
在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Partner ”的英文演讲稿。





心情愉快, 同甘共苦




你的观点…… (至少2个)


1. 对所给要点进行陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数100左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 参考词汇:合作cooperation(n.) cooperate(v.)

Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “being a good partner”. _____________________


TODAY, Friday, November 12

JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms. Upper Richmond Road West, Sheen.

DISCO Satin Sounds Disco. Free at The Lord Napier, Mort lake High St., from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tel: 682-1158.

SATURDAY, November 13

JAZZ Lysis at The Bull’s Head, Barnes. Admission 60p.

MUSICAL HALL at The Star and Garter, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall company. Good food and entertainment fair price. Tel: 789-6749.

FAMILY night out? Join the sing-along at The Black Horse. Sheen Road, Richmond.

JAZZ The John Bennett Big Band at The Bull’s Head, Barnes. Admission 80p.

THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion(手风琴). Tel: 789-4536

SUNDAY, November 14

DISCO Satin Sounds Disco, free at The Lord Napier, Mort Lake High Street, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms. The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio. Non-members 70p. Tel: 688-4626.

HEAVY MUSIC with Tony Simon at The Bull, Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen.

THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion.

1.Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio?

A. At the Bull’s Head on Sunday.

B. At the Derby Arms on Sunday.

C. At the Bull on Saturday.

D. At the Black Horse on Saturday.

2.You want to enjoy the electric accordion on Saturday. Which telephone number do you have to ring to find out what time it starts?

A. 789-4536.

B. 682-1158.

C. 688-4626.

D. 789-6749.

3.You want to spend the Saturday by joining the entertainment with your family. Where should you go?

A. Jazz at The Bull’s Head.

B. Disco at The Lord Napier.

C. The sing-along at The Black Horse.

D. The electric accordion at The Derby Arms.


I was 14 years old. I was angry and rebellious, with regard for anything my parents had to say, if it had nothing to do with me. Like so many , I struggled to escape from anything that didn’t my picture of the world. As a “ brilliant without need of guidance” kid, I rejected any obvious of love. In fact, I got angry at the of the word “love”.

One , after an extremely difficult day, I into my room, shut the door loudly and fell down onto my bed heavily. As I lay down in the privacy of my , my hands placed under my pillow. There was an envelope. I pulled it out and on the envelope it said, “To when you’re alone.”

I was alone, no one would know whether I read it or not. So I opened it. It said,“Mike,I know life is right now, I know you are frustrated and I know we don’t do everything right. I also know that I love you and nothing you do or say will ever change that. I am here for you if you ever need to talk. If you don’t, that’s also . Just know that no matter where you go or whatever you do in your life, I will always love you and be that you are my son. I’m here for you and I love you-that will never .Love you, Mom.”

Every night as I went to bed, I would put my hands under my , and I remember the _ I felt every time I got a letter. During my teen years, the letters were the calm assurance that I still could be loved my anger and rudeness. Just before I fell I became grateful that my mom knew what I, an angry teenager, needed.

1.A. little B. all C. full D. high

2.A. seldom B. sometimes C. currently D. particularly

3.A. families B. adults C. people D. teenagers

4.A. hang up B. lift up C. agree with D. deal with

5.A. attempt B. offer C. request D. advice

6.A. risk B. proposal C. mention D. point

7.A. night B. day C. morning D. afternoon

8.A. slipped B. stormed C. sank D. slid

9.A. bed B. floor C. closet D. chair

10.A. answer B. seal C. read D. tear

11.A. If B. When C. Though D. Since

12.A. serious B. awful C. amazing D. exciting

13.A. entirely B. gently C. heavily D. personally

14.A. impossible B. terrible C. right D. okay

15.A. nervous B. sorry C. proud D. sure

16.A. last B. change C. happened D. start

17.A. pillow B. book C. desk D. door

18.A. relaxation B. sadness C. relief D. thrill

19.A. in spite of B. instead of C. ahead of D. in need of

20.A. ill B. down C. silent D. asleep

Christian Eijkman, a Dutch doctor, left the Netherlands for the island of Java. Many people on the island had a disease called beri-beri. He was going there to try and find a cure.

At first, Eijkman thought some kind of germ (细菌) caused beri-beri. He raised some chickens. He didn’t eat them, but made experiments on them. The local people were quite surprised at that. One day he noticed that his chickens became sick when they were fed the food most Javanese ate — refined white rice (精炼米). When he fed them with unrefined rice, also known as brown rice, they recovered. Eijkman realized that he had made an important discovery — that some things in food could prevent disease. These things were named vitamins. The Javanese were not getting enough vitamins because they had actually removed the part that contains vitamins. Later, other diseases were also found to be caused by the lack of vitamins in a person’s food.

Today many people know the importance of vitamins and they make sure they have enough vitamins from the food they eat. If they don’t, they can also take vitamin pills.

1.Christian Eijkman went to the island of Java to ______.

A. help the Javanese with their illness

. find ways to grow better crops

C. do some research about the island

D. spend his holiday

2.Why did Christian Eijkman raise some chickens?

A. To eat them.

B. To make money by selling them.

C. To give the Javanese a surprise.

D. To carry out his experiments.

3.If a person doesn’t get enough vitamins in his diet, he’d better ______.

A. eat more rice B. eat vitamin pills

C. eat some chicken D. eat more meat

Peter, a high school student, was pretty busy with school, and he was on the soccer team. High school was hard, because everyone wanted to have nice clothes, hang out, drive cars, and all these cost money. Peter’s father was the sort of guy that believed you had to earn whatever you got, so he wasn’t just about to hand over lots of money for Peter to use to have fun. So, he had to get a job.

During his freshman year summer vacation, his classmate got him a job working on a hay (干草) farm. He threw hay up into wagons as the tractor drove around fields, and then they stacked (剁起) it in the hot barn.(干草棚) It was a hot, low paying job.

He once worked a few nights a week at a grocery store. He put things on the shelf. It was a lot of lifting and carrying, and his arms were strong from this and the previous job. It was dull and didn’t pay much.

He took some time off when soccer got serious, but the following summer he tried working at a lumber(废旧家具)yard. It was hot outside, but he got a lot of exercise lifting and carrying things like boards and drywall. He also learned a lot about building supplies. It still didn’t pay well.

From there, he spent a year doing some tutoring for a friend of the family, but that was piecemeal. His first real job came the last year at school, when he fixed registers and worked on computers at a big box store. It was his favorite job yet, but it still didn’t pay well.

What Peter realized with all of these jobs was that he needed a better paying job! The only way to get that was to get trained or educated. He could go to school and get a 2?year degree in an office or technical position. His other choices were going to a 4?year college or joining the army. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do yet, but he knew he had to do something. Jobs were a lot of work, money was hard to earn, but he liked staying busy and being able to buy things. Peter wanted the most out of life, and that meant education.

1.How many jobs had Peter taken?

A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

2.All the jobs Peter had taken had one thing in common:________.

A. They were done during his vacation

B. They were dull and tiresome

C. They needed hard labour

D. They didn’t pay well

3.________was the most important for Peter if he wanted a good job.

A. Confidence B. Education C. Opportunity D. Wisdom

4.We can learn from the text that________.

A. Peter knew what to do for his future

B. Peter’s father didn’t care about him

C. it was very hard for Peter to make his choices

D. Peter was determined to do whatever he liked


Texting (发短信) is nearly universal among people with cell phones. While texting can be a great way to stay in touch and to share the feelings of daily life, it sure has a downside. 1. Read on to learn why it is time to put the phone down — even if it’s just for an hour or an afternoon.

2. We all know that cell phone use during the week hours can disturb our sleep patterns, but it's also true that texting during the day could harm our ability to get a good night’s sleep. In a recent study, researchers found that the more people texted during the day, the poorer their sleep was.

Your posture (姿势) is suffering. Texting can actually harm your whole body. People get so focused on their phones that they end up holding their neck and upper back in uncomfortable positions for a long time. That’s why people coined the phrase ‘text neck’, which refers to postural pain. 3. Bring your phone to eye level while you use it. Oh, and give your phone a rest!

4. Your texting could be a liability to the people around you. A recent study found that one in three people was distracted by mobile devices while walking. And texting walkers were four times more likely to ignore traffic lights and fail to look both ways at a cross.

Your school or work performance will suffer. Researchers discovered students texting too much gave worse performance in class. 5. Just reading or sending a text while working can increase the number of mistakes a worker makes during a single task.

A. It makes you a less responsible walker.

B. It’ll do harm to your sleep at night.

C. It can prevent you from really enjoying the activities you treasure.

D. We can’t believe we still have to say this, but it affects your driving.

E. But it isn’t just college students who face texting distractions (分神).

F. What do we lose when we get lost in the texting life?

G. Want to get rid of the effect of all this bending and texting?

Witchcraft(巫术)was not made a capital offence in Britain until 1563 though it was disapproved by Pope Innocent VIII in 1484. From 1484 until around 1750, some 200,000 witches(女巫)were burnt or hanged in Western Europe.

Most supposed witches were usually old women, and always poor. Any who were unfortunate enough to be an old woman with broken teeth, sunken cheeks and sockets and a hairy lip were assumed to possess the “Evil Eye”. It was more the case if they also had a cat. Many unfortunate women were taken away on this sort of evidence and hanged.

Witch fever held East Anglia for 14 terrible months between 1645—1646. A man called Matthew Hopkins, an unsuccessful lawyer, contributed a lot! He became known as the “Witchfinder General”. He had 68 people put to death in Bury St. Edmunds alone, and 19 hanged at Chelmsfor in a single day. After Chelmsford he set off for other countries. Much of Matthew Hopkins theories of telling a witch were based on Devil’s Marks. He took a small mark to be a Devil’s Mark and he used his “needle” to see if these marks were insensitive to pain. His “needle” was basically a trick so the unfortunate women never felt any pain.

There were other tests for witches. Mary Sutton of Bedford was put to the swimming test. With her thumbs tied to opposite big toes she was thrown into the river. If she floated she was guilty; if she sank, innocent. Poor Mary floated!

Though many of the acts againsts witchcraft were put to an end in 1736, witch hunting still went on. In 1863, a suspected male witch was drowned in a pond in Headingham, Essex and 1945 the body of an elderly farm laborer was found near the village of Meon Hill in Warwickshire. His throat had been cut and his body was pinned to the earth. The murder remains unsolved; however, the man was said, locally, to be a male witch. It seems that belief in witchcraft has not entirely died out.

1.A female witch was often found to be ________

A. a young lady B. a lucky woman

C. an ugly woman D. a blind girl

2.Matthew Hopkins can be best described as __________

A. kind and smart B. tricky and merciless

C. successful and nice D. famous and fortunate

3.Why did people throw Mary into the river?

A. To take her life.

B. To tell if she was a witch

C. To test her swimming skills.

D. To prove that she was guilty

4.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Witches are still badly treated all over the world.

B. Witches were terribly treated in the European history.

C. Some people still have been using magic in daily lives.

D. There have always been people believing in witchcraft

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