
The other day I heard a few local musicians talking:
"I hate all the pianos in this town and I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They cannot even understand rhythm (韵律)."
"Nobody wants to pay musicians anything. I’m sick of all the people who want you to play without paying you."
One younger musician said, "There are several clubs who want me to play for a few nights a month, and I’m trying to find other places to play. I’m also planning to join in several summer festivals this year."
I really liked what the younger musician said so I made friends with him.
Attitudes are important. Whether they’re positive (积极的) or negative (消极的), they’re all rubbing off on you. If you’re around people who are always complaining or blaming (责备) others, it is possible that you will start doing the same as well. If you spend lots of time with people who don’t support (支持) your dreams, it is time to take a look at the people you call "friends".
There is an easy exercise you can try. Make a list of the people who you often stay with, and simply stop spending time with the negative ones on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and don’t become friends with people who fall below that standard.
Of course, this exercise is entirely different from making friends only for the good of oneself. We really should try to help and spend time with those who are working towards a goal or dream.
小题1:The musicians’ conversation at the beginning is there to show that ______.
A.musicians’ living conditions are not good
B.people in that town have poor taste in music
C.young people are more likely to succeed
D.different people have different attitudes
小题2:The underlined part "they’re all rubbing off on you" in Paragraph 6 means ______.
A.they’ll push you ahead
B.they’ll help you realize your dreams
C.they’ll keep you from moving on
D.they’ll have an influence (影响) on you
小题3:By doing the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 7, you can ______.
A.improve your ability to make friends
B.make the right kind of friends
C.develop a better relationship with your friends
D.make some new friends with the same interests as you
小题4:We can get the following information from the passage EXCEPT ______.
A.the younger musician is a positive person and would be a good friend
B.one should avoid (避免) making friends with people who have lots of
C.the exercise can help you keep close to really helpful friends
D.one will start complaining if one spends too much time with negative people
My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow  16 .
Helen was in her 30s and had extraordinary(非凡的) self-confidence, something I was really  17 . I looked up to Helen  18 she was doing what she loved—  19 people better. She always made everyone, customers(顾客) and co-workers(同事),  20 and feel good.
Being a waitress changed my life. One of my  21 customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate an omelet(炒蛋), and when I saw him _22 , I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.
Thanks to the newfound confidence I  23 __from Helen, I dreamed of having my own  __24 . But when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款), they said, “We just don’t have the money.”
The next day, Fred saw me and asked, “What’s  25 ? You’re not smiling today.” I  26__my dream with him and said, “Fred, I know I can do more if somebody  27 just have faith in (信任)me.”
Before long he handed me checks  28 __$50,000—along with a note that I have to this day. It reads, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my trust(信任) in your  29 as a person. Good people with a dream should have  30  __to make that dream come true.”
I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I 31  __working at the restaurant, making  32 for the restaurant I would open. My plans soured(被破灭), though, and I lost the  33 .
Later I decided to apply for a job at  Merill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was__34 and ended up becoming a pretty good agent(代理商,代理人).   35 , I paid back Fred the $50,000, plus 14-percent annual interest(利息 ). Five years later, I was able to open my own firm(公司).
A.found outB.picked up(学会)C.got backD.took away
完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I believe that small acts of kindness have the biggest influence on our lives. While on a vacation in Mexico with my family, I learned this valuable   36   . Our room was on the 8th floor of our hotel, so we would    37 the elevator every day.     38  other people use it ,too.
One afternoon I rode it alone. The bellboy greeted me and   39  the button for my floor.I smiled and took the elevator in     40  . The elevator stopped at the next floor, and an elderly maid  41  in with a large bundle of clean towels. I could tell she was   42  to carry the large load and was probably   43   from having worked all morning. I felt it was not my place to interfere(干涉), so I     44  to do something to help. The bellboy, also sensing her    45 ,  took the heavy bundle from her arms.
The maid looked at the boy with    46  and then smiled gratefully to his   47  . They then began to speak in Spanish to each other.    48  I couldn’t understand what they were saying , I could tell by their    49  that the boy’s act of kindness had made her day. He could have ridden in silence like me. It wasn’t his    50  to help her ,but he did    51       
After I came out of the elevator ,guilt overcame me as I     52  what I should have done in that situation. Why didn’t I take the towels? The boy wasn’t    53  of how his actions would affect all the people   54 his thoughtful deed.  He probably doesn’t even   55 helping the woman in the elevator. To me , his small act of kindness made my day as well.
A.More or less
B.One by one
C.Sooner or later
D.Now and then
A.thought of
B.brought about
C.carried on
D.insisted on
If you had been in my classes in the early McKee days , you would have seen a skinny young man in his late twenties with messy black hair , eyes that looked with a sign of infection , bad teeth and the hangdog look you see on immigrants in Ellis Island photographs or on pickpockets being arrested .
There were reasons for the hangdog look .
I was born in New York and taken to Ireland before I was four . I had three brothers . My father , an alcoholic , wild man , great patriot , always ready to die for Ireland , abandoned us when I was ten . A baby sister died , twin boys died , two boys were born . My mother begged for food , clothing , and coal to boil water for the tea . Neighbors told her to place us in an orphanage , a place for homeless kids . No , no , never . The shame of it . She hung on . We grew . My brothers and I left school at fourteen , worked , dreamed of America and , one by one , sailed away . my mother followed with the youngest , expecting to live happily ever after . That’s what you are supposed to do in America , but she never had a moment of happy-ever-after .
In New York I worked at laboring jobs till I was put into the United States Army . After two years in Germany I went to college on the GI Bill program to become a teacher . In college there were courses on literature and composition . There were courses on how to teach by professors who did not know how to teach . After college I went to McKee , where I put what I had learnt to trial and embarrassed myself when the students considered me a fool .
小题1:. What is a hangdog look ?
小题2:. It can be inferred from this passage that __________ .
A.before the author went to Ireland , he lived in New York .
B.the mother is living a joyful life in America with her little son
C.there are four sons in this Irish family living in America
D.the author is now a young teacher in his twenties teaching in a high school
小题3:. Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
A.Someone recommended the mother give the children away to kind people .
B.The author’s father sacrificed himself for his beloved homeland .
C.The author got into college because he was hard-working .
D.The author didn’t know much about how to teach when he first started .
小题4:. In what way is the passage mainly developed ?
A.Presenting effects and analyzing the causes .
B.Giving typical examples .
C.Describing things in space order .
D.Presenting an idea and arguing in favor of it .
  How to make friends with people from a different culture? The rules are as follows:
Appreciate the person
Most Americans like to be recognized as individuals as someone special with unique, personalities. Therefore never say,“you are from America so I want to be your friend.” Also don’t imply that the reason why you approached them is that you wanted someone to practice your English with . That turns people off. Instead try saying,”“you seem like a real nice and interesting person and I would like to get to know you better .’ This way , they are much more inclined to be friendly because you see them as a three dimensional person and appreciate them for who they are in the inside . And by doing so , you not only learn about Americans and practice your English , but also gain a real friend in the process
Quit Calling Us Foreigners.
Please avoid calling a foreigner especially in his face . The word makes people feel like an outsider , and even unwelcome , suggesting separation and insurmountable difference , widening an already existing gap in the situation. When Americans travel , they rarely say,“I’m foreign to your place .” They tend to say ,”I’m new in town . I’m new here.” The reason is because new and unfamiliar things can become old and familiar. But can foreign things become native? You catch my drift.
Just Do It .
Some students like to be told about American culture but are less interested in spending the time and effort to actually experience it .As Americans always say ,“get your hands dirty.” You should have first hands on experience, or you will never really know anything.
Find that Common Language.
Now I just must stress the importance of finding a common language. By that I don’t mean English, Chinese , German ,French,etc. I mean finding something you have in common with another person on a spiritual and philosophical level: likes , dislikes, worldviews, ways of thinking and attitudes toward life. And to start , you must first enhance your knowledge of the particular culture from which your potential
小题1: The underlined sentence“get your hands dirty” means     .
A get involved   B talk about American culture    C star with dirty work   D Don’t wash your hands too often
小题2: Americans prefer to make friends with those who    .
A  avoid talking about their homeland     B  recognize their personalities
C  obey rules of communicating with friends   D  needn’t practice English while playing together
小题3:According to the passage , which of the following is friendly?
A   I am longing to make friends with an American.
B   This is my friend Tom , who is a foreigner.
C   There must be a gap between us in many things.
D   You ‘ve  got a great personality
小题4:  In the last paragraph , the author suggests we should   
A  Learn at least one foreign language well
Bfind common interests or opinions with our potential new friend
C make sure we can understand each other
D ask where our potential new friends come from
For many years, I was convinced that my suffering was due to my size. I believed that when the weight disappeared, it would take old wounds, hurts, and rejections with it.
Many weight – conscious people also mistakenly believe that changing our bodies will fix everything. Perhaps our worst mistake is believing that being thin equals being loved, being special, and being cherished. We fantasize(梦想)about what it will be like when we reach the long – awaited goal. We work very hard to realize this dream. Then, at last, we find ourselves there.
But we often gain back what we have lost. Even so, we continue to believe that next time it will be different. Next time, we will keep it off. Next time, being thin will finally fulfill its promise of everlasting happiness, self–worth, and, of course, love.
It took me a long while to realize that there was something more for me to learn about beauty. Beauty standards vary with culture. In Samoa a woman is not considered attractive unless she weighs more than 200 pounds. More importantly, if it’s happiness that we want, why not put our energy there rather than on the size of our body? Why not look inside? Many of us work hard to change our body, but in vain. We have to find a way to live comfortable inside our body and make friends with and cherish ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves, the whole world changes.
小题1:The passage tries to tell us the importance of          .
A.body sizeB.attitudes
C.culture differenceD.different beauty standards
小题2: What does the word “everything” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.All the problems.B.All the properties
C.The whole worldD.The absolute truth
小题3: What can be inferred about the author?
A.The author is a Samoan
B.The author succeeded in losing weight
C.The author has been troubled by her/his weight.
D.The author probably got wounded in wars or accidents.
小题4:. According to the author, what is the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later?
A.They feel angry about the regained weight
B.They are indifferent to the regained weight
C.They feel optimistic about future plans on weight control.
D.They think they should give up their future plans on weight control.
Over the last 70 years.researchers have been studying happy and Unhappy people and finally found out ten factors that make a difference.Our feelings of well-being at any moment are determined to a certain degree by genes.However of all the factors,wealth and age are the top two.
Money can buy a degree of happiness.But once you can afford to feed,clothe and house yourself, each extra dollar makes less and less difference.
Researchers find that,on average,wealthier people are happier.But the link between money and happiness is complex.In the past half-century, average income has sharply increased in developed countries,yet happiness levels have remained almost the same.Once your basic needs are met,money only seems to increase happiness if you have more than your friends,neighbors and colleagues.
“Dollars buy Status(社会地位),and status makes people feel better,” conclude some experts,which helps explain why people who can seek status in other ways-scientists or actors,for example-may happily accept relatively poorly-paid jobs.
In a research,Professor Alex Michalos found that the people whose desires-not just for money,but for friends,family, job,health-rose furthest beyond what they already had,tended to be less happy than those who felt a smaller gap(差距).Indeed,the size of the gap predicted happiness about five times better than income alone.“The gap measures just blow away the only measures of income,”says Michalos.
Another factor that has to do with happiness is age.Old age may not be so bad.“Given all the problems of aging,how could the elderly be more satisfied?” asks Professor Laura Carstensen.
Why are old people happier? Some scientists suggest older people may expect life to be harder and learn to live with it,or they're more realistic about their goals,only setting ones that they know they can achieve.But Carstensen thinks that with time running out,older people have learned to focus on things that make them happy and let go of those that don't.
“People realize not only what they have,but also that what they have cannot-last forever,” she says.“A goodbye kiss to a husband or wife at the age of 85,for example,may bring far more complex emotional responses than a similar kiss to a boy or girl friend at the age of 20.”
小题1:According to the passage,the feeling of happiness _________.   
A.has little to do with wealthB.increases gradually with age
C.is measured by desiresD.is determined partly by genes
小题2:Some actors would like to accept poorly-paid jobs because the jobs _________.
A.make them feel much betterB.provide chances to make friends
C.improve their social positionD.satisfy their professional interests
小题3:Aged people are more likely to feel happy because they are more _________.   
小题4:Professor Alex Michalos found that people feel less happy if __________.
A.the gap between reality and desire is bigger
B.they have a stronger desire for friendship
C.their income is below their expectation
D.the hope for good health is greater
Count Me Out
Call me old-fashioned. Call me old. Call me what you want, but I refuse to become part of this new Internet world.
I do not possess a computer at home or at the office. Actually, I stopped going to an office 35 years ago, when all communications were done with a pen, a typewriter, or, if the matter was of world-shaking importance, over the telephone. Likewise, if you like something advertised in a newspaper or magazine, you visited the shop selling it at the given address, or you phoned the number shown. Then you spoke to the fellow and asked for further details.
Tell me what you think of the following ad that appeared the other day in the newspaper. It was for a cure for cancer and this is what it said: “Awareness is the key. Visit spfulford. com at the awareness site.” There was no address or telephone number for the site. So what do unfortunate people without a computer do if they are seeking a cure for their illness?
There are, I am told, certain advantages in having access to the Internet. You can, for example, send love messages across the world or even get married to someone that you meet online. This bit doesn’t interest me; I have been happily married for 60 years. There are, of course, other activities for Internet users besides finding love. They can pay bills, order groceries, or discuss with their doctors.
And this is by no means all. More amazing things are yet to come in the near future. I read a newspaper report recently that quoted Stephen Hawking, an important British scientist. “The complexity of a computer as it exists today is probably less than the brain of an earthworm,” he said. “But, as technology advances, computers will become more complex, and a time may come when the Internet may develop ‘consciousness.’ In other words, the Internet will be able to think, have feelings, and may well be able to act on its own.”
If Professor Hawking is right, I may change my attitude to computers. As I grow older each day, I would like one of those that not only thinks for me but also accepts responsibilities for all my mistakes.
What’s the meaning of the title “Count Me Out”?
A.Get me out of the Internet world.
B.Computers are trying to take control of life.
C.Modern technology pushes old people away.
D.Do not expect me to be a supporter of the Internet.
According to Paragraph 2, the author thinks computers are         .
What might the author like about the future computer?
A.Taking blames.B.Curing illnesses.
C.Delivering messages.D.Responding to emotions.
A dog who chewed off his owner’s infected toe(脚趾)while he was passed-out drunk has been called a lifesaver. Jerry Douthett had been out drinking when his dog Kiko bit off a large part if his big toe. His wife, Rosee, rushed him to hospital where tests showed the 48-year-old musician had dangerous high blood-sugar levels. Doctors told him his toe would have had to be cut off anyway.
Mr Douthett said he had refused to get medical advice despite his toe being swollen for months. “I was hiding it from people, Rosee included,” he said. “It smelled , and I look back now and realize every time we’d visit someone with a dog, their dog would smell all over my foot.”
The night before Mr Douthett had agreed to see a doctor, he passed out at home after going out drinking. He said, “I woke up and the dog was lying along side by foot. I said, ‘Ah, there’s blood everywhere.’ I ran to the bathroom and started to scream.”
However, he believes Kiko could sense the disease coming from his big toe. “He’s a hero,” Mr Douthett said. “It wasn’t an aggressive attack. He just ate the infection. He saved my life. He ate it. I mean, he must have eaten it, because we couldn’t find it anywhere else in the house. I look down. There’s blood all over, and my toe is gone.”
Before the operation, Mr Douthett asked a nurse, “Is there any chance I can get whatever’s left of my toe, so I can give it to Kiko as a treat?” Kiko is still with the family but is under observation by authorities.
小题1:.Mr Douthett didn’t want to get medical treatment because ______ .
A.he didn’t know about his disease at all
B.he was unwilling to let others know about his disease
C.doctors had no good ways to treat his bad toe
D.his wife advised him not to do that
小题2:.From Paragraph 3 we can infer that ______ .
A.Rosee managed to persuade her husband to go to hospital
B.Mr Douthett made his big toe worse by frequent drinking
C.Mr Douthett didn’t know his toe was chewed off at first
D.it is dangerous for people to let pet dogs sleep in the bedrooms
小题3:.What did Mr Douthett think of his dog ?
A.It was clever and brave.
B.It never attacked healthy people.
C.It was a cruel but helpful dog.
D.It was a dangerous dog in fact.

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