
【小题1】All the people b_________into laughter when they heard the funny story.
【小题2】We should p_______the wild animals. It is very important.
【小题3】I have to get f________with the new classmates in the new school.
【小题4】Never play j_______on the disabled people.
【小题5】It is a c_______to eat moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Day.
【小题6】It is__________that you are wrong, I am right.(明显的)
【小题7】When he saw the snake, he held his_____and dared not say a word.(呼吸)
【小题8】There were too many____in the supermarket and I had to go back home.(顾客)
【小题9】It is b___________to get up early and do some sports.(有益的)
【小题10】I don’t think that we should agree with him. On the_________, I will say "no".(相反)


【小题3】考查固定短语。get familiar with sth变得对......熟悉,故填familiar。
【小题4】考查固定短语。play jokes on sb开某人的玩笑,故填jokes。
【小题6】考查固定句型。It is obvious that...“......是显而易见的”。故填obvious。
【小题7】考查固定短语。hold breath屏住呼吸,故填breath。
【小题10】考查固定短语。on the contrary相反,故填contrary。


My dad has been driving a truck for almost his entire life. He’s usually  【小题1】  all the weekdays and comes home only at weekends. Sometimes he stays ___【小题2】__for two weeks at a time. __【小题3】_I don't get to see him as often as I wish, we remain very __【小题4】___.
My dad is the type of person who doesn't let you __【小题5】__ up anything that you start. When I was eleven, my father bought me a piano. At first I was so __【小题6】__ about it that I would spend hours and hours learning how to play. Then it got _【小题7】_. I was so tired of it that I asked if I could stop. Much as I tried, he __【小题8】__me to go on. Now I have been playing for almost five years. I love it and I' m glad I __【小题9】_my dad's advice.
My dad is _【小题10】__talented, for he has been playing the guitar for over 20 years. Under his influence, I also like 【小题11】    now. Sometimes my dad can be my biggest  【小题12】  . He makes me smile even when I lose in a talent show【小题13】  . Sometimes he can be my biggest critic(批评家). He   【小题14】  ignore the small mistakes I make. He encourages me never to lose   【小题15】  , because he thinks that all my efforts will   【小题16】   one day.
My dad is generous. Every Thursday night, he    【小题17】   to read to the children at a children’s club. When he reads, their   【小题18】   light up with curiosity about what will happen next. I feel   【小题19】   of having a person in my family who cares enough to volunteer to   【小题20】 .
I love Dad with all my heart. He’s a hero in my heart and the most wonderful person in the world.

A.In caseB.Even thoughC.If onlyD.As if
A.polite B.kindC.differentD.close
A.come trueB.take risksC.pay offD.let out

  First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, "Look out," I put my head out of a window and a basin of water fell on me. It seems that "Look out" may mean "don‘t look out."
  Second Frenchman: Once I was on a ship and heard the captain shout, "All hands on deck," I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them.
  Third Frenchman: I once visited an English friend early in the morning and the maid who came to the door and said, "He’s not up yet. Come back in half an hour," When I went again for him, she said, "He‘s not down yet."
  "If he’s not up and he’s not down, where is he?" I asked.
  She said, "He’s still in bed. When I say ‘He’s not up ’ I mean ‘he has not yet got up’. When I say ‘He’s not down ’ I mean ‘he has not yet come downstairs,’"
【小题1】"All hands on deck" means “ _______ ”.

A.All the sailors gather on deckB.Give your hands to me
C.Put your right hand and left hand on deckD.Shake your hands with me
【小题2】When the maid said, “He’s not up yet.” She meant that _______ .
A.he has not grown up yetB.he has not yet got up
C.he has not woke up yetD.he has not yet come upstairs
【小题3】When the third Frenchman went back, the English friend _______ .
A.was washing his faceB.was having his breakfast
C.was still in an upstairs roomD.was reading a newspaper
【小题4】Which do you think is the best title for this article?
A.Three Frenchmen and their English Friends
B.The English Language
C.Three French Stories
D.What a Language!

A few years ago, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, where I was employed. purchased Norand Corporation. Pioneer's sales representatives in the field used Norand hand-held terminals to upload daily sales information and download new price and sales incentive information. Pioneer bought so many of these hand-held-terminals, the economies made the purchase of Norand look interesting. Owning Norand also allowed Pioneer to explore high-technology markets outside agriculture.
But after a few years, the emerging laptop PC technology made the hand-held units obsolete (已废弃的). Pioneer sold Norand at a loss. Pioneer always took a given percent of the annual profits to divide equally among all employees, so our profit-sharing checks were lower than if Pioneer had not purchased Norand. Additionally, my Pioneer stock was lower than it had been before the purchase of Norand. I was not pleased.
The CEO of Pioneer, Tom Urban, made annual formal visits to each of the Pioneer divisions to talk about the state of the business and to listen to employees' concerns. When he walked into the meeting room for his first visit after the sale of Norand, he acknowledged the group, remove his jacket, and neatly folded it across the back of the chair. He loosened his tie, undid his collar and rolled up his sleeves.The next thing he said was the last thing I ever expected to hear a CEO say.
He said, "I made a mistake buying Norand and I am sorry. I am sorry your profit-sharing was lower because of the purchase, and I am sorry your stock was hurt by the purchase. I will continue to take risks, but I am a bit smarter now, and I will work harder for you."
A great man and leader stood before us that day. As I sat listening to him, I knew I could trust him, and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him and to Pioneer. I also knew I could take risks in my own job.
In the brief moment of silence before the questions started, I recall thinking that follow him into any battle.
【小题1】All of the following are the results brought by Pioneer's purchase of Norand except     .

A.Pioneer can explore high-technology markets outside agriculture
B.Pioneer's sales representatives can upload information using Norand hand-held terminals
C.some of Norand's employees joined the Pioneer
D.it later led to the lower of profit-sharing checks of Pioneer's original employees
【小题2】The underlined sentence in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to       .
A.the next thing he said was what I expected least to hear a CEO say
B.the next thing he said was the last thing I heard from a CEO
C.the next thing he said was what I expected most to hear a CEO say
D.the next thing he said was what I heard from the last CEO
【小题3】Why did Tom Urban remove his jacket, loosen his tie, undo his collar and roll up his sleeves before he spoke?
A.He felt hot in the room.
B.He wanted to look cool by doing this.
C.He was too excited.
D.He wanted to be close and frank with his employees.
【小题4】What did the employees feel after Tom Urban apologized to them?
A.They felt he was a stupid CEO.
B.They felt he did not deserve their loyalty
C.They felt he was more trustworthy.
D.They didn't want to take risks with him.

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