
【题目】They fought to the last breath __________ freedom and of the benefits of the people.

A. in absence of B. in spite of

C. on behalf of D. in defence of



试题分析:考查短语辨析A. in absence of 缺少;B. in spite of尽管;C. on behalf of代表某人的利益;D. in defence of保卫。他们为了保卫人民的自由和利益拼了最后一口气。


【题目】【改编】Moms birthday present? It may be a difficult thing for some people, but for me, it is an easy thing. Mom loved flowers, so every year I sent her flowers. Actually she had a bed of irises(鸢尾花)in the backyard of her small, Indiana farm. They were beautiful. Take some, she said, Dig some up and plant them on the side of your own house.

But in my yard they became lacking in energy. A year passed, then two, but not one flower appeared. I cut back all their green leaves. I was tired of seeing them so lonely. Finally, I dug the irises up and threw them away.

About that time Mom died unexpectedly. My sister and I sold the farm. I never went back to see the irises. I just couldnt bear seeing another family living in our homeMoms home. Autumn came, then winter. The following spring, as Moms birthday approached, I struggled with the question of how to remember her. I stared out the window and saw a few stubborn irises in my side yard sprouting (发芽), tall, thin but flowerless. Because of seeing them, I decided to order flowers as I always did on Moms birthday, and send them to my sister. I wished so badly I could still send flowers to Mom. But that was impossible.

In the morning of Moms birthday, I was in my car ready to work. Something in the yard caught my eye. The irises! One had bloomed with flowers, big, showy and purple, as lovely as they ever had been on Moms farm. I smiled and turned my eyes upward. I could no longer send flowers to Mom. But somehow, shed been able to send them to me.

【1】From the first paragraph we know________.

A. the writer doesnt know what to buy for her mother on her birthday

B. some people have difficulty choosing birthday gift for their mother

C. Mother lived with the writer on the farm

D. Mother doesnt like flowers including irises

【2】What happened to the irises that the author grew?

A. They only grew green flowers.

B. They grew as well as those on her mothers farm.

C. They were thrown away at last.

D. They ended up with beautiful flowers.

【3】Why didnt the writer return to the farm after her mother died?

A. Because she was too busy to go there.

B. Because her sister told her not to.

C. Because she lived far away from the farm.

D. Because she couldnt stand the fact that her mother was no longer there.

【4】From the third paragraph we can know _____.

A. not all the irises were dug out

B. the writer returned to her mothers farm

C. the writer often sends flowers to his sister

D. the writer buys flowers in memory of his mother every year

【5】What is the writers purpose to write this passage?

A. To introduce a kind of irises.

B. To memorize her mother.

C. To explain how to grow irises.

D. To praise the spirit of irises.

【题目】There’s always a lot to do to get the kids ready to go back to school, let alone trying to get them excited about the idea. To help your kids get ready, save a few dollars in the process and have some fun with them in the dying days of summer, try a few of these fun filled activities.



Every student needs school supplies. But a lot of what they need is already littering around your house. If you don’t have reusable school supplies at home, you might have the materials to make them.

Try up-cycling with your kids and change old or useless products into new ones.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

●Sew blue jeans into pencil cases.

●Turn shoeboxes into arts storage boxes.

●Use an old belt as a books belt.

●Wrap book covers in old posters.

Up-cycling is a great way to develop artistic talent and creative thinking in your children.



Most teachers and schools reward green behavior among students. To help your kids stay green, be sure to have these items on hand so you can pack them litter-less lunches.

Here’s what you need:

●Reusable lunch containers.

●A firm lunchbox and thermos(水瓶).

●Reusable napkins(餐巾).



Across the country, kids are thinking about how they’ll get to school. Do I walk? Do I bike? Either way, avoid driving them if at all possible.

Kids need to stay active and want to connect with other local kids on the way to school. Help your children map out their route or get them involved with a local walking school bus. A walking school bus is groups of children walking to school with one or more adults.


We hope these activities will help you and your kids get ready for the new school year, and that you’ll have some fun in the process. Last but not least, some activities may require encouragements … may we suggest some organic chocolate ice cream.

1What do the suggested activities have in common?

A. Having fun and saving green.

B. Saving money and obeying school rules.

C. Offering food and training skills.

D. Bringing teachers together and saving money.

2The activities of UP-CYCLING bring benefits of ___________.

a. making old products into creative school supplies

b. making friends with local kids on the way to school

c. bringing fun of cooperation between parents and kids

d. packing litter-less lunches to school

e. developing kids’ artistic talent and creative thinking

A. a, c, d B. b, c, d

C. b, d, e D. a, c, e

3Which of the following is TRUE about the MAP IT OUT activity?

A. Parents are forbidden to be involved in the activity.

B. Children can learn to read a map and take a correct school bus.

C. Parents are expected to drive their kids to school if possible.

D. Children walk to school together accompanied by one or more adults.

4The passage is most probably intended for ___________.

A. teachers B. parents

C. children D. headmasters

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

He seems an unlikely hero, especially one that would save a kid from the jaws of a wild cougar (美洲豹) .

Shen Huigang is just now getting recognition for his bravery in fighting off a cougar on Vancouver Island, Canada, during a family outing on Aug .30.

Shen, also known as Ian, was then an exchange student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University enjoying the afternoon on a beach near Ucluelet, a small town on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

With him was a friend, Myles Hagar, and Hagar’s two grandchildren.

Silently and suddenly a cougar appeared out of nowhere.

By the time the two adults spotted the cat, believed to be young but still weighing 30 to 35 kilograms, it already had the head of 18-month old Julien in its mouth. Instinctively本能地, the young man gestured as if he were ready for a fight, and tried to scare the beast off with the bag in his hands.

On hearing the noise Shen made, the animal dropped the kid and Hagar grabbed his grandson from the cougar’s jaws. Shen and Hagar gradually chased the animal back into the woods.

“We also moved slowly to our vehicle, as we waved our fists and bags, pretending we wanted to fight with it,” Shen said. “The vehicle wasn’t far away but it felt like it took us a century to travel the short journey.”

“Any hesitation, at anymoment, even a second delay, would have resulted in certain death for Julien. The cougar was just about to break his neck and carry him away to be eaten in the forest.” Hagar said. Julien has since made a full recovery.

Parks Canada spokeswoman Arlene Armstrong told the National Post newspaper of Canada in an interview in August. “The two men acted properly by maintaining eye contact with the big cat and aggressively scaring it off.”

1Why is Shen Huigang getting recognition on Vancouver Island?(No more than 9 words )

2What happened to Julien by the time the two adults saw the young cougar?(No more than 9 words )

3Why did the cougar give up eating the kid? (No more than 7 words )

4How can you act properly when you are fighting with a wild cougar? (No more than 11 words )

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