
Circumstances are human control, but our conduct is in our own power.

A. withinB. against C. beyondD. below








Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long?handled brush. He stopped by the fence in front of the house where he lived with his aunt Polly. He looked at it, and all joy left him. The fence was long and high. He put the brush into the whitewash and moved it along the top of the fence. He repeated the operation. He felt he could not continue and sat down.

He knew that his friends would arrive soon with all kinds of interesting plans for the day. They would walk past him and laugh. They would make jokes about his having to work on a beautiful summer Saturday. The thought burned him like fire.

He put his hand into his pockets and took out all that he owned. Perhaps he could find some way to pay someone to do the whitewashing for him. But there was nothing of value in his pockets—nothing that could buy even half an hour of freedom. So he put the bits of toys back into his pockets and gave up the idea.

At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea came to him. It filled his mind with a great, bright light. Calmly he picked up the brush and started again to whitewash.

While Tom was working, Ben Rogers appeared. Ben was eating an apple as he walked along the street. As he walked along it, he was making noises like the sound of a riverboat. First he shouted loudly, like a boat captain. Then he said “Ding---Dong---Dong”, “Ding---Dong---Dong” again and again, like the bell of a riverboat. And he made other strange noises. When he came close to Tom, he stopped.

Tom went on whitewashing. He did not look at Ben. Ben stared a moment and then said: “Hello! I'm going swimming, but you can't go, can you?”

No answer. Tom moved his brush carefully along the fence and looked at the result with the eye of an artist. Ben came nearer. Tom's mouth watered for the apple, but he kept on working.

Ben said, “Hello, old fellow, you've got to work, hey?”

Tom turned suddenly and said, “Why, it's you, Ben! I wasn't noticing.”

“Say --- I'm going swimming. Don't you wish you could? But of course you'd rather work --- wouldn't you? Of course you would.”

Tom looked at the boy a bit, and said “What do you call work?”

“Why, isn't that work?”

Tom went back to his whitewashing, and answered carelessly.

“Well, maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. All I know is, it suits Tom Sawyer.”

“Oh come, now, you don't mean to say that you like it?”

The brush continued to move.

“Like it? Well, I don't see why I shouldn't like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?”

Ben stopped eating his apple. Tom moved his brush back and forth, stepped back to look at the result, added a touch here and there, and stepped back again. Ben watched every move and got more and more interested. Soon he said,“Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.”

Tom thought for a moment, and was about to agree, but he changed his mind.

“No---no---it won't do, Ben. You see, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. It has got to be done very carefully. I don't think there is one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it well enough.”

“No---is that so? Oh come, now —let me just try. Only just a little.”

“Ben, I'd like to, but if it isn't done right, I'm afraid Aunt Polly … ”

“Oh, I'll be careful. Now let me try. Say —I'll give you the core of my apple.”

“Well, here --- No, Ben, now don't. I'm afraid …”

“I'll give you all of it.”

Tom gave up the brush with unwillingness on his face, but joy in his heart. And while Ben worked at the fence in the hot sun, Tom sat under a tree, eating the apple, and planning how to get more help. There were enough boys. Each one came to laugh, but remained to whitewash. By the time Ben was tired, Tom sold the next chance to Billy for a kite; and when Billy was tired, Johnny bought it for a dead rat —and so on, hour after hour. And when the middle of the afternoon came, Tom had won many treasures.

And he had not worked. He had had a nice idle time all the time, with plenty of company, and the fence had been whitewashed three times. If he hadn't run out of whitewash, Tom would have owned everything belonging to his friends.

He had discovered a great law of human action, namely, that in order to make a man or a boy want a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to get.

1.How many characters are mentioned in this story?

A. 4. B. 5.

C. 6. D. 7

2.Why did Tom take all his bits of toys out of his pockets?

A. Because he was tired and wanted to play with his toys.

B. Because he wanted to throw his toys away.

C. Because he wanted to give his toys to his friends.

D. Because he wanted to know if he could buy help with his toys.

3.Tom was about to agree to let Ben whitewash when he changed his mind because ________.

A. Tom wanted to do the whitewashing by himself

B. Tom planned to make Ben give up his apple first

C. Tom was unwilling to let Ben do the whitewashing

D. Tom was afraid Ben would do the whitewashing better

4.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. Tom was interested in whitewashing the fence

B.Tom had a lot of friends who are ready to help others

C. Tom was unwilling to whitewash the fence, but he managed to let other boys do it for him

D. Tom was good at whitewashing the fence, so he looked at the result of his work with the eye of an artist

5.What made Ben Rogers eagerly give up his apple and offer to brush the fence for Tom?

A. His warm heart and kindness to friends.

B. Tom's threat.

C. His curiosity about Tom's brushing job.

D. Aunt Polly's idea.

6.Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. The Happy Whitewasher

B. Tom And His Fellows

C. Whitewashing A Fence

D. Make The Things Difficult To Get


Below is an introduction to Top 5 Teen Magazines from the US and the UK.


Marked to preteen and teenage girls ages 11-19, J-14 --a shortened name of “Just For Teens” --is packed with features like teen gossip, quizzes, fashion advice, posters, and celebrity(名人) interviews in every issue.

Some of the magazine’s most popular features include: “Hot Topic”, “Life’s Big Questions” and “Real Life”. Throughout the year, J-14 publishes several editions, such as “Summer Entertainment Guide”, “Back-to-School Special” and the annual “Best of Year Special and J-13 Teen Icon Awards” issue.

Teens who have a passion for pop culture would love a subscription to J-14 magazine!


Twist covers the latest fashion and stytles with lots of photos and easy-to-follow how-tos, giving teens both instruction and inspiration to experiment with what works for them. Body image(形象) and relationships are popular topics of interest to teens, and the magazine offers tips on building strong self-esteem.

Additional content in every monthly issue inculdes reader polls, teen celebrity gossip, news and interviews. During the yaer, Twist publishes several special editions about seasonal fashion and major teen events, like prom and back-to-school. The magazine publishes a “Best of Year” issue every December.

Teens who love fashion and celebrity news would love a subscription to Twist magazine!

Discovery Girls

First published in 2000, the magazine often addresses the topics of school, sports, and friendship.

Content in the magazine is created by girls, which gives it the authentic opinions of its target audience. Each bimonthly issus features quizzes, fashion advice, and games in addition to some regular sections that appear in each magazine. Mant of the following sections that appear in every issue also feature content submitted by readers: “The Worst Day”, “Embarrassing Moments”, “The Great Debate” and “Mailbag”.

Young girls and teens would find a friendly, identifiable voice in each issue of Discovery Girls, and parents would approve of giving a gift subscription to this award-winning magazine!

Boy’s Life

First published in 1911, Boy’s Life is written for young males ages 6 to 18 and is distributed in two editions. One edition is printed for the youngest members 6-to-10-year-old Tiger Cubs and first-year Webelos Scouts. The other is for ages 11-18 and is aimed at second-year Webelos Scouts through 18-year-old Boy Scouts.

A central focus of Boy’s Life is encouraging physical activity among boys, like camping, hiking, swimming, and kayaking. Each month, the magazine features articles on history, the outdoors, science, and much more. Fitness, technology, and video game and biik reviews are other common topics Boy’s Life often addresses.

A subscription to Boy’s Life magazine would make a great gift for active young boys!


Seventeen magazine celebrates teens where they are in life while also providing age-appropriate advice to the complex issues young women face every day.

The magazine organizes its content into five sections, such as “Your Body”, a range of fitness motivation and encouragement about positive body image, “Love & Guys”, advice columns and tips on understanding relationships with the opposite sex, and “Your Awesome Life”, personal development tips about hot topics like building confidence and selecting a college, plus inspirational stories about teens.

Special editions include the “Back-to-school Issue” in August and “The Freebie Issue” in May.

Teens who want to look good, feel great, and be their best would enjoy a subscription to Seventeen magazine!

1.According to the passage, what content do J-14, Twist and Discovery Girls share?

A. Teen gossip. B. Advice on fashion.

C. Sports and friendship. D. Self-respect building.

2.What content does Boys 'Life mainly center on?

A. Sports. B. Games.

C. Beauty. D. Education.

3.We can learn from the passage that .

A. J-14 is distributed in two editions for teens of different ages

B. the content of Discovery Girls is closely related to teen girls

C. Seventeen covers aspects like looking good, keeping fit and writing stories

D. all the five magazines mentioned publish special editions except Boys 'Life

4.The main purpose of the introduction to the five magazines is .

A. to distinguish their features

B. to explain the secret to their popularity

C. to encourage the subscription to the magazines

D. to arouse people's interest in reading teen magazines


Dining Experiences at Belmond Grand Hotel Europe

Delicious cuisine is paired with excellent musical entertainment at Belmond Grand Hotel Europe.


Every Friday, dine in Lobby Bar and be treated to a special musical accompaniment.

Enjoy timeless classics from the great Russian composer Tchaikovsky, performed by local dancers and a

chamber orchestra.

Time: 7 pm - 10 pm

Price: RUB 2, 000 per adult


Take a seat in the Mezzanine Cafe at a table laid out with Imperial Porcelain china.Feast on Borodinsky

bread sandwiches with various fillings, hot smoked trout(鳟鱼), delightful mini pirozhki and sweets such

as vatrushkas, all accompanied by good, strong tea and light music.

Available daily 2 pm - 6 pm, priced at 1800 RUB for two.


Enjoy a wide variety of international dishes and unlimited drinks accompanied by live jazz at L'Europe

Restaurant every Sunday.A supervised playroom for children is also available.

Time: I pm - 4:30 pm

Price: RUB 4, 900 per adult; Children': up t0 7 - free / 7 t0 15 - RUBI, 800 / above 16 - full price


Available in the Caviar Bar, let our seasoned chef take you through caviar and vodka pairings.

You can also take part in cocktail demonstrations, or enjoy vodka-themed treatments at the beauty salon.

Available daily 4 pm - 11 pm, priced at RUB 3, 000 for one bottle.

1.A couple with twins aged 5 dining at L'Europe Restaurant should pay at least .

A.RUB 14, 400 B.RUB 19, 600

C.RUB 9, 800 D.RUB 3, 600

2.Which of the following will be your best choice, if you like classical music?

A.Lobby Bar. B.The Mezzanine Caf6.

C.Caviar Bar. D.L'Europe Restaurant.

3.Where does this passage probably come from?

A.A science fiction. B.A hotel brochure.

C.A recipe book. D.A geography textbook.


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