


The opening ceremony of this famous yearly competition(比赛)will begin at 11∶30 a.m.There will be music groups, rappers and children’s chorus.12∶25 p.m.sees the introduction of the eaters who come from all over the world.At 12∶40 pm., the historic 12-minute all-you-can-eat competition will begin.The world record stands at over 50 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes.Will anyone beat the record this year?

Viewing is available on a first-come-first-served basis.Television are invited to use a two-tiered(两层)stage three meters from the main stage.The area in front of the main stage is kept for photographers and television cameras without tripods(三脚架)


Few periods in history are as exciting as the time when the Vikings(北欧海盗)were known-and sometimes feared-through-out Scandinavia, the British Isles, Russia, all the Mediterranean, Africa and even America.

Froj?l is a family-based society, which aims to relive and describe the Vikings from a harbor-Froj?l, on the Swedish island of Gotland.Froj?l was one of the richest trading centers in the Viking world.

The members of the society aim to recreate the clothing, weapons, tools, jewellery, games, food and furniture of that long-gone period.They want to enjoy an escape to a simpler, more relaxed time, with like-minded people.They will also use the items they have made to relive that age at various public entertainments.


According to Advertisement I, the famous yearly competition is ________

[  ]


a music competition


an eating competition


a cooking competition


a picture-taking competition


People who come to watch the competition earliest may ________

[  ]


get the best watching position


get the best food


watch whatever they want to


take good pictures


The best title for Advertisement II would be ________

[  ]


The Vikings


Reliving of the Vikings




A Viking Reliving Society


From the advertisement we know that Froj?l used to be ________

[  ]


a Viking club


a family-based society


a European island


a trading centre


Support for renewable energy technology to figllt global warming is weakening in the face of

worldwide economic problems and the true scale of the carbon reductions required,a survey pub-

lished today has suggested.

Figures presented at the UN climate talks in Poznan,Poland,show that climate experts have

less faitll in alternative energy than they did 12 months ago.

The survey shows less support for wind energy,solar power,biofuels,biomass and hydrogen

energy as technologies with“high potential”to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere over the next

25 years.

Eric Whan of Globesean,which carried out t}le survey of“climate decision makers”.said.

“As the climate crisis deepens they could be becoming less optimistic that individual technologies

may be able to solve the problem.’’

The survey,supported by groups including the World Bank,the United Nations Environment

Programme and the Pew Center for Global Climate Change,questioned l,000 senior figures across

governments,pressure groups and companies in 1 15 countries over the last few weeks.

Almost three—quarters of the experts agreed in the survey that“equitable(公平的,平等的)e—

eonomic growth and development and significant progress in combating(与…斗争)climate change

Call be achieved at the salne time.’’

Asked to rate the likely Success of low—carbon technologies in the mid—term,they showed

less confidence than a similar survey 12 months ago.Support for offshore wind farms,was down

61%from 65%last year.Solar electricity generation was rated as having high—potential by 66%of  respondents,down from 74%.Support for hydrogen power was 32%,down form 36%in 2007.

The respondents also warned that a deep recession(衰退)would make a new global deal on climate harder to achieve.Some 44%agreed that the current economic crisis will significantly delay orcompromise the“achievement of effective climate change agreements.’’

72.Which of the following is NOT the alternative energy?    ·

A.Wind energy.    B.Solar power.    C.Hydrogen energy.D.Conventional energy.

73.Which of the following altemative energy sees the most remarkable reduction in support'?

A.Offshore wind farms.    B.Solar electricity.

C.Hydrogen power.       D.Natural gas.

Why is support for renewable energy technology to fight dobal warming weakening?

A.The technology has no use at  all.

B.People don’t want to use the technology.

C.Nothing can be done to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere.

D.The current economic crisis iS to blame.

75.What’S the best title of the passage?

A.Experts Lost Faith in Renewable Technology  B.Global Environment Is Worsening

C.Who Is to Blame f.0r tIle Environment  D.What Can Be Done to Save the Earth



  Support for renewable energy technology to figllt global warming is weakening in the face of

worldwide economic problems and the true scale of the carbon reductions required,a survey pub-

lished today has suggested.

    Figures presented at the UN climate talks in Poznan,Poland,show that climate experts have

less faitll in alternative energy than they did 12 months ago.

  The survey shows less support for wind energy,solar power,biofuels,biomass and hydrogen

energy as technologies with“high potential”to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere over the next

25 years.

    Eric Whan of Globesean,which carried out t}le survey of“climate decision makers”.said.

“As the climate crisis deepens they could be becoming less optimistic that individual technologies

may be able to solve the problem.’’

    The survey,supported by groups including the World Bank,the United Nations Environment

Programme and the Pew Center for Global Climate Change,questioned l,000 senior figures across

governments,pressure groups and companies in 1 15 countries over the last few weeks.

  Almost three—quarters of the experts agreed in the survey that“equitable(公平的,平等的)e—

eonomic growth and development and significant progress in combating(与…斗争)climate change

Call be achieved at the salne time.’’

    Asked to rate the likely Success of low—carbon technologies in the mid—term,they showed

less confidence than a similar survey 12 months ago.Support for offshore wind farms,was down

61%from 65%last year.Solar electricity generation was rated as having high—potential by 66%of  respondents,down from 74%.Support for hydrogen power was 32%,down form 36%in 2007.

    The respondents also warned that a deep recession(衰退)would make a new global deal on climate harder to achieve.Some 44%agreed that the current economic crisis will significantly delay orcompromise the“achievement of effective climate change agreements.’’

72.Which of the following is NOT the alternative energy?    ·

  A.Wind energy.    B.Solar power.    C.Hydrogen energy.D.Conventional energy.

73.Which of the following altemative energy sees the most remarkable reduction in support'?

  A.Offshore wind farms.    B.Solar electricity.

  C.Hydrogen power.       D.Natural gas.

Why is support for renewable energy technology to fight dobal warming weakening?

  A.The technology has no use at  all.

  B.People don’t want to use the technology.

  C.Nothing can be done to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere.

  D.The current economic crisis iS to blame.

75.What’S the best title of the passage?

A.Experts Lost Faith in Renewable Technology  B.Global Environment Is Worsening

C.Who Is to Blame f.0r tIle Environment  D.What Can Be Done to Save the Earth


  Support for renewable energy technology to figllt global warming is weakening in the face of

worldwide economic problems and the true scale of the carbon reductions required,a survey pub-

lished today has suggested.

    Figures presented at the UN climate talks in Poznan,Poland,show that climate experts have

less faitll in alternative energy than they did 12 months ago.

  The survey shows less support for wind energy,solar power,biofuels,biomass and hydrogen

energy as technologies with“high potential”to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere over the next

25 years.

    Eric Whan of Globesean,which carried out t}le survey of“climate decision makers”.said.

“As the climate crisis deepens they could be becoming less optimistic that individual technologies

may be able to solve the problem.’’

    The survey,supported by groups including the World Bank,the United Nations Environment

Programme and the Pew Center for Global Climate Change,questioned l,000 senior figures across

governments,pressure groups and companies in 1 15 countries over the last few weeks.

  Almost three—quarters of the experts agreed in the survey that“equitable(公平的,平等的)e—

eonomic growth and development and significant progress in combating(与…斗争)climate change

Call be achieved at the salne time.’’

    Asked to rate the likely Success of low—carbon technologies in the mid—term,they showed

less confidence than a similar survey 12 months ago.Support for offshore wind farms,was down

61%from 65%last year.Solar electricity generation was rated as having high—potential by 66%of  respondents,down from 74%.Support for hydrogen power was 32%,down form 36%in 2007.

    The respondents also warned that a deep recession(衰退)would make a new global deal on climate harder to achieve.Some 44%agreed that the current economic crisis will significantly delay orcompromise the“achievement of effective climate change agreements.’’

72.Which of the following is NOT the alternative energy?    ·

  A.Wind energy.    B.Solar power.    C.Hydrogen energy.D.Conventional energy.

73.Which of the following altemative energy sees the most remarkable reduction in support'?

  A.Offshore wind farms.    B.Solar electricity.

  C.Hydrogen power.       D.Natural gas.

Why is support for renewable energy technology to fight dobal warming weakening?

  A.The technology has no use at  all.

  B.People don’t want to use the technology.

  C.Nothing can be done to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere.

  D.The current economic crisis iS to blame.

75.What’S the best title of the passage?

A.Experts Lost Faith in Renewable Technology  B.Global Environment Is Worsening

C.Who Is to Blame f.0r tIle Environment  D.What Can Be Done to Save the Earth

2009 sees the 800th anniversary of the University of Cambridge. Thousands of people have taken part in global celebrations marking the 800th year of Cambridge University. The city of Cambridge has been decorated in a series of colorful streetlight banners to recognize the University's 800th anniversary.

Cambridge University was founded in 1209 after scholars from Oxford University gathered to study at the ancient Roman trading post Of Cambridge. Although academics were not sure of the exact date of the founding,they felt it was best to start the birthday celebrations when the students returned from their spring holidays this year.With the about 83 Nobel prizewinners who studied at

Cambridge  University,Cambridge now plays host to 18,000 students.Outstanding former Cambridge students include  Oliver Cromwell,Isaac  Newton, Charles

Darwin  and Stephen  Hawking.For example,Charles Darwin,who transformed the way we think about the natural world,was born 200 years ago on February 12,1809.

Meanwhile,church bell―ringers around the world also played a new piece composed for the celebrations.Other events include an Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin  festival and a science festival;A Festival of ideas of Creativities is planned for October,while a closing ceremony will be held the following month.

The Cambridge Science Festival is the largest free science festival among all of the celebrations in the UK and 25,000 people attend it .It encourages the general public, and particularly young people, to take an interest in science and its application in society.

Many of our anniversary events are free and open to the public .However ,due to space limitations, some events will require advance booking .Ticketing information for most events is available .For further information ,please contact on 800@admin .cam.ac.uk or(0)1223761672.


45.It can be concluded from the passage that _____.

A.Newton,Darwin,Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein all graduated from Cambridge University.

B.The year of 2009 is also the 200th anniversary of Isaac Newton.

C. Cambridge brought up about 83 Nobel prizewinners,ranking top of the world.

D. Cambridge University is younger than Oxford University.

46. How long will the celebrations of the 800th Cambridge anniversary 1ast?

A.1 month or so.                                 B.About 3 months.

C.Nearly l year.                                   D.One and a half years.

47.What dose the author want to express most when mentioning Newton,Darwin and Hawking?

A.They were all former graduates of Cambridge University.

B.Cambridge University takes great pride in them.

C. They were and are famous scientists in UK that have great influence on modern science.

D.They are all Nobel prizewinners in the world.

48. Which events are included in the celebrations of the 800th year of Cambridge University?

a.The Cambridge city has been decorated beautiful.

b. About 18,000 students took part in the Cambridge celebrations.

c.Church bell― ringers across the world played a new piece composed for the celebrations.

d.A Festival of ideas of Creativities is planned for October.

e. Charles Darwin transformed the way we think about the natural world.

A.a―b―c―d―e                                       B.a―b―c―d

C.b―c―d―e                                            D.a―c―d

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