
1. What do you know is the________(主题) of the newlybuilt park in our city?
2. Young people prefer to show their________(个性) in the modern society.
3. Experts encourage________(欣赏) should be more widely used in educating young generation.
4. The newlyelected prime minister mainly ________(聚焦) on increasing the living conditions
    of the weak.
5. Shen Zhou ________(承担) the China's first wandering in outer space.
6. The scientists applauded ________(立刻) they saw Zhai Zhigang walk out the spacecraft successfully.
7. He is a ________(稳定) fellow, not drink, regular in his hours, and we may rely on him.
8. "________(调节) yourself, and have another try!" said the coach.
9. Filled for the moment with extraordinary________(力气) the rescue team saved the wounded
    from the ruins completely.
10. The old man was celebrating his ________(八十) birthday in his house after being immigrating
      here last month.
1. theme  2.personalities 3.appreciation  4. focuses 5. undertook
6. immediately 7.steady  8.Adjust  9.strength 10 .eightieth

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