Three weeks ago, Paul David was given up for dead. Today the 24-year-old truck driver is on the road to getting 21 , thanks to quick, 22 first aid of six skilled college student nurses, who were traveling a few minutes 23 his truck and got to him 24 it crashed.
The student nurses were on the way back from a day of medical 25 at a hospital. When they saw the 26 , they jumped out of their car. They 27 that David was already dead, but they wouldn’t move on without seeing for 28 . With the help of three men they lifted him out. He was bleeding 29 and his heart almost stopped beating. He was obviously 30 .
One girl found an ice-cream 31 on the ground and made an airway down his throat. Another student held his tongue down. Then a third girl found a towel and 32 down with it on David’s neck to slow the bleeding. A fourth nurse brought a blanket and 33 David to warm him up. They kept his legs 34 .“We kept talking to him,” Miss Taylor said. “We 35 that the last thing you lose is your 36 .”
The student nurses kept David 37 until he could be gotten to hospital. There, he was brought out of 38 . A doctor said that David would have choked and bled to death without the 39 of the six student nurses. That is 40 he is alive today.
21.A.well B.worse C.buried D.away
23.A.earlier B.later C.behind D.before
24.A.before long B.long before C.long after D.soon after
25.A.training B.team C.exercise D.examination
26.A.driver B.accident C.incident D.car-racing
27.A.were told B.discovered C.checked D.reminded
28.A.him B.them C.himself D.themselves
29.A.hardly B.badly C.sadly D.slightly
30.A.died B.dead C.dying D.death
31.A.stick B.box C.paper D.packet
32.A.pulled B.took C.pressed D.lay
33.A.covered B.removed C.dressed D.offered
34.A.rising B.risen C.raising D.raised
35.A.found out B.suggested C.thought D.learned
36.A.breathing B.seeing C.hearing D.smelling
37.A.talking B.bleeding C.alive D.lively
38.A.control B.danger C.car D.life
39.A.care B.cure C.talk D.study
40.A.because B.why C.what D.where