
8.Top 4New Museum Openings in 2017Museum Barberini,Potsdam,Germany
In the magnificent reconstructed palace from which it takes its name,the Museum Barberini is a significant new attraction in the city of Potsdam's already impressive historic centre.The museum will host exhibitions ranging from the old masterpieces to contemporary art.It is opening with the show Impressionism:The Art of Landscape,which will include works by Monet,Renoir and Caillebotte.
•Opening late January,museum-barberni.com
Zeitz MOCAA,Cape Town,South Africa
A landmark opening,and not just for South Africa,the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa will be the biggest museum to open on the continent for over a century.It will be an influential place,too:the US $38m institution will be filled entirely with work created since the year 2000.The museum will be inside the 57-meter-high Grain Silo,a towering reminder of Cape Town's industrial heritage----and soon to be a symbol of its creative future.
•Opens 23 September,zeitzmocaa.Museum
Institute of Contemporary Art,Los Angeles,the US
With a new logo designed by Mark Bradford,which is meant to evoke the unique urban pace of Los Angeles,the ICA LA represents the rebranding and rehousing of the Santa Monica Museum of Art.It opens in a new space aims to bring together"architecture,urban design and sustainability to create cutting-edge environments for exhibitions,education,dialogue and collaboration".
•Opening in autumn,theicala.Org
Museum of the American Revolution,Philadelphia,the US
With US politics as polarized(两极化) as it is now,there has perhaps never been a better time to reflect on the history of a country that was once so divided and endured five years of civil war.The Museum of the American Revolution does just that,taking a non-partisan(无党派的) view of the period through thousands of objects,artworks,manuscripts and artefacts.Exhibitions will take visitors on a chronological (按时间顺序的) journey,from the roots of resistance to the legacy of its outcome.
•Opens 19April,amrevmuseum.Org

1.What can we learn about the Museum Barberini from the text?B
A.Its name comes from an ordinary palace.
B.Works from the old masterpieces to contemporary art will be shown there.
C.The show is the most interesting part of its opening ceremony.
D.It will open in early January.
2.In order to create cutting-edge environments,the Institute of Contemporary Art.D
A.designs a new logo.
B.speeds urban pace of Los Angeles.
C.opens in a new location in LA arts district.
D.aims to bring together architecture,urban design and sustainability.
3.If you want to look back on the period in US history when it endures five years of civil war,you can go to.D
A.the Museum Barberini
B.the Zeitz MOCAA
C.the Institute of Contemporary Art
D.the Museum of the American Revolution.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了四个开放的博物馆的具体信息.

解答 1.B.细节理解题.根据第一段The museum will host exhibitions ranging from the old masterpieces to contemporary art.It is opening with the show Impressionism:The Art of Landscape,which will include works by Monet,Renoir and Caillebotte可知在文字博物馆Barberini从旧杰作到当代艺术的作品将在那里展出;故选B.
2.D.细节理解题.根据第三段It opens in a new space aims to bring together"architecture,urban design and sustainability to create cutting-edge environments for exhibitions,education,dialogue and collaboration".可知为了创造前沿环境,当代艺术协会以汇集建筑、城市设计和可持续发展为目标;故选D.
3.D.细节理解题.根据最后一段there has perhaps never been a better time to reflect on the history of a country that was once so divided and endured five years of civil war可知如果你想回顾一下美国历史上经历五年内战的时期,你可以去美国革命博物馆;故选D.

点评 题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

19.Though Daniel Radcliffe,the guy starring in Harry Potter has moved on to a series of independent films,J.K.Rowling's fantastical world of Harry Potter still appeals to the public.Yes,the 8-film,$7.72 billion grossing series came to an end in 2011,but there's been an increase in Potter popularity recently.
The latest example is the Harry Potter Hotel Package offered at The Georgian House.A boutique London hotel that's
been in operation since 1851 and is located just a stone's throw from the Thames is taking advantage of the renewed Potter interest by transforming two of its rooms into Gothic-styled(哥特式的)"Wizard's Chambers"designed to transport guests to the magical world of Potter.The rooms are equipped with wooden beds,medicine bottles,cauldrons,and Hogwartsian accents-perfect for us fans."And don't worry,we include full English breakfast in your stay,and not bogey flavored Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans!"reads the hotel's site.
In addition to the rooms,the Georgian House is offering tickets to the popular Muggle Walking Tour that takes you to locations around London where the film was shot,including Train Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at King's Cross Station,as well as a trip on the custom-designed Harry Potter Tour bus to the Warner Brothers Studio Tour:the Making of Harry Potter,where you can check out the film's numerous sets and props(道具).
For two people,including one night in the Wizard Chambers,breakfast,Muggle and Studio Tour tickets,it will cost you 584.TosimplystayintheWizardChambersforanight(breakfastfree) willcostyou 336 for two(as well as 180 foranextrachild,or 207 for an extra adult).
29.What could be true of the Georgian House?D
A.It's a little far from the Thames.
B.There are many"Wizard's Chambers"in it.
C.It's one of the settings of Harry Potter films.
D.It makes use of the renewed Potter interest.
30.What can we see at the Warner Brothers Studio?D
A.Train Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.
B.King's Cross Station.
C.The house Harry Potter lived in.
D.The film's sets and props.
31.A night in the Wizard's Chambers with breakfast for a couple with their child will cost at leastA.
A.﹩516   B.﹩336   C.﹩543   D.﹩584.
3.Seventh-grader Jonah Maxwell has become a local well-known person after an anti-bullying (反欺凌) video he made became popular online.
He wrote and directed a 6-minute 30-second film with friends from school whose faces can not be seen as a way to take back power from bullies insulting (辱骂) others on social media.
"If it's happened to you,you have to tell someone.If you are doing it,just think about this:It's just as easy to be nice as it is to be mean and manners and respect cost nothing,"he said.
This social media has given bullying a whole new life far beyond fights in the school lunchroom or hallways.
"It's mainly happening through social media but there is physical and social bullying.I have seen people getting‘booked'in hallways-somebody gets knocked into and the books fall all over the floor.The victim gets embarrassed."
"My dad told me when he was a kid the bullying would stop at 3:30every day.I told him it's not like that anymore.They can get you 247,"he says in the video.Jonah said bullying can start very early in grade school.
He has been interested in making videos from an early age.The first video he ever made was with a Crayola camera when he was 6years old.His dad is a filmmaker with the final editing for his anti-bullyig video.
The youngster said he wants people to"make thir voices heard without fear"and tell someone if they are being bullied.-"Tell someone-it's too hard to go through something like this alone,"he said.
"The bullying never stops if there is social media involved-you don't leave it behid you at the school gates.It's scary for me to think what kids go through but what is worse is that the kids don't feel they should or can tell.Jonah's message clearly states it doesn't have to be this way,"his mother said.
Maxwell said teachers in the United States and abroad,including Brazil,Irelad,the United Kingdom and Australia,have been showing the video in school."If it changes one person's life itwill have made a difference in our lives,"she said.

32.In Jonah's anti-bullying video,B.
A.the bullied are sown as faceless to protect their privacy
 B.he reminds people that being kind and respectful is not difficult
C.the bullying people are afraid to show their faces on social media
D.people are asked to report the bullies and take away their power
33.The example of people getting"booked"in hallways is mentioned toC.
A.prove that bullying happens anytime
B.describe bulling on social media
C.give an example of physical bullying
D.show that bullying hurts the victim deeply
34.What can we learn about Jonah Maxwell from the article?D
A.He has become famous nationwide for his video.
B.He made the video with the help of his mother.
C.He has been interested in photography since he was 6.
D.He believes sharing an experience helps people deal with it.
35.From the passage and his mother's word,we can know that theyA.
A.hope to encourage people that are bullied to speak up
B.have no doubt that bullies will be educated by the video
C.are proud that the video spread to other countries in the world
D.believe the video can be helpful in changing people's lives.
13.Life is just like a box.Inside it are happiness and sorrow,failure and success,hope and despair (绝望).Life is a learning process.Experiences in it teach us new lessons and make us a better person.
Love plays a key role in our life.Love makes you feel wanted.Without love a person could become cruel and violent.In the early stage of our life,our parents are the ones who show us with unconditional love and care.(36)C.But we always tend to take this for granted.It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to the feelings of others.Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.
Happiness and Sorrow
Materialistic(贪图享乐的) happiness is short-lived,but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others gives a certain level of fulfillment ( 实现,满足).(37)F.No mind is happy without peace.We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow.Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one,failure and despair.But these things are temporary and pass away.
Failure and Success
 (38)G.It helps us to touch the sky,teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way.
Hope and Despair
Hope is what keeps life going.Parents always hope their children will do well.Hope makes us dream.Hope builds in patience. (39)B,because after every night there is a day.Nothing remains the same.We have only one choice-keep moving on in life and be hopeful.
Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday,for it has passed and is beyond our control.Tomorrow is unknown,for it could either be bright or dull. (40)E,so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

A.So let's enjoy every day
B.Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour
C.They tell us what is right or wrong,good or bad.
D.Success lies in trusting yourself
E.So what we can choose is to work hard today
F.Peace of mind is the main link to happiness
G.Failure is the path to success.
20.Your next car might drive itself.After years of trials on city streets,driverless vehicles are now on the way.Last month,a driverless bus began carrying passengers through Lyon,France.Most in the automobile industry think self-driving vehicles will be on the road by 2020 or earlier.
Driverless cars will first be huddled with human-driven cars.But the first places where they will become dominant(统治的)are highly populated urban areas.Many advanced cities are already reducing the role of human-driven cars.Driverless cars will quicken that process and will bring us enormous benefits.
Driverless cars will reduce accidents by around 90 percent.That's big-the annual deaths on the world's roads are about 1.2 million a year.Pollution and carbon emissions will drop,because urban driverless cars will be electric.
On the other hand,driverless cars will cause problems.Over the next 20 years,the mostly low-skilled men who now drive trucks,taxis and buses will see their jobs reduced.Traditional carmakers are especially scared.The cars of the future might be made by tech companies such as Apple,Baidu and Google.Imagine Germany,where automobile making is the largest industry.
Dramatic changes are coming,and driverless cars could arrive by 2020.But governments have barely begun thinking about it.Only 6 percent of the biggest US cities have taken them into their long-term planning.A decade ago anyone hardly saw the Smartphone coming.Now what about the driverless cars?

24.The underlined phrase"be huddled with"in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning with"C".
A.turn up                  
B.make up for            
C.exist together              
D.take over
25.Driverless cars can reduce pollution and carbon emissions becauseB.
A.they will reduce the number of cars                             
B.they will be powered by electricity
C.they will be energy-saving by driving themselves          
D.they will avoid many accidents from human errors
26.What's the author's attitude toward driverless cars?D
27.What can we conclude from the passage?A
A.Driverless cars will not hit the road until 2020.
B.Old auto industry will benefit from driverless cars.
C.Governments are unprepared for the arrival of driverless cars.
D.Driverless cars will make road accidents a past thing.
17."Oh,my God!Did I really just send that text?"Most people have said something that they wish they could take back.And if they had paused to think about it first,they probably would have acted differently.Pausing doesn't pay off just when you speak.Scientific studies have shown that making a habit of pausing before you do something can actually have a big impact on how your life turns out.
In making decisions we rely on two areas of the brain.One area creates and processes emotions; the other governs logical hought.The type of decision,how we feel about it,and how prepared we are to handle it help determine which brain area has the most influence.
But our age also plays an important role.Thinking through the consequences of one's actions is actualy harder for teens because the area controlling logical (逻辑的)thought is not fully developed until around age 25.This is why teens often feel an intense emotional drive to act impulsively(冲动地)---it's how their brains are structured!Though this tendency to act without considering the outcomes can lead to problematic situations,impulsivity during the developmental years evolves because it makes teens more open to new experiences and ideas.This openness helps teens to become independent adults.
The key to making impulsivity work for you instead of against you is to train your brain by practicing pausing.This doesn't mean you stop taking risks or being open to new experiences.But you won't know if the risk is worth it until you think it through.Deciding to take a risk based on logic shows self-control,not impulsivity.
What are different ways to pause?You might take a deep breath,count to 10,or ask"Is this worth it?"different strategies work for different people.Whatever works for you,keep doing it!By practicing pausing,you can actually change your brain.This means that over time,pausing,instead of immediately reacting,becomes your"natural"response.
And with this change,people are on their way to enjoying the life rewards that come with high levels of self-control---even if they weren't natural-born pausers!

28.What challenges teenagers?B
A.Giving natural response.
B.Making logical decision.
C.Acting before thorough thinking.
D.Choosing brain-training strategies.
29.An impulsive person tends toA.
A.consider or accept new ideas
B.change ideas frequently
C.think through a risk in advance
D.show high level of self-control
30.Accordig to the passage,by training one's brain,one canD.
A.stop taking risks
B.fully develop one's brain
C.become more open to new experience
D.reduce the influence of emotional drive
31.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.Push the Pause Button
B.Impulsivity Works
C.Discover the Brain Function
D.Crying Over the Spilt Milk.

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