
【小题1】A millipede insect in the rainforest c______________ ( 包含 )a powerful drug which can drives mosquitoes away.
【小题2】Would you please tell us your story b_____________, not in detail.
【小题3】If you want to keep fit, you’d better to do morning exercises and have a b__________________ diet.
【小题4】This film we saw last night r___________________ me of the old days we spent together
【小题5】He is considering a_____________________(道歉) to Paul for his rude behavior in the basketball game.
【小题6】“No one shall park here without p________________( 许可),” puts the guard directly.
【小题7】Only having  r______________ vegetables, fruit and water for a dinner could not offer enough energy.
【小题8】On hearing the funny story, everyone present burst into l_________________.
【小题9】I am afraid of dogs because I was once b________________ by a dog when I was young.
【小题10】Born into a r_________________(宗教)family, he usually goes to church with his parents on Sunday

【小题1】 contains      
【小题2】 briefly      
【小题4】 reminded     
【小题9】 bitten        

【小题1】contains   动词contain包含,表示包含的部分内容,要区别与include。
【小题2】 briefly    用副词briefly修饰动词tell me your story指简洁地告诉我你的故事。
【小题3】 balanced   形容词balanced修饰名词diet指平衡的饮食。
【小题4】 reminded   固定搭配remind sb of sth提醒某人某事;后面的spent说明使用过去时。
【小题5】apologizing 固定搭配consider doing sth考虑做某事;动词apologize道歉。
【小题6】permission 名词允许permission,是由动词peimit转换而来。
【小题7】raw        形容词raw生的,为加工的,无经验的。
【小题8】laughter   固定搭配burst into laughter突然笑起来="burst" out laughing。
【小题9】bitten     动词bite咬;本句是其被动语态be bitten被咬。
【小题10】religious  形容词religious虔诚的,宗教的。是由名词religion转换而来。


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