
 ---My daughter nearly set the chicken on fire when cooking some dishes.

---You can’t stress ______the importance of using the fire.

A. too                       B. much                    C. yet                        D. enough



第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Dear Mr. Smith,

How are you! I’m very happy to write this letter to you.       

I r      the admission notice to Beijing University last                      76.__________      

W      . As you know, my major is Foreign Language Literature.         77.__________      

       I have been dreaming about. Mr. Smith, I still remember            78.__________      

The first day when you began to teach us. When a     to introduce         79.__________      

Ourselves, we were quite nervous, b      we were poor at listening        80.__________     

And speaking. However, you patiently        (鼓励) us to practice 81.__________      

As much as possible. Your class was so        (生动)that all of        82.__________      

Us were interested. With your        I improved my English step         83.__________      

       step;otherwise, in NMET I wouldn’t have got a satisfactory             84.__________      

result. Mr. Smith, thank you very much indeed.       I miss you!         85.__________      

Hope to see you soon!



When Carla Fisher and her husband announced plans to travel the globe with their young daughters for a year, some friends called them crazy.

    Seven years later, with wonderful memories and a book documenting their world travel, the Fishers now seem like global trailblazers (先驱者).

    “It’s really encouraging to hear that many other people want to educate their kids in that manner,” said Fisher.

Some parents are trying to raise knowledgeable and open-minded “world citizens”. Others want to give their children the skills they’ll need to compete globally.

“There is a huge amount of interest in spending time abroad at all stages of life and increasingly, as a family with children,” said Maya Frost, author of “The New Global Student…”. She knows American families in every corner of the globe who have made that choice.

    “There’s so much more to education than school,” said Tessa Hill, who recently returned to her Houston-area home, after driving her family across North and Central America and Europe in a motor home for 13 months. “World travel is an education in people, cultures, language, travel skills, street smarts and in how lucky we are to live in the United States.”

    When Hill and her husband began considering extended global travel, their middle child, Charles, 13, was surprised. “My first reaction was ‘well, are we really going to do this?’” Charles said. “But it did sound like great fun.”

    Charles said missing his friends was the hardest part. He stayed in touch via e-mail and made some new friends along the way, playing soccer with kids in France and learning about rugby from youths in Ireland.

“I’d definitely recommend this to other kids,” Charles said. “It was such a great opportunity to see different countries and learn geography a different way.”

To make re-entry smoother, most school officials prefer that families work out an educational plan before they leave town.

“It sounds out-of-date, but it really opens up your mind and your eyes to the world,” said Robbin Goodman, 17, a senior student who spent his junior year skateboarding across Beijing, China, when he wasn’t studying Chinese history and other core subjects.

Had he not already taken a school-sponsored spring break trip with his mom to China in 2007, Robbin said he probably would not have been able to convince his parents to let him go alone for a year. “I knew I would learn Chinese and all that, but my goal was to have a great time,” Robbin said. 

“The biggest problem for those seriously considering going abroad is dealing with those who are against the idea,” said Frost.

“They gain the ability to take risks and to have confidence in themselves,” said Liz Pearlstein, founder of a global education consulting firm. “When we came home from London, my daughter, who had been painfully shy before we left, said ‘Mom, now I know there’s nothing I can’t do.’”

No one knows exactly how many American families are choosing the global education path,

but global education consultants say a growing number of parents are traveling for a year or more with their children.

Title: A real global 71.  ▲  : traveling abroad with kids for a year

Travelers’ experiences and feelings

Carla Fisher

● Courage is needed to take the 72.  ▲   travel for there are different voices.

● It is encouraging to hear more parents make such a similar

73.  ▲  .

Tessa Hill and Charles

● World travel can help people learn more about cultures, languages and travel skills, etc.

● Charles made new friends along his way and 74.  ▲   his friends back home.

Robbin Goodman

● One-year 75.  ▲   in China alone can serve the purpose of having a good time.

Liz Pearlstein

● World travel 76.  ▲   kids to take risks and builds up confidence in themselves.

Opinions and suggestions

Maya Frost

● There is an 77.  ▲   number of family traveling abroad with kids. Parents should take it into consideration how to deal with the opposite idea.

School officials

● Parents had better help kids work out educational plans to make it 78.  ▲   for them to return to school.

79.  ▲ 

Generally, more families in the USA 80.  ▲   to travel abroad with kids for a year or more.

The Kingdome in Seattle was destroyed on March 26, 2000. It was taken down to make room for a new stadium. The blast(爆破) from the falling building caused the earth to shake as if an earthquake had happened.

Scientists placed more than 200 earthquake recorders in the earth to measure the movement. They found which parts of the city shook the most. This information helped them know which parts of the city would be damaged in a real earthquake at an early time.

A real earthquake happened on February 28, 2001 in Seattle. The Nisqually earthquake was 6.8 on the Richter scale(里氏6.8级). It damaged the same parts of Seattle that scientists had predicted(预测) from the pulling down of the Kingdome. It was a plate quake. It started deep in the earth, 37 miles below the surface on the Juan de Fuca Plate. Sometimes, huge plates under the earth cause earthquakes when the plates move against each other suddenly.

Scientists have learned that deep earthquakes have very few aftershocks(余震). The Nisqually earthquake had only 4 ones. Another earthquake in California that was close to the surface had over 120 aftershocks. Scientists do not know why the deep earthquakes have fewer aftershocks.

Scientists plan to blast in the ground near Seattle with the purpose of testing the plate. The shockwaves from the blast will jump off the plate and give them an idea of where the plate is and how it is moving. This will give them more information in case another real earthquake hits the area.

72. According to the passage, ______ have the most aftershocks.

     A.shockwave earthquakes     B.shallow earthquakes

    C.deep earthquakes          D.earthquakes more than 6.8 Richter scale

73.What do scientists hope to learn from the blast above the Juan de Fuca Plate? 

    A.They hope to learn where the plate is and how it is moving.

    B.They want to destroy the Kingdome.

    C.They want to know which places are likely to have the most damage.

    D.They hope to find out how many plates there are in the ground there.

74.Why were the scientists interested in the pulling down of the Seattle Kingdome? 

    A.They wanted to see which areas near the Kingdome would shake the hardest.

    B.They wanted to predict what might happen in a real earthquake.

    C.They wanted to measure the movement of the Earth with earthquake recorders.

    D.All of the above.

75.What will happen after a deep earthquake according to the scientists? 

    A.There will be many aftershocks.

    B.There will be very few aftershocks.

    C.The Richter scale of the quakes will be a 6.8 or more.

D.There will be little damage.


  The third theme of geography is movement. As people travel around the world, exchanging goods, ideas and interests, the global community is transformed. Take surfing, for example, the sport originated in Hawaii centuries ago. Today, the cry “surf up!” can be heard along coastlines everywhere.

  Europeans were the first Westerners to observe the sport. In 1779, Captain Cook, a British explorer, and his crew sailed around the Sandwich Islands ( Now Hawaii ). Near the rocky coast of the Big Island, they witnessed a man riding a wave while standing on a board.

  Cook was stricken by what he saw. Hawaiians would pray for good waves and hold ceremonies when building surfboards. Their boards were built according to rank: Chiefs used long boards (16 to 18 feet long ), while commoners used shorter ones (6 to 8 feet long ).

  After the arrival of Europeans, Hawaiian surf culture declined. Many Hawaiians died of European-borne diseases. Also, Christian missionaries (传教士) spread the belief that surfing was “ignorant (愚昧的)fun”.

These conditions changed after Hawaii became a United States territory in 1900( It became a state in 1959.) Travelers to the islands brought back stories of wave riding. Tales of the thrilling sport spread across the U.S., then to the rest of the world.

  Today, surfing is the king of board sports. According to wannasurf.com, the world has nearly 8,000 “surf spots” in 136 countries on 6 continents. The Association of Surfing professionals (ASP) holds an annual world tour in which top riders compete for millions of fans on the waves.

top-5 countries with surf spots

country    NO. of Sports

United States  1375

Australia      1160

South Africa    575

France        352

New Zealand   338

60. According to the passage , surfing originated in________.

 A. Britain         B. Europe      C. America          D. France

61. Which of the following is TRUE?

 A. Captain Cook was interested in surfing.

 B. There are no surf spots in Asia.

 C. In Hawaii, everyone was equal in sports.

 D. Surfing is the third theme of geography.

62. The underlined word in the fourth paragraph probably means________.

 A. excited Europeans               B. gradually lost its strength

 C. died out                       D. became more and more popular

63 What would be the best title for the text?

 A. The spread of surf culture.         B. The history of surf culture.

 C. The rebirth of surf culture.         D. The advantages of surf culture.

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