
Laws are what keep society ______ and the nation at peace.

  1. A.
    in order
  2. B.
    in need
  3. C.
    in fact
  4. D.
    in existence
试题分析:考查介词短语:A. in order秩序井然B. in need有需要C. in fact事实上D. in existence存在,句意:法律是保持社会秩序井然保持国家和平的东西。选A。

You don’t have to ask Barack Obama what it is like to be a president-elect. Chances are you can be one, too, and it won’t take more than 30 years’ efforts to achieve that.

A new computer game, Commander in Chief, offers the chance to step into the president’s shoes and see whether you can do a better job running the country than he can.

The video game will be available on January 20, the day Obama is sworn in (宣誓就职) as president.

So what will you do in the game?

Like Obama, your early task is to select members of the Cabinet(内阁)from 250 personality types. Then you immediately face internal(国内的)and external challenges. Every decision you make has an in-game consequence.

“You can put your own political theories into action and see the domestic(国内的)and international effect,” said the lead designer Louis-Marie Rocques.

Internal decisions involve managing budgets, security, education, health care and discussion over many proposed laws. You also have to respond to critics. Every decision has a consequence, which changes the political environment. For example, raising taxes will raise criticisms and protests while lowering taxes means you will have less money to play with.

What about external decisions? Well, you have to deal with military issues, global economics, trade agreements, and spending time lobbying(游说)other presidents. You can determine the course of world events by invading(侵略)a neutral country, or toppling(推翻)an unfriendly country but then you must face the economic, political, and military consequences.

Don’t want to be president of the US? The game also lets you become virtual(虚拟的)leader of other countries including France, Germany, Spain and Russia.

The purpose of writing this passage is mainly to     .

   A. show you how hard it is to be the newly-elected president, Barack Obama

   B. explain why the video game is so popular among American citizens

   C. introduce to you one special computer game, Commander in Chief

   D. inform how designers developed the interesting computer game

Which of the following items belongs to internal affairs in the game?

A. Managing budgets, responding to critics and military issues.

   B. Managing budgets, raising taxes and trade agreements.

   C. Health care, discussing proposed laws and lowering taxes.w(w w.ks&5 u.c*o m

   D. Education, security and lobbying other countries.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Those who want to be a president one day will get a taste of their private life.

   B. The first task in the game is to form the Cabinet consisting of 250 members.

   C. The video game has hit the stores in America and enjoys sales success.

   D. Like a real president, the players will face challenges at home and abroad

Chinese President Hu Jintao, on his way to talks with President George W. Bush in Washington, on Tuesday met with Bill Gates. 

After the meeting with Gates, the world's richest man, at Microsoft's headquarters, Hu restated that China would move against software pirates all the time(盗版软件).

At Microsoft Corp.'s campus, Hu said Tuesday he admired what Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates had achieved. He also sought to reassure Gates that China is serious about protecting intellectual property rights(知识产权).

"Because you, Mr. Bill Gates, are a friend of China, I'm a friend of Microsoft," Hu said.

"Also, I am dealing with the operating system produced by Microsoft every day," he added, to laughter.

Gates responded: "Thank you, it's a fantastic relationship," and then said: "And if you ever need advice on how to use Windows, I'll be glad to help."

"China is focused on and has already accomplished much in creating and enforcing laws to protect intellectual property." he said. "We take our promises very seriously."

Hu also said he would certainly welcome a further increase in Microsoft's investment in China.

"I'd also like to take this opportunity to assure you, Bill Gates, that we will certainly honor our words in protecting intellectual property rights," Hu said.

In his brief visit to the Microsoft campus, Hu, accompanied by Gates and company CEO Steve Ballmer, saw some business technology demonstrations and toured Microsoft's Home of the Future, which features experimental technology that might someday be used in people's living spaces.

Following the visit at Microsoft, about 100 guests, including former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Gov. Gary Locke, the first Chinese-American governor, were invited to Gates' $100 million lakeside house on Lake Washington for a dinner.

China has recently begun requiring Chinese computer makers to load legal software on their machines.

In Seattle's Chinatown, many stores hung Chinese and U.S. flags to welcome Hu, and many in the crowd outside the stately Fairmont Hotel on Monday night where Hu is staying were there to support the Chinese president.

How many issues are mentioned in President Hu’s visit to Microsoft?

A. one    B. two   C. three   D. four

Put the sentences in correct order.

Hu had a meeting with President George W. Bush

Hu had dinner with many guests in Gates’ lakeside house

Hu paid a visit to the Microsoft campus

Hu stayed at Fairmont Hotel in Seattle

A. 4-3-2-1     B. 4-2-3-1      C. 1-4-3-2     D. 1-3-2-4

What measure is not mentioned to protect intellectual property rights?

A. Moving against software pirates

B. creating and enforcing laws

C. increasing Microsoft's investment in China

D. requiring Chinese computer makers to load legal software on their machines

What is the best title for the passage?

A. Hu Visits Microsoft                  B. Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

C. Bill Gate’s, A Friend of China          D. Americans Welcome President Hu


Marian Anderson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the early 1990s. She began singing in church. Soon, her rich deep voice became widely known in the area. Marian Anderson received many honors and awards during her life. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in nineteen sixty—three. Marian Anderson died at the age of ninety—six. Experts say she is remembered not only for the quality of her voice, but also because of the way she carried out her right to be heard.


Movie director Robert Altman died in November 2006, in Los Angeles, California. He was eighty—one years old. During his fifty-year career, he made some of the most influential movies of modern times.


Ann Richards died in September 2006 at the age of seventy-three. At her funeral service, leaders from around the country gathered to celebrate her life. Former President Bill Clinton spoke at the service. He said Ann Richards helped create a world where young girls could be scientists, engineers and police officers. He said she was a great woman with a big heart and big dreams.


Journalist R.W. Apple died in October 2006 at the age of seventy—one. Earlier this month his friends and family gathered in Washington, D.C. for a large memorial service. Famous writers, politicians, and cooks told about his warm personality, sharp intelligence, and extraordinary energy. After the service, guests enjoyed fine foods provided by some of the best cooks in the area.


William Styron died in November 2006 at the age of eighty—one. His stories are filled with rich language and complex moral questions. Many of his books try to understand the evil actions of people. Later in life William Styron suffered from severe depression. After recovering, he wrote honestly and bravely about his experience in “Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness.” He received great praise for educating people about the difficulties of mental illness.


Ruth Brown was born in Portsmouth, Virginia in 1928 and died in October 2004. Brown recorded many rhythm and blues hits in the 1950s. She also fought for musicians rights. In 1988, Atlantic Records agreed to pay her and thirty-five other musicians the money they owed them for using their songs for twenty years.

请阅读下列有关的信息, 然后匹配上面的美国名人。

As a young woman, she worked as a teacher and raised four children. She and her husband were very involved in local politics. Then one day, she decided to run for officer herself—and she won. She served first as country commissioner, then as Texas state treasurer. In nineteen ninety she was elected governor. She fought for equal rights, environmental protection and laws to restrict guns. She created a government in which women, Hispanics, and African-Americans played important roles.

“MASH”, was released in nineteen seventy. It tells about a group of American medical workers in a temporary military hospital in Korea during the Korean War in the 1950s. It questions the rules of the military establishment in a way that was sharply funny and intelligent; “Nashville” came out in nineteen seventy—five. It provides a complex look at changes in the country music industry. Many of his thirty—three films were nominated for Academy Awards, including “The Player” and “Gosford Park”

She learned traditional music at her Christian religious center. But she liked the popular jazz and rock music of the time even more. She left home at a young age to build a career in music. Soon, she became known as “the girl with the tear in her voice” because of her emotional way of singing. Her popular songs helped build the Atlantic Records company and she continued performing for the rest of her life until she died recently at the age of seventy six.

He is known as Johnny, wrote about many subjects, from politics and war to food and drink. During his forty—three years writing for the New York Times newspaper, he enjoyed a rich and eventful career. He was the paper’s chief reporter in cities like London, Moscow, Lagos and Nairobi. He covered events such as the Vietnam War, the Iranian revolution and the Gulf War. He reported on ten presidential elections. And, his opinions on fine foods, travel and the world’s best restaurants were very influential.

He wrote “Lie Down in Darkness” published in nineteen fifty—one when he was only twenty-five. It is about a troubled young woman who kills herself. It established him as a great new voice in American literature; he also wrote “The Confessions of Nat Turner” in nineteen sixty-eight which told about a nineteenth century slave revolt in the southern state of Virginia; and “Sophie’s Choice ” won the American Book Award in nineteen eighty. It is a tragic story about a woman and her children who were sent to a Nazi death camp in Poland during World War Two.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, on his way to talks with President George W. Bush in Washington, on Tuesday met with Bill Gates. 
After the meeting with Gates, the world's richest man, at Microsoft's headquarters, Hu restated that China would move against software pirates(盗版软件) all the time.
At Microsoft Corp.'s campus, Hu said on Tuesday he admired what Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates had achieved. He also sought to reassure Gates that China is serious about protecting intellectual property rights(知识产权).
"Because you, Mr. Bill Gates, are a friend of China, I'm a friend of Microsoft," Hu said.
"Also, I am dealing with the operating system produced by Microsoft every day," he added, to laughter.
Gates responded: "Thank you, it's a fantastic relationship," and then said: "And if you ever need advice on how to use Windows, I'll be glad to help."
"China is focused on and has already accomplished much in creating and enforcing laws to protect intellectual property." he said. "We take our promises very seriously."
Hu also said he would certainly welcome a further increase in Microsoft's investment in China.
"I'd also like to take this opportunity to assure you, Bill Gates, that we will certainly honor our words in protecting intellectual property rights," Hu said.
In his brief visit to the Microsoft campus, Hu, accompanied by Gates and company CEO Steve Ballmer, saw some business technology demonstrations and toured Microsoft's Home of the Future, which features experimental technology that might someday be used in people's living spaces.
Following the visit at Microsoft, about 100 guests, including former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Gov. Gary Locke, the first Chinese-American governor, were invited to Gates' $100 million lakeside house on Lake Washington for a dinner.
China has recently begun requiring Chinese computer makers to load legal software on their machines.
In Seattle's Chinatown, many stores hung Chinese and U.S. flags to welcome Hu, and many in the crowd outside the stately Fairmont Hotel on Monday night where Hu was staying were there to support the Chinese president.
53.How many issues are mentioned in President Hu’s visit to Microsoft?
A. One.           B. Two.         C. Three.    D. Four.
54.Put the sentences in correct order.
a. Hu had a meeting with President George W. Bush.
b. Hu had dinner with many guests in Gates’ lakeside house.
c. Hu paid a visit to the Microsoft campus.
d. Hu stayed at Fairmont Hotel in Seattle.
A. d-c-b-a      B. d-b-c-a      C. a-d-c-b         D. a-c-b-d
55.What measure is not mentioned to protect intellectual property rights?
A. Moving against software pirates
B. creating and enforcing laws
C. increasing Microsoft's investment in China
D. requiring Chinese computer makers to load legal software on their machines
56.What is the best title for the passage?
A. Hu Visits Microsoft.       
B. Protecting Intellectual Property Rights.
C. Bill Gate’s, A Friend of China.   
D. Americans Welcome President Hu. 


第二节  信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



Marian Anderson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the early 1990s. She began singing in church. Soon, her rich deep voice became widely known in the area. Marian Anderson received many honors and awards during her life. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in nineteen sixty—three. Marian Anderson died at the age of ninety—six. Experts say she is remembered not only for the quality of her voice, but also because of the way she carried out her right to be heard.


Movie director Robert Altman died in November 2006, in Los Angeles, California. He was eighty—one years old. During his fifty-year career, he made some of the most influential movies of modern times.


Ann Richards died in September 2006 at the age of seventy-three. At her funeral service, leaders from around the country gathered to celebrate her life. Former President Bill Clinton spoke at the service. He said Ann Richards helped create a world where young girls could be scientists, engineers and police officers. He said she was a great woman with a big heart and big dreams.


Journalist R.W. Apple died in October 2006 at the age of seventy—one. Earlier this month his friends and family gathered in Washington, D.C. for a large memorial service. Famous writers, politicians, and cooks told about his warm personality, sharp intelligence, and extraordinary energy. After the service, guests enjoyed fine foods provided by some of the best cooks in the area.


William Styron died in November 2006 at the age of eighty—one. His stories are filled with rich language and complex moral questions. Many of his books try to understand the evil actions of people. Later in life William Styron suffered from severe depression. After recovering, he wrote honestly and bravely about his experience in “Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness.” He received great praise for educating people about the difficulties of mental illness.


Ruth Brown was born in Portsmouth, Virginia in 1928 and died in October 2004. Brown recorded many rhythm and blues hits in the 1950s. She also fought for musicians rights. In 1988, Atlantic Records agreed to pay her and thirty-five other musicians the money they owed them for using their songs for twenty years.


56.As a young woman, she worked as a teacher and raised four children. She and her husband were very involved in local politics. Then one day, she decided to run for officer herself—and she won. She served first as country commissioner, then as Texas state treasurer. In nineteen ninety she was elected governor. She fought for equal rights, environmental protection and laws to restrict guns. She created a government in which women, Hispanics, and African-Americans played important roles.

57. “MASH”, was released in nineteen seventy. It tells about a group of American medical workers in a temporary military hospital in Korea during the Korean War in the 1950s. It questions the rules of the military establishment in a way that was sharply funny and intelligent; “Nashville” came out in nineteen seventy—five. It provides a complex look at changes in the country music industry. Many of his thirty—three films were nominated for Academy Awards, including “The Player” and “Gosford Park”

58.She learned to traditional music at her Christian religious center. But she liked the popular jazz and rock music of the time even more. She left home at a young age to build a career in music. Soon, she became known as “the girl with the tear in her voice” because of her emotional way of singing. Her popular songs helped build the Atlantic Records company and she continued performing for the rest of her life until she died recently at the age of seventy six.

59.He is known as Johnny, wrote about many subjects, from politics and war to food and drink. During his forty—three years writing for the New York Times newspaper, he enjoyed a rich and eventful career. He was the paper’s chief reporter in cities like London, Moscow, Lagos and Nairobi. He covered events such as the Vietnam War, the Iranian revolution and the Gulf War. He reported on ten presidential elections. And, his opinions on fine foods, travel and the world’s best restaurants were very influential.

60.He wrote “Lie Down in Darkness” published in nineteen fifty—one when he was only twenty-five. It is about a troubled young woman who kills herself. It established him as a great new voice in American literature; he also wrote “The Confessions of Nat Turner” in nineteen sixty-eight which told about a nineteenth century slave revolt in the southern state of Virginia; and “Sophie’s Choice ” won the American Book Award in nineteen eighty. It is a tragic story about a woman and her children who are sent to a Nazi death camp in Poland during World War Two.



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