

1. 表达想参加的意愿;

2. 忙于准备高考;

3. 由于感冒,身体不适;

4. 表示歉意并另约时间。


Dear John,

I’m extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday.



_______________________________________________________________________Best wishes,


Li Hua


Growing roses is quite a difficult task without knowing the right way. If you are attracted by the beauty of roses and need some tips for growing them, read on for some tips about taking care of rose plants.

● You have to buy a good plant, preferably around two years old.

● While most rose plants can tolerate around six hours of sunlight every day, some varieties need eight hours of sunlight exposure. The shade-loving roses need only four hours of sunlight.

● You will have to soak(浸泡) the roots overnight, before planting. If you plant it in a container, then the watering should be done daily, whereas garden roses need water once or twice a week.

● The next point is the application of fertilizers(肥料), which is mainly needed by rose plants in containers. Most of the varieties do not need fertilizers, as they can feed on the nutrients that exist in the soil. There is no need of fertilization during November and December, and the frequency of fertilization can be reduced during the summers, especially after April. It can be restarted in September and has to be increased during the growing periods.

● Cutting the stems promotes the growth of the plant and also aids flowering. It should be done regularly to remove dead or diseased leaves and stems.

Rose plants can be successfully grown by beginners too! With some care and consideration, all your efforts would definitely be worth it once you smell the fragrance of beautiful roses.

1. You can put shade-loving roses in the sun as long as ______.

A. 2 hours B. 4 hours C. 6 hours D. 8 hours

2.You should stop fertilizing rose plants in _______.

A. June B. April C. November D. September

3.To grow a rose in a garden, you should _______.

A. prevent cutting the stems

B. water the plant every day

C. avoid removing the diseased leaves

D. make the roots soaked for a night before planting

Remember that goals are dreams with a timetable. Our goals are important for us to create what enriches our life. A very common attitude among people who are successful is that their success lies in their ability to provide themselves goals that are both numerous and exciting. When you think about your future,you are helping to feed a long-term goal of what you want to create.

To realize your dreams,you must translate your vision into a series of actions you can take as soon as possible. You should be able to measure these results,to make sure they take you wherever you want. And this step should not be viewed lightly! Indeed,very few people set goals and concrete actions for themselves to achieve. Very few people note what they want to accomplish,and know each day whether they have indeed advanced in the direction of their dreams.

Therefore one of the secrets that you can get results from is to write down your goals on paper first. When you give your dreams a form,they become more concrete,and you can refer to them often and easily. Whenever you read the dreams that you note down,you fill your mind with positive and motivational thoughts.

Unfortunately,many people stop there. They just simply make wishes, hope and wait. These people do not bring positive difference in their lives,because that sort of behavior is just wishful thinking. Success is not at all a miracle. It depends on clear and realistic targets through serious thoughts:concrete actions and perseverance(毅力). Don’t forget,your past does not determine your future. Only you now is your potential!

1.People can achieve success commonly in that they .

A. have many dreams

B. are well-informed of how goals go

C. think a lot about their bright future

D. know what the goals are in their life

2.If you put down your goals on the paper,you can .

A. know clearly what should be done

B. make them accomplished smoothly

C. measure the results of the goals easily

D. mention them easily to others

3.The last paragraph mainly tells that .

A. having dreams is very important to everyone

B. to translate goals into concrete actions is important for success

C. what people did in the past affects what the are today

D. most people can make a difference in their life

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Path towards Your Targets

B. The Process of Making Goals

C. The Power of Your Goals

D. The Importance of Your Success


Quick tips for better time management

Are you a good time manager? If your answer is “no”, here are some tips on how to be a better time manager:

1. Create a daily plan. Plan your day before it starts. The plan gives you a good description of how the day will go on. That way, you will be ready to deal with most of the things you meet. 1.

2. Focus. Are you multi-tasking so much that you’re just not getting anything done? 2. Only focus on what you’re doing. You’ll be more efficient that way.

3. Stay away from your time wasters. What takes your time away from your work? QQ? Email checking? 3. One thing you can do is make it hard to check them — remove them from your browser quick links.

4. 4. Don’t take on more than you can deal with. For the distractions that come in when you’re doing other things, give a firm no. Or do it later.

5. Decide to be early. When you prepare to be on time, you’ll either be on time or late. 5. However, if you decide to be early, you’ll most likely to be on time. For appointments, try to be early. For your deadlines, meet them earlier than required.

A. Learn to say “No”.

B. Most of the time you’ll be late.

C. Great ways to know your time spent.

D. Cut off when you need to.

E. Stop checking them so often.

F. Your job for the day is to follow the plan as best as possible..

G. If so, focus on just one key task at one time


We are familiar with an old saying that “Clothes make the man”,which means good­looking outfits may possibly make a person better respected and look more like a true gentleman.__ 1._ Naturally,he may be well respected and gracefully treated even though he doesn't seem so respectable as others imagined. Instead,if a man is poorly or commonly dressed,he can't avoid being looked down upon and unfairly treated,_2._ As far as these people are concerned,what one wears is taken as an essential signal of status and an expression of characteristics. Consequently,clothes do seem to help make a good impression on others,and gain more respect.

__3._ I think the good impression one leaves on others based on clothes doesn't last long. Only good internal quality and beauty will impress people forever and never fade.__ 4.__ On the contrary,when people who are fascinated by a person's clothes eventually find out that he is an undesirable person,they would think he is pretentious and may even treat him with contempt(蔑视).On top of this,people who attach too much importance to clothes would waste their time and money on it. Besides,it adversely affects their effort on the things that really matter.

In summary,__5.__Nothing can count more than good internal quality in building up the man. Therefore only one's internal beauty and knowledge are more decisive of a person's value.

A.clothes do help in making an initial image,but do not make the man.

B.As a result,all the people spare no money to buy expensive fine clothes.

C.Clothes just make a man look better but will in no sense make a better person.

D.But I have a different view on this issue.

E.Thus,a man should be always dressed like a gentleman.

F.for many people judge others only by the way they dress.

G.If a man is well dressed,he will probably gain more confidence and dignity.

In high school, all Canadian students take part in a very exciting event. It is "Take Your Children to Work Day". Students will have a chance to work with their parents. My day took place in my mom's work, the York Region Police Department.

When I arrived, a coach was teaching the officers basic combat(格斗)skills. Everyone tried their best to practice. I could see them sweating and panting (喘气).

The most exciting part of my visit was a stop at the 911 Communication Center. 911 is the same as 110,119 and 120 in China. Every 911 call in the city is answered here. When I entered the center, I stood beside a call dispatcher (分派人员)arid watched him dealing-with the calls.

Suddenly, the phone rang, he picked it up and a woman cried for help. There was a robbery in her house. The call dispatcher told her, "Please calm down and move to the safe place quietly. Don't fight with them. Just let them take what they want. Please make sure you are not hurt. We are sending officers there."

He followed the call and found the address. The call dispatcher chose the five closest police cars from the satellite map and clicked(敲键盘) to send the policemen. I saw the police cars from the satellite map were quickly moving to the woman's house. Five minutes later, they arrived .I asked the call dispatcher why he sent five cars. He said, "There are different levels of emergencies. Robbery is a high priority (优先),so we have to send five cars." The day was interesting. I leaned how the different departments worked together. The officers were very friendly and admirable.

1.What's the best title for the article?

A. An exciting day at a Police Department.

B. Robbery is a high priority.

C. How the police saved the woman.

D. The 911 Communication Center.

2.What is the correct time line according to the article?

a. A woman cried for help on the phone.

b. A coach was teaching the policemen combat skills.

c. The writer visited the 911 Communication Center.

d. The police quickly arrived at the woman's house.

A. b-c-d-a B. b-c-a-d

C. c-b-a-d D. c-d-a-b

3.What would the woman probably do after dialing 911?

A. Fight bravely against the robbers.

B. Find a safe place to hide.

C. Ask the robbers not to hurt her or take anything away from her house.

D. Ask her neighbors to help her catch the robbers.

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