus four is one.             5减4等于1。
5. 主语是each/every+单数名词+and(each/every)+单数名词时,谓语动词用单数。
Each boy and each girl has got a seat.   每个男孩和女孩都有一个座位。
Every man and every woman is at work.  每个男人和女人都在工作。
6. one and a half+复数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。
One and a half hours is enough.  一个半小时足够了。
7. 动词不定式,动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
To see is to believe   眼见为实。
Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.

It is possible that the majority of the teenagers accepted the advantages of the iPad. In most cases they were expressing strong opinions about it. But today we already know that another three high-end computer tablets(平板电脑) are going on sale, with the aim of taking a bite out of the iPad's market. For tablet computer fans, iPad may not be the only choice, as the Motorola Xoom, the HP Touchpad and the BlackBerry PlayBook will have been launched (推出)by this summer, according to foreign media reports on Tuesday. Here is Product Information Guide as follows. We would like to listen to your reviews later.   

Apple iPad2
Size: 9.7 inch screen, 8.8mm thick
Weight: 601g (Wi-Fi only version)
Battery life: 10 hours of heavy use
Price: a base price of $499(3,278yuan)
Available(可使用的): March 11, 2011 in the US
Strength: over 65,000 *apps that are fit for the iPad
Weakness: lack of USB port and flash support
Motorola Xoom
Size: 10.1 inch screen, 13mm thick
Weight: 730g
Battery life: 8hours of heavy use
Price: $800(5,252RMByuan)
Available: now
Strength: great multi-tasking feature, better cameras than the iPad2    
Weakness: limited options(选择权)of apps
HP Touchpad
Size: 9.7 inch screen, 13mm thick
Weight: 740g
Battery life: 8hours of heavy use
Price: not yet announced
Available: summer 2011
Strength: killer software features, including a virtual(虚拟的) keyboard which comes in four sizes
Weakness: lack of a rear-mounted(后置式) camera which would allow users to get images and photos
BlackBerry PlayBook
Size: 7- inch screen, 10mm thick
Weight: 400g
Battery life: 8hours of heavy use
Price: not yet announced
Available: Spring 2011
Strength: business-oriented, powerful multitasker, excellent data security(安全)
Weakness: Some features require users to have a Black-Berry phone
【小题1】 Which type is the biggest one?
A.Apple iPad 2B.Motorola XoomC.HP TouchpadD.BlackBerry PlayBook
【小题2】Which is True according to the passage?
A. Apple ipad 2 has excellent data security. 
B. Four types above of Battery life are the same.
C. Most people are satisfied with HP Touchpad.        
【小题3】 Which one can you buy as a present with only 4000yuan RMB at hand?
A.Apple iPad 2B.Motorola XroomC.None of the fourD.Any of the four

By far the most common difficulty in studying is simple failure to get down to regular concentrated work. This difficulty is much greater for those who do not work to a plan and have no regular routine (规律性事务) of study. Many students just do a bit of this subject or that, as the mood takes them, or letting their set work pile up until the last possible moment.
Few students work to a set timetable. They say that if they did work out a timetable for themselves they would not keep to it, or would have to change it frequently, since they can never predict from one day to the next what their activities will be.
No doubt some students are more willing to accept a regular routine than others. There are many who shy away from a self-controlled weekly timetable, and dislike being tied down to a fixed program of work. Many able students state that they work in cycles. When they become interested in a topic they work on it attentively for three or four days at a time. On other days they avoid work completely. It has to be admitted that we do not fully understand the motivation to work. Most people over 25 years of age have become used to routine, and the majority of real productive workers set aside regular hours for the more important areas of their work. The “tough-minded” school doesn’t fully accept the idea that good work can only be done naturally, under the influence of inspiration.
Those who believe that they need only work and study as the fit takes them have a mistaken belief either in their own talent or in the value of “freedom”. In fact, freedom from control and discipline leads to unhappiness rather than to “self-expression” or “personality development”. Our society insists on regular habits, timekeeping and punctuality (准时), and whether we like it or not, if we mean to make our way in society, we have to meet its demands.
57.The most widespread problem in applying oneself to study is ______.
A.changing from one subject to another
B.the failure to keep to a set timetable of work
C.the unwillingness to follow a systematic plan
D.working on a subject only when one feels like it
58.Which of the following is true?
A.Many students are not interested in using self-controlled timetable.
B.Many students don’t like being told to study to a fixed timetable.
C.Most people of over 25 years of age don’t work to a set timetable.
D.Tough-minded people agree that good job is done naturally
59.The underlined part “as the fit takes them” in paragraph 4 means ______.
A.when they have the energy                   B.when they are in the mood
C.when they feel fit                                D.whey they find conditions are suitable
60.A suitable title for the passage might be ______.
A.Attitudes to Study                                      B.A study Plan
C.The Difficulties in Studying                  D.Study and Self-discipline

The power of humor and laugher is numerous. They entertain us and make us feel good. But, above all, we have discovered that humor and laughter are the best medicine. They relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and are anti-aging and longevity facilitators(促进者).

They are extremely necessary for helping us to find and maintain a balance between life and work. However, they are slipping away from us. We have become far too serious. The only ones who still enjoy humor, laughter, fun and play to the fullest are young children. Children tend to laugh an average of 200 times a day. For adults, however, it is a totally different story.

In the 1950s people laughed on average 18 times a day. Today, we are lucky if we average between 4-6 times a day.

As a matter of fact, a recent study found that people laugh 6 more times in the presence of one person but 30 more times in a group of people. You can get a chuckle(咯咯笑) from jokes you get on the Internet, but it is not the same as belly jiggling laughter (a deep laugh) you get when you interact with others.

Socializing(交际) with friends and relatives was much looked forward to. However, this is no longer the case. In fact, the majority of people can hardly find time, nor do they have the inclination towards socializing outside home. They turn to electronic media such as television, computers, the Internet, videos, CDs, and audio equipment, which can provide them with instant self-entertainment at the push of a button.

The workplace does not fare(进展) much better. Due to the pressures to produce more in the same or fewer hours available and to compete, for example, in a manufacturing field with cheaper labor elsewhere in the world, humor and laughter in the workplace have gradually eroded(逐渐毁坏) away.

I have developed a real appreciation, perhaps closer to a strong desire for the power of humor and laughter. This encouraged me to write my first book titled “The Power of Humor” and subsequently my second book titled “Kids Say the Goggonest Things” based on the natural humor, laughter, play and fun that kids experience and they freely share with parents, grandparents and teachers.

From writing about humor and laughter, people start to ask me to speak up for them. To date, I have developed a number of humor-laughter topics that I use in my keynote presentations. You are invited to subscribe to my free monthly e-magazine “The Humormeister’s Forum” by clicking on the Free Humor E-zine navigation button on the website.

1.According to the author, laughter is leaving us partly because ________.

A. the pace of change in our lives is becoming faster

B. we fail to reflect on fun times in our lives

C. we treat everything in a serious way

D. humor of situations lies beneath

2.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that ________.

A. researchers have made a new discovery about the effect of laughter

B. people laugh more heartily when spending time with others

C. we can entertain ourselves with the help of the Internet

D. getting a deep laugh nowadays is difficult

3.The underlined word “inclination” in Paragraph 5 most probably means “________”.

A. destination     B. tendency      C. attitude             D. approach

4.Which of the following articles can we most probably find in “The Humormeister’s Forum”?

A. The power of honesty.                                      

B. Don’t be your own worst enemy.

C. Live life purposefully: The relationship within.

D. Funny Christmas stories to share with your loved ones.


There are many theories about how drama (戏剧) came into being in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama developed gradually from ceremonies. The argument for this view goes as follows.

In the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the world as unpredictable, and they sought through various means to control these unknown powers. Those measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then kept and repeated until they hardened into fixed ceremonies. Eventually stories arose which explained the mysteries of the ceremonies. As time passed, some of them were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths (神话), provided materials for art and drama

Those who believe that drama came out of ceremonies also argue that those ceremonies contained the seed of theater because music, dance, and masks were almost always used. In addition, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the rules of ceremonies, religious leaders usually assumed that task. Wearing masks, they often impersonated (扮演) other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and performed the desired effect by gestures -- success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival (复活) of the Sun -- as an actor might. Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious activities.

Another theory finds out the theater came from the human Interest in storytelling. According to this view, tales (about the hunt, war, or other events) are gradually formed, at first through the use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a speaker and then through the assumption of each of the roles by a different person A closely related theory about drama traces to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations (模仿) of animal movements and sounds.

1.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A.Three theories about how drama came into being are mentioned.

B.The majority of people believe drama came from ceremonies.

C.Stories were made up to explain the mysteries of the ceremonies.

D.Religious activities developed gradually from ceremonies.

2.We can infer from the passage that ______.

A.all measures couldn't bring the desired results

B.religious leaders usually didn't perform in the ceremonies

C.mistakes are unavoidable in the religious ceremonies

D.performers usually used languages to reach the desired results

3.The underlined part "traces to" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A.dates back to       B.is devoted to       C.gives way to        D.is familiar to

4. The best title for the text would be ______.

A.The Development of Drama               B.The History of Drama

C.The Origin of Drama                     D.The Popularity of Drama


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