When I was four years old, I got ill. I took medicine twice                   
a day. The medicine had so a bitter taste that I took it mixed in     76. _____________
orange juice. The problem was that I can still taste the medicine.   77. ______________
In a particular afternoon my mother brought the drink in. As       78 ______________
she gave it to me, the phone rang and she went to answer          79 ______________
it. I looked at the orange drink and decided I couldn¡¯t face them,    80 _____________
so I hid the glass behind a pile magazines. Of course, when        81 _____________
my mother was asked, ¡°Have you already taken your medicine?¡±   82 ______________
I said, ¡°Yes.¡± I felt very pleased with me. The next day, my        83 _____________
mother found drink when she was doing the housework. She       84 _____________
looked at me serious and said, ¡°It¡¯s bad to tell likes!¡±             85 _____________

76 so¡ªsuch  77 can¡ªcould  78 In¡ªOn  79 right  80 them¡ªit  81 a pile¡ªa pile of 
82 drop ¡°was¡±  83 me¡ªmyself  84 drink¡ªthe drink  85 serious¡ªseriously



µÚÒ»½Ú£º¶ÌÎÄ¸Ä´í£¨¹²10 СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©
One night, a few co-worker at the computer                               76£®      
Data center where I worked stayed lately and                                       77£®      
they all started to get hungry. We decided to                                      78£®      
order some food by phone, and our boss thought that, since                             79£®      
we worked with computers, it would be more easier to                            80£®      
order through the Internet. Before we went to a fastfood chain¡¯s website and           81£®      
spend a long time registering as new customers for the delivery                     82£®      
service, a message was appeared on the screen;                                     83£®      
¡°Thank you for your business. You will                                            84£®      
be able to order food after three days.¡±                                     85£®      

µÚÒ»½Ú ¶ÌÎÄ¸Ä´í£¨¹²10СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©
When Joan is a high school student, she always wanted to be a             76.        
teacher. When she was at age of twenty, she began to teach               77.        
English in a small school. She laughed a lot of with the children in her  78.        
class and the students liked her very much. One day, one of the             79.        
girl asked her in her class,¡°Why does men¡¯s hair first become gray          80.        
before his moustache£¨ºúÐë, Joan?¡±¡°Sorry, I don¡¯t know, Helen.¡±The     81.        
teacher laughed and answered.¡°I don¡¯t know, too.¡±said Helen with         82.        
a smile,¡°But it is happened to my father.¡±Then a boy said with a                 83.        
smile,¡°I know. I think that men¡¯s hair becomes grey early than            84.        
their moustache though their hair is sixteen years older than their          85.        




µÚÒ»½Ú ¶ÌÎÄ¸Ä´í£¨¹²10СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©








A millionaire invited all the bachelors in the city his home, and took them to a big pool that lived some crocodiles£®¡°I want to find out a brave heart£®Who dares to jump into this pool and swim to the other side will get all my fortune and my beautiful daughter£®¡± All the bachelors looked at each others, with a pale and red face£®None dared£®All of sudden, a bachelor jumped into the water£®He swam towards the other side with amazing speed, touched the side, and climbing on without even waking the crocodiles! The millionaire went up and held his hand: ¡°Congratulation! What a brave heart! I suppose you want my daughter so much!¡± ¡°Not much at all!¡± the guy cried, ¡°I just want to know who pushes me into the pool just now!¡±





My dear students, I don¡¯t know _____ I should say                                      76£®           

to some of you who are still a_______ to the Internet£®                                   77£®           

As your ______, I¡¯d like to remind you that you¡¯re                                      78£®           

wasting your time, e_____£¨¾«Á¦£© and even your life£®                               79£®           

You can never find the l____ time and youth again£®                                          80£®           

As students£¬you should value the __£¨ÓÐÏ޵ģ©time to study                     81£®           

hard£®_____ you know£¬you¡¯11graduate from the school in two                   82£®           

months or so£®After ________(±ÏÒµ)£¬you won¡¯t possibly                        83£®           

find so good a condition to study in£®So ____ full use of every                    84£®           

minute to study hard so that you won¡¯t feel sad ____ the future£®                85£®            £®


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
