
Read the passage and do the exercises according to the requests.



  Comic(喜剧的)book superhero Spider-Man uses tiny hairs on his fingertips to climb up walls.But he could have had another secret weapon to help him stick.

  Scientists have now found that some spiders can also make silk in their feet, which may sometimes help them get a firmer grip on a surface.

  Spiders are good at gripping walls with their legs.Thousands of little hairs on their feet make it possible.To test whether spiders also make these hairs wet to improve grip, scientists watched zebra tarantulas crawl(爬行)up glass slides.

  When they tilted a glass slide until it was almost vertical, the spider slipped a few millimeters before attaching itself again.The scientists were surprised to see little threads(线)stretching from its feet to the slide.When they studied the spider’s feet under a special microscope, they found tiny silk-shooting spouts(吐出)among the hairs.

  This was a surprise because scientists had previously thought spiders only use special organs near their stomachs to make silk.

  It’s possible that, a long time ago, feet were the first body parts of spiders to produce silk.Only later in their evolutionary(进化)history did spiders develop spinnerets on their abdomens(腹部)to produce silk for webs(网).

  If so, the researchers say, this could mean that the silk’s original purpose was to , rather than to build homes or trap prey(猎物).

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be best replaced by the following one?

It has been discovered that the silk spouted from the feet of the spiders can assist them to get attached on objects.


3.Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


5.What can you learn from this discovery?(Please answer within 20 words.)



  1.Sticky Silky Feet/Spiders with Silky Feet

  2.Scientists have now found that some spiders can also make silk in their feet, which may sometimes help them get a firmer grip on a surface.

  3.Help spiders climb and stick


  5.From this discovery we can see that there is no limit to the development of science./We can learn that people need to observe carefully if they want to make any discovery./It can be concluded from this story that curiosity can be the eternal motivation of science.


语境填词, 注意动词形式。(每空1分,满分20分)

1.We must make _______(安排,筹备)for the wedding.

2.The new law f_________ smoking in offices.

3.This type of university course is no longer_________(有关的) to today’s problem.

4.He failed to _________(获得) a scholarship.

5.As soon as he saw the letter, he ______ (承认) that he had written it.

6.I am sorry to ___(打扰)you, but can you tell me the way to the nearest supermarket?

7.We still _______(欠) the garage $50 for those repairs.

8.He found it hard to __________(适应) to working at night.

9.It is _______(显然的) from her accent that she is from the north of China.

10.There were more than 50 a_________ for the job, but only 10 were employed.                    

11.The ___________(大多数) of representatives are in favor of the plan, only a few are against it.

12.He was _____(雇佣) three years ago and he is content with the job in the company.

13.Research ____________(暗示) that eating habits are related to health.

14. His telephone is out of service. Is there any other ______(方式)of contacting him?

15.I take _________(安慰) from the fact that his friends are there to help him.

16.The country is a___________ in natural resources.

17.She u____________ the responsibility for the changes.

18.The teacher _____________(建议) the students to read the following books.

19.The railway lines run p___________ to the road, so they will never meet.

20.Clothes and blankets have been ________(分配,分发) among the flood victims.



Here is a poster on a middle school website. Read the website poster.

         Going, Going, Gone!

         The Haynes Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization invites you to attend our latest fund-raiser, the Fourth Annual Haynes School Auction (拍卖)!

         Saturday, May 10

6:00 p.m. ~ 11:00 p.m.

In the school hall

         6:00 p.m.~ 6:30 p.m.: All items for auction are previewed.

         6:30 p.m.~ 7:00 p.m.: Silent auction begins.

         7:00 p.m.~ 7:30 p.m.: Highest bidders (出价人) from silent auction are determined.

         7:30 p.m.~ 11:00 p.m.: Main auction begins.

         Items (物品) up for bid in the silent auction vary in value from $ 5.00 to $ 30.00.

         Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:

         ●Airline tickets to a place of your choice

         ●Weekend getaways at first-class hotels

         ●Season tickets to the Chicago Bears football game

         ●$ 50 gift tickets to local gift shops, restaurants, and salons

         Don’t miss the boat! Book your tickets today.

         Last year, tickets were sold out in five days!

         Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

         $ 15.00 per person

         All the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?

         A. A movie pass to the local cinema.

         B. A weekend stay at a hotel.

         C. A ticket to a restaurant.

         D. Airline tickets.

2.The more items that are given or bought for auction, ________.

         A. the less money that will be charged for the tickets to the auction

         B. the more money that can be raised to support the computer lab

         C. the faster the ticket will be sold to the auction

         D. the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction

3.Which of the following is most likely to happen at the year’s auction?

         A. The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.

         B. All items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.

         C. More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.

         D. Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.

4.The phrase “first-come, first-served” tells you that ________.

         A. people can buy the tickets on the first day only

B. the person who is the first to arrive will receive a ticket at no charge

C. food and drinks will be served at the auction

D. tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them




Directions: Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

The Chilean earthquake, measuring 8.8 – magnitude, which struck early Saturday morning, released 500 times the energy of the 7.0 – magnitude quake that hit Haiti (海地) last month, a geophysicist told CBS’ “The Early Show. ” Tsunami warnings were issued for much of the Pacific, including Hawaii, following the quake that struck near the Chilean coast.

"When the earthquake occurred, it moved the land and then it moved the water causing the tsunami," said U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist Jessica Sigala. "And the coastal areas of Chile have already noticed the wave heights up to about 7 feet."

Sigala said Hawaiians can expect to see the waves from this tsunami around 11:20 a.m. local time (about 4:20 p.m. ET). "So we have to wait and see how big the waves will be."

"It's not so much the height [of the wave] but it's the width, it's how long the duration, and then it's also the speed at which it's traveling," said co-anchor Kelly Cobiella "Correct me if I'm wrong, but these waves are traveling at the speed of a jetliner, about 500 miles per hour?"

"That's correct. It's a big block of water coming onto the land," Sigala said.

Chile has already experienced several aftershocks following the quake.

"Aftershocks are definitely a concern," said Sigala. "We always see aftershocks with a large quake and a shallow quake, which this one was. And as of right now, we've located about maybe 15 aftershocks and those are of the larger kind. I'm sure they felt much more than that.

"A shallow earthquake just means that it happened pretty close to the surface," said Sigala. "And because of that the energy is really close to the surface, where all the buildings and people are."

50 deaths caused by aftershocks have been reported, according to the national emergency agency, adding the estimate casualties to 960.

Title: Concerns after 71.             

I. Tsunami:

72.                 : much of the Pacific, including Hawaii

●Cause: the earthquake moved 73.            

●Wave Heights: about 74.            

75.          : about 500 mph

II. 76.            :

●Reason: the Chilean Earthquake was a 77.          and a 78.          earthquake, which always have them after the major one

●Number: at least 79.           

●Loss caused: 80.          


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