
suffer  graduate   bored   fortunate    confident   include   serve
57.I'm applying for the volunteer guide in order to build myconfidence in speaking in public.
58.It's not easy for many students to find a job aftergraduation/graduating from college at the moment.
59.Some people are wasting food while others aresuffering from hunger.
60.He is soboredwith the TV series that he doesn't watch it at all.
61You have some duties,including typing letters and answering phone calls.
62In some parts of the world,tea isservedwith milk and sugar.
63Fortunately,the fire was discovered soon after it started and put out immediately.

分析 57.我申请做志愿者导游是为了建立我在公众场合演讲的自信.

解答 57.confidence  考查名词,根据句意"我申请做志愿者导游是 为了建立我在公众场合演讲的自信",confidence是名词"自信".
58.graduation/graduating    考查非谓语,根据句子结构after是介词,介词后跟名词或者是动名词,graduation是名词"毕业",graduate的动名词是graduating.
59.suffering   考查时态.根据句意"一些人正在浪费食物然而一些人正在挨饿",while表对比,都用进行时.  
60.bored 考查形容词,根据句意"他对于电视剧如此讨厌以至于他完全不看",so 后跟形容词,bored是形容词"感到厌倦的".
61.including  考查介词,根据句意"你有一些职责包括打字和接电话"including是介词"包括".    
62..served 考查被动语态,根据句意"在世界的一些地方,茶是和牛奶糖一起供用的"茶与serve之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词served.                 
63..Fortunately 考查副词,根据句意"幸运的是大火很快就被发现,并立即被扑灭.",fortunately是副词"幸运地".

点评 选词填空主要是完形填空题和所给词的形式填空,做这类题,有些是固定搭配,有的是固定句式,还有的是联系上下文猜测代词所指的内容和生 词的含义,你必须知道每个词的意思,从句意和语法两方面 思考界定.还有一些是易混淆的近义词组,务必弄清楚各个词组的含义.

1.While the rest of the world is sleeping,my dad is dragging my warm covers off me so we won't be late for my 6 a.m.ice hockey game.What started as a(36)C is now my profession passion (激情),and(37)D0f it would be possible without my dad.
"Let's go,Brendan.You can do it!(38)Alike that does not go unnoticed.Every game,no matter what the  (39)Bis,my dad always says"Good game."and"You looked great out there."I'm (40)C,know-ing that even if I make a mistake or (41)A poorly,my dad will still be there for me.(42)D is one of thegreatest things anyone can have.My dad is my support,without (43)Bme to become something I'm not It was my dream to play hockey,and he just  (44)Cme.
As I get older,(45)D becomes fiercer.Each season brings a new schedule(计划表) with more thanthirty games,which my dad eagerly (46)B.He gets as nervous as I do,but somehow rocks in his seat andkeeps (47)A.He wants to yell (大喊大叫 ) and (48)Clike most hockey parents,(49)Dhe is different.(50)Beach game,we sit down to eat and go over things to work (51)C   in the future.Usually he only tells me how proud he is of me(52)A   all those early-moining games and later-afternoon skates with Dad,I reallize how lucky I am to(53)Bhim.It's not easy getting up and driving to rinks(溜冰场)at all hours.My dad not only does that,but also helps me realize my dreams.I make sure that every game he attends,I play my (54)D,just to show him those 6 a.m.(55)Adid me some good.

8.A.When did you realize you wanted to be a singer?
B.What do you think of the TV shows you did while in America?
C.What does your new single"Chasing pavements"actually mean?
D.What unique ways do you employ to write these"sad love songs"?
E.Has winning the award added to the pressure you are experiencing?
F.You studied at the Brit School.Why do you think if S produced so many stars in recent years?
Yeah,I did"Letterman"and"The Today Show".I have no idea what they were equal to because obviously we don't have them here.I like the two shows which are like"Imagine GMTV"but on a much bigger scale.It was live and there were about 50 million people watching,so I literally express myself!"Letterman"was pre-recorded so I wasn't quite nervous,but I forgot that during my performance.I got halfway through the song and couldn't remember whether it was live or not.
Obviously when I was little,but mainly from when I was 16 onwards.I first remember singing when I was really little,probably when I was about six.I did a Spice Girls tribute in my room for my family.And then I went to study at the Brit School,the performing arts school in Croydon.To be honest,I really enjoyed my time there,where I did actual lessons,but they didn't force anything onto you.They just aimed to help you develop.They nurtured you,you know.
I was thinking about this the other day,because,before this year,the Brit School didn't actually produce anyone.All this money was being pumped into it,and nobody was coming out of it and doing well,so I think they were getting a bit worried.I think the Brit School's produced loads of great people that nobody knows yet,but off the back of Amy Winehouse,who earned six nominations,including Best New Artist,Record of the Year and Song of the Year for her hit"Rehab"and Album of the Year for"Back to Black",it's been getting more support.Suddenly all these great girls came forward in this great outburst of talent--I think ifs just luck and timing,to be honest..
In the past years I've tried to sit down and think"Right,this is what Fm going to write about",but I can't because you can't force it.AU my songs are a bit sad and full of drama because when Fm happy I haven't got time to write songs,you know.When I've had my heart broken,I end up feeling sorry for myself and writing songs."Therefore,there wasn't really a specific process to it.I just sort of happen to sit and wait patiently until I'm ready to write the record.I can't really plan it very well.If I try to plan,it never works out well.
It doesn't really make sense,does it?"Chasing Pavements"is about chasing a boy-even if you know something's going to go wrong,you really want it to go right,so you just don't give up.I can't write other people's drama,and I can't glamorize a microwave or anything like that,so I end up writing songs about things I've experienced.Then,I got a whole album's worth of songs out of them!

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