
At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the sport of canoe(赛艇)racing was added to the list of  international competitions. The favorite team in the four-man canoe 1  was the United States team. One member of that team was a young man named Bill Havens.

    As the 2 for the Olympics neared, it became clear that Bill’s wife would give 3  to their first child at about the same time, so Bill  4  himself in a dilemma(左右为难的困境).Should he go to Paris or should he stay at home with his family and  5  about the Olympics? After all, competing in the Olympics was one of his lifelong  6 .

Bill, after a great deal of thinking, decided to withdraw from the competition.

     7  it turned out, the United States four-man canoe team won the gold medal in Paris, and Bill’s wife was  8  in giving birth to their child. She was  9  late, in fact, that Bill could have  10  in the event and returned home in time.

    It was a shame, but Bill said that he had no  11 . Bill knew what was most important to him and he  12  what he believed was best. Not everybody has the  13  of character to say no to something that he or she  14  wants in order to say yes to something that truly  15 .

    There was a(n) 16  end to Bill’s story. The child  17  born to Bill and his wife was a boy whom they  18  Frank. Twenty-eight years later, in 1952, Bill  19  a telegram from Frank. It was sent from Helsinki, Finland, where the 1952 Olympics were being held. The telegram  20 :“Dad, I won. I’m bringing home the gold medal you lost the chance to win while waiting for me to be born.”

1.A.contest                 B.race                     C.sports                D.game

2.A.year                     B.deadline                 C.time                   D.chance

3.A.birth                    B.baby                     C.help                   D.hand

4.A.found                   B.put                       C.thought              D.trapped

5.A.expect                  B.compete                C.comment            D.forget

6.A.promises              B.dreams                  C.journeys             D.businesses

7.A.What                   B.As                        C.So                     D.That

8.A.early                    B.lucky                    C.late                    D.miserable

9.A.very                     B.too                       C.so                      D.much

10.A.taken                  B.finished                 C.fought                D.competed

11.A.regrets                B.advantages            C.disappointments  D.choices

12.A.did                     B.paid                      C.made                 D.lost

13.A.origin                 B.strength                C.reason                D.energy

14.A.apparently           B.truly                     C.finally                D.seemingly

15.A.wants                 B.needs                    C.values                D.matters

16.A.expected             B.annoying               C.interesting          D.disappointing

17.A.eventually           B.fortunately             C.actually              D.initially

18.A.named                B.marked                 C.expected            D.indicated

19.A.sent                   B.accepted               C.mailed                D.received

20.A.showed         B.read             C.told             D.noted

1-5 BCAAD     6-10 BBCCD     11-15 AABBD     16-20 CAADB



  If you ever felt like your doctor was trying to push you out of the examination room before you had a chance to explain your condition, you are not alone.

  A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows that most people agree on what makes a good doctor and it definitely isn’t one who hurries through a visit.

  A doctor’s skills can affect a patient’s emotional response and recovery very positively or very negatively, a research shows.Based on the new study, which surveyed 192 patients, it can be concluded that a model doctor should be confident, sympathetic, kind, personal forthright, respectful and thorough.

  “What every patient wants is a doctor who pays them personal attention,”said James Li, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic Division of Allergic Diseases.Li is helping to develop programs for teaching doctors how to strengthen their interactions(互动)with patients.

  “It’s really the duty of the medical community to design a health care system, so that doctors are able to exhibit those qualities for the good of the patients,”he said.

  Many patients nowadays are directed to urgent care facilities or, for lack of good insurance, forced to go to emergency rooms for problems that used to be handled right away.In either case, wait time can be hours and actual face time with a doctor might be just seconds.

  “The days when doctors remembered their patients’ names might no longer exit, but medical schools can fill in this crack by incorporating the seven behavioral things into their training,”Li said.

  “If patients have opportunities to tell their stories, to be asked questions and have the doctors describe understanding of what has been shared, it leaves them feeling like they’re heard.”Li said.


This passage is mainly concerned about the duty of ________.

[  ]






medical schools




Which of the following does Doctor Li NOT agree?

[  ]


Patients really want the attention paid from doctors.


The health care system is the guarantee of exhibiting doctor’s good qualities.


Patients’ name might no longer be remembered by doctors.


Training seven behavioral things can help patients understand doctors.


Which statement below is the right doctor’s behavior?

[  ]


Patients are directed to urgent care facilities.


Patients are forced to go to emergency rooms with no excuse.


Doctors are usually kind enough to listen to and examine their patients.


Doctors are trying to make their patients leave the examination room.


It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

[  ]


nowadays some doctors treat their patients carelessly.


doctors are lack of enough responsibilities to face the patients.


patients should have the rights to understand their illnesses.


doctors and patients need understanding interactively.



Fang Wei had planned to study in Britain for his master's degree,but had to keep putting it off. These days,however,Fang is quite happy about the delay since the exchange rate of the British pound against the RMB has been descending.

“The change means I can save a large sum of money for my studies.” said Fang. “I pay a lot of attention to the pound­to­RMB exchange rate every day now.” Last Tuesday the rate broke the 10­yuan mark for the first time since 2005.

So,what is an exchange rate?

This is the standard term for the comparison of two currencies and tells how much one currency is worth when measured by the other. For example,the pound­to­RMB exchange rate last Wednesday was 9.88,meaning that one pound was worth the same as 9.88 yuan.

But how could this affect our lives?

The exchange rate is important for anyone wanting to travel to or study in a foreign country.

A higher RMB value is good news for Chinese tourists and students. That's because any given amount of RMB can be exchanged for a larger amount of foreign money than with a lower RMB value. It therefore buys more abroad.

For example,according to Chinese agencies that handle study abroad,the cost for university study in Britain used to be around 20,000 pounds a year. At the beginning of 2008,when the pound­to­RMB exchange rate stood at 14,Chinese students had to have 280,000 yuan for a year. But now that the rate has fallen to less than 10 yuan,200,000 yuan is enough for a year in Britain.

However,the stronger yuan may be bad news for Chinese exporters. A rising RMB means that Chinese products are becoming expensive and less attractive on foreign markets.

56.Why did Fang Wei have to put off his study in Britain?

A. Because he didn't have enough money.

B. Because the exchange rate of the pound­to­RMB was too high.

C. Because he didn't get the letter from the university he had applied for.

D. The passage didn't tell us.

57.What's the meaning of the underlined word “descending” in Paragraph 1?

A. Turning down.              B. Putting off.

C. Falling down.                D. Going up.

58.If the pound­to­RMB exchange rate was 12, Fang Wei would have paid 240,000 yuan for a year's study. Now the rate is 9.6,how much can he save if he goes to study in Britain?

A.46,000 yuan.                  B.42,800 yuan.

C.192,000 yuan.                D.48,000 yuan.

59 .When RMB has a higher value in the currency exchange market,the following are right except that     .

A. it shows we have a strong economic potential

B. it indicates we have a stable political environment

C. it will help our export business

D. it is beneficial for Chinese students and travelers to foreign countries


Section D

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the possible fewest words

If you ever felt like your doctor was trying to push you out of the examination room before you had a chance to explain your condition you are not alone.

A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows that most people agree on what makes a good doctor and it definitely isn’t one who hurries through a visit.

A doctor’s skills can affect a patient’s emotional response and recovery very positively or very negatively, a research shows. Based on the new study, which surveyed 192 patients, it can be concluded that a model doctor should be confident, sympathetic, kind, personal forthright, respectful and thorough.

“What every patient wants is a doctor who pays them personal attention” said James Li, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic Division of Allergic Diseases Li is helping to develop programs for teaching doctors how to strengthen their interactions with patients.

“It’s really the duty of the medical community to design a health care system, so that doctors are able to exhibit those qualities for the good of the patients,” he said.

Many patients nowadays are directed to urgent care facilities or , for lack of good insurance, forced to go to emergency rooms for problems that used to be handled right away. In either case, wait time can be hours and actual face time with a doctor might be just seconds.

“The days when doctors remembered their patients’ names might no longer exit , but medical schools can  fill in this crack  by adding in the seven behavioral things into their training.” Li said.

“If patients have opportunities to tell their stories, to be asked questions and have the doctors describe understanding of what has been shared , it leaves them feeling like they’re heard ” Lisaid.

(Note : Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

81.When on duty, a doctor’s right behavior is___________.


82.What is the guarantee of exhibiting doctor’s good qualities?


83.By “fill in this crack”(underlined ) , the writer means_______.


84.What is this passage mainly concerned about?



Section D

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the possible fewest words

If you ever felt like your doctor was trying to push you out of the examination room before you had a chance to explain your condition you are not alone.

A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows that most people agree on what makes a good doctor and it definitely isn’t one who hurries through a visit.

A doctor’s skills can affect a patient’s emotional response and recovery very positively or very negatively, a research shows. Based on the new study, which surveyed 192 patients, it can be concluded that a model doctor should be confident, sympathetic, kind, personal forthright, respectful and thorough.

“What every patient wants is a doctor who pays them personal attention” said James Li, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic Division of Allergic Diseases Li is helping to develop programs for teaching doctors how to strengthen their interactions with patients.

“It’s really the duty of the medical community to design a health care system, so that doctors are able to exhibit those qualities for the good of the patients,” he said.

Many patients nowadays are directed to urgent care facilities or , for lack of good insurance, forced to go to emergency rooms for problems that used to be handled right away. In either case, wait time can be hours and actual face time with a doctor might be just seconds.

“The days when doctors remembered their patients’ names might no longer exit , but medical schools can  fill in this crack  by adding in the seven behavioral things into their training.” Li said.

       “If patients have opportunities to tell their stories, to be asked questions and have the doctors describe understanding of what has been shared , it leaves them feeling like they’re heard ” Lisaid.

       (Note : Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

81.When on duty, a doctor’s right behavior is___________.


82.What is the guarantee of exhibiting doctor’s good qualities?


83.By “fill in this crack”(underlined ) , the writer means_______.


84.What is this passage mainly concerned about?


第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)


Fang Wei had planned to study in Britain for his master's degree,but had to keep putting it off. These days,however,Fang is quite happy about the delay since the exchange rate of the British pound against the RMB has been descending.

“The change means I can save a large sum of money for my studies.” said Fang. “I pay a lot of attention to the pound??to??RMB exchange rate every day now.” Last Tuesday the rate broke the 10??yuan mark for the first time since 2005.

So,what is an exchange rate?

This is the standard term for the comparison of two currencies and tells how much one currency is worth when measured by the other. For example,the pound??to??RMB exchange rate last Wednesday was 9.88,meaning that one pound was worth the same as 9.88 yuan.

But how could this affect our lives?

The exchange rate is important for anyone wanting to travel to or study in a foreign country.

A higher RMB value is good news for Chinese tourists and students. That's because any given amount of RMB can be exchanged for a larger amount of foreign money than with a lower RMB value. It therefore buys more abroad.

For example,according to Chinese agencies that handle study abroad,the cost for university study in Britain used to be around 20,000 pounds a year. At the beginning of 2008,when the pound??to??RMB exchange rate stood at 14,Chinese students had to have 280,000 yuan for a year. But now that the rate has fallen to less than 10 yuan,200,000 yuan is enough for a year in Britain.

However,the stronger yuan may be bad news for Chinese exporters. A rising RMB means that Chinese products are becoming expensive and less attractive on foreign markets.

56.Why did Fang Wei have to put off his study in Britain?

A. Because he didn't have enough money.

B. Because the exchange rate of the pound??to??RMB was too high.

C. Because he didn't get the letter from the university he had applied for.

D. The passage didn't tell us.

57.What's the meaning of the underlined word “descending” in Paragraph 1?

A. Turning down.               B. Putting off.

C. Falling down.                 D. Going up.

58.If the pound??to??RMB exchange rate was 12, Fang Wei would have paid 240,000 yuan for a year's study. Now the rate is 9.6,how much can he save if he goes to study in Britain?

A.46,000 yuan.                   B.42,800 yuan.

C.192,000 yuan.                 D.48,000 yuan.

59 .When RMB has a higher value in the currency exchange market,the following are right except that     .

A. it shows we have a strong economic potential

B. it indicates we have a stable political environment

C. it will help our export business

D. it is beneficial for Chinese students and travelers to foreign countries

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