
【题目】 People in several American states may be surprised to see cars on city streets without a driver. Experimental driverless vehicles now are legal in Florida, Nevada and California. They are pointing the way to a future that is not far down the road. The high-tech company Google has a number of self-driving cars, which had covered 480,000 kilometers by August. Volvo is among the companies doing road tests and says it plans to sell driverless cars by 2020.

In September, California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state. “Today we’re looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality-the driverless car. The technology for these cars includes cameras, radar and motion sensors. The systems have been improved through competitions sponsored by the U. S. government agency DARPA. Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races.

Cars have become much more fuel-efficient, and new electronic features are' making Hondas safer, said Angie Nucci of Honda America. “A camera on the passenger-side mirror actually engaged on your guiding screen so you can safely change lanes. Other safety features include warning systems on the front and the sides of the cars. These systems help drivers , but don’t replace them. Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum said autonomous cars will make the high ways safer.

“By taking out drivers, you also remove most risks of an accident, ”Kendall said. He said , “Consumers, however, may be unwilling to los control. It may take them time to come to realize that the technology is indeed reliable, but it will have to prove itself first.

Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable. He said this will happen as the technology is improved.

【1】According to the passage, California Governor Jerry Brown ______________.

A. is for the idea of having driverless cars

B. sponsored the DARPA competition to improve the driverless system

C. has already bought a new autonomous car

D. thinks that driving safety is the most important issue in his state

【2】 What is the role of the systems mentioned in Paragraph 3?

A. They can help cars run much faster.

B. They can take the place of drivers now.

C. They can make cars run without fuel.

D. They can help people drive more safely.

【3】In Kendall’s opinion, who probably don’t rely on the driverless cars at first?

A. managers in the high-tech company Google

B. officers from the U. S. government agency DARPA

C. car consumers

D. vehicle designers

【4】According to Richard Mason, what is the biggest challenge for driverless cars?

A. They need to have more comfortable seats .

B. They are now too expensive for consumers.

C. They are travelling at a low speed.

D. They are not favored by car racers








【1】A细节理解题。根据第二段California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state.加利福利亚州长Jerry Brown签署了允许这种自动(无人驾驶的)汽车在本州行驶的法令。由此可见,Jerry Brown是支持这个想法的,故选A。


【3】C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Consumers, however, may be unwilling to lose control. It may take them time to come to realize that the technology is indeed reliable, but it will have to prove itself first. ”可知Kendall认为消费者可能不愿意失去(对车子的)控制,可能要花一段时间他们才能意识到这项技术的可靠性,但是这项技术首先要证明自己(是可靠的)。由此可推断出汽车的消费者在一开始可能不信任这项技术,故选C。

【4】 B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable.可知,Mason认为这项技术现在面临的最大的挑战就是把无人驾驶汽车的高成本降低到可以承担得起的程度。由此我们能判断出现在的价格是偏高的,故选B。


【题目】My grandma whom we all called Nanny was a solid, first-generation, Italian immigrant. She came to this country with her family on a tiny ship during World War I when she was only 8 years old. During the trip she survived stormy seas,little food, and an attack by a German U-boat. After getting here,her large family worked hard to build a new life in America. They never had much money but were rich in love.

One day, when I was about 5 or 6 years old, my parents and brothers went on a trip. It was just me and Nanny in the house for the weekend. Nanny seemed so happy to be taking care of me all by herself. She made me a special breakfast that first morning. However, all I could do was to complain about how the food was not how Mom always made it. Nanny quietly put down the plate and went into the living room. I followed a minute later and saw that she had tears in her eyes. It was the first time I had ever seen my strong and proud grandmother cry and I was the one who had caused it.

I walked over to Nanny, climbed on her lap, and for the first time in my short life I did something else too. I apologized without being told to and asked Nanny to forgive me. She smiled, rubbed my head, and told me I was a good boy even though I didn't feel like one then.

That memory just like my Nanny's love will stay in my heart forever. It is a sign of both strength and wisdom. Asking for forgiveness helps us to learn, to grow, and to love.

【1】Nanny’s family immigrated to America mainly because _____.

A. they suffered starvation in their homeland

B. they wanted to start a rich life in the new land

C. they tried to get away from the terrible climate

D. their country was in war and they needed peace

【2】The boy complained to Nanny that the food _____.

A. wasn't cooked the way his mom did

B. was served a bit later than usual

C. was prepared in a special way

D. was just to his parents’ taste

【3】When seeing Nanny crying in the living room, the author felt _____.

A. surprised B. ashamed

C. shocked D. annoyed

【4】The author mainly wants to tell us that _____.

A. forgiveness can be beneficial to people asking for it

B. hardships can make children more indifferent

C. grandparents are more tolerant than their grandchildren

D. family ties can sometimes be misused

【题目】Most children have heard their parents at one time or another yell “sit up straight!” or “don’t slouch!” In the past, this was usually heard at the dinner table as children ate dinner. But these days, it is also heard around another activity video games.

Ten-year old Owaish Batliwala, from Mumbai, India, admits he spends three to four hours each day playing games on his tablet computer. His mother Mehzabin became concerned when her son started saying that his neck hurt. She said, "My son started having neck problems around June or July. The pain slowly spread to his hand and his back. He plays for hours on the iPad and mobile phone. This is what has caused the problem."

Sadia Vanjara is a physical therapist. She says the number of young children with chronic pain in their necks, arms and shoulders is on the rise. Dr. Vanjara says the pain is not from aging, accidents or disease. It is from poor posture, or body position, while playing video games.

This is a problem in many parts of the world. But there are more smartphone users in India than anywhere else in the world, except China. Networking equipment company Cisco estimates that the number of smartphone users in India will increase from 140 million today to 651 million by 2020.

19-year old student Nida Jameel says she feels pain in the finger which holds the weight of her smartphone most of the day. She says she uses her smartphone 24/7. This means 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or all the time.

Dr. Vanjara says the best treatments for the pain are daily exercises. Experts advise taking breaks from using a computer or other device often. Stand up. Stretch your legs, back, shoulders and arms. And when your work or school work is done, unplug and exercise.

【1】 What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Too Much Gaming is a Pain in the Neck

B. The Influence of Too Much Gaming on People’s Health

C. How To Avoid the Pain in the Neck

D. How To Be More Fit

【2】In paragraph 1, the underlined word slouch” means _____

A. stopping working

B. bending one’s head or shoulders forward

C. being much too calm about something

D. being enthusiastic about the things that are not related with study

【3】 In which part of a website can we read the passage?

A. School and Education B. Entertainment

C. Health and Lifestyle D. Food and Recipes

【题目】A planned visit to Trinidad and Tobago sometime ago by a former American president, suddenly took an amazing turn form the initial plan. The presidential aircraft could not land in Trinidad and Tobago. It was reported that the runway of the airport was too short. Therefore, the aircraft had to land in a nearby country and they came into the country by road.

Everyone has a runway by which events enter into his life. The events here could be favors, miracle, connections, job opportunities, etc. The size of your runway determines the level of results that will be attracted into your life.

I have a story of two good friends. They finished high school together. One wanted to further his studies while the other decided to look for a job. As time went on, the one that wanted to work was always there to support the other one especially in the area of fees in school for a long time. As destiny would have it, they both lost contact and after a very long time, they met again but on a very different level. The one that added values to himself by going back to school had stepped up greatly to become the general manager of a big company and the other was just a little lifted. So, it was time to pay back. The one of general manager could only support him financially and make him the chief driving officer in the company. Even though he would have loved to give him a higher post he was not qulified especially in terms of skills, orientation , experience and so on. In other words, his runway was too short for such an opportunity.

Everyone must increase in knowledge and training . You must step up in your education level, human, business and communication skills. Your relationship with people must improve by being a good person. Your runway is enlarged anytime you add values to your life.

There are some jobs, opportunities, favor that cannot protect base in your life. They will have to be coming from other people into your life because you have failed to work on your own runway by improving on your abilities. It is not too late or too early to start in life because every stage in life is a good place to begin.

【1】 In the first paragraph, the president had to change his plan because _________________.

A. the weather condition was bad for their journey

B. they couldn’t go into that country by their plane

C. they wanted to visit the neighboring country temporarily

D. the president had to deal with something back in his country

【2】 The two friends had different final results because __________________________

A. they had different life goals

B. one always wanted to beat the other

C. they had different education levels

D.they wanted to show their different success

【3】What is stressed in the last paragraph?

A. The key to success.

B. The need of others’ help

C. The trouble from failure

D. The real meaning of life

【4】What would be the best title for this text?

A. Kindness Makes a Big Different

B. Depend on Youself

C. Competition Exists Everywhere

D. Always Improve on Yourself

【题目】My First Trip in the United States I still remember my first day in the U. S. very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane at Kennedy Airport at three o'clock in the afternoon. The weather was very and it was snowing, but I was too excited to . From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my . On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the time and I looked in surprise at the famous skyscrapers(摩天大楼)and their man-made . me unpack at the hotel, my friend left and promised to return the next day.

my friend had left, I went to a near the hotel to get something . Since I couldn't speak a single word of English, I couldn't tell the what I wanted. I was very worried and started to make some but he didn't understand me. Finally, I ordered the thing as the man at the next table was . After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway I came to Times Square with its theatres, neon lights, and crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I to walk around the city. I wanted to see on my first day, although I knew it was impossible.

When I returned to the hotel, I couldn't fall asleep, lay and thought about New York. It was a very big and amazing city with many high-rise buildings and streams of cars, and full of and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to .

【1】A. took off B. landed C. dropped D. reached

【2】A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool

【3】A. look B. listen C. enjoy D. mind

【4】A. home B. hotel C. office D. school

【5】A. first B. one C. last D. only

【6】A. satellites B. lakes C. beauty D. parks

【7】A. Helped B. Helping C. Had helped D. Being helped

【8】A. Before long B. Shortly after C. Soon D. Then

【9】A. restaurant B. shop C. supermarket D. pub

【10】A. to drink B. to read C. to eat D. to listen

【11】A. boss B. cook C. waiter D. waitress

【12】A. voices B. suggestions C. sounds D. gestures

【13】A. similar B. different C. same D. right

【14】A. looking B. ordering C. picking D. eating

【15】A. until B. when C. before D. after

【16】A. tired B. stopped C. determined D. continued

【17】A. anything B. everything C. something D. some things

【18】A. asleep B. awake C. afraid D. alive

【19】A. noise B. voices C. streets D. places

【20】A. drive a car B. cook meals C. teach Chinese D. speak English

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