

1. The children have been indoors all day. Let them play _____ (在户外) for a while. 
2. If you want to speak good English, a large _____ (词汇量) is needed.
3. He had lost his _____ (身份) card and was being questioned by the police.
4. Do you have any trouble with _____ (拼写). 
5. He speaks with a strong southern _____ (口音).
6. I _____ (辨认出) her voice the moment she started speaking on the phone.
7. Because of the disease Professor Hawking lost his _____ (能力) of speech and had to communicate
    with other scientists through his computer.
8. A _____ (手提箱) is enough to take your clothes with you on holiday.
9. He sent a _____ (系列) of stamps as my birthday gift.
10. There was a time when people were _____ (要求) to stay indoors because of SARS.

1. outdoors  2. vocabulary  3. identity  4. spelling  5. accent
6. recognized  7. power  8. suitcase  9. series  10. requested