
A fit and healthy teenage rugby player died 12 hours after taking treatment for acne(粉刺),an officer,Mary Hassel,said today. She said Shaun Jones,14,died "as a result of complications(并发症)of medical treatment".

Shaun,who was described by his mother as "vain" about his appearance,saw Dr Jones,his family doctor,about spors on his back and shoulders after learning his friends had been given medication to deal with similar problems.

The boy,who had previously used Clearasil to treat the spots,was diagnosed with mild acne and given a prescription. But when he went to his local chemist's with his mother,he was told the drug was not available. They said they had contacted Dr Jones(in fact they didn't),and  Shaun could be given different pills which were the same as the drug originally prescribed.  Mrs. Jones noriced there was no safety instructions included in the box,but thought nothing of it at the time.

Shaun took the drug just before going to bed at 10:30 pm. Little more than an hourlater, he complained of shortness of breath and tighmess in his chest. Mrs. . Jones initially contacted an out―of―hours GP service but was told no doctor was available. When Shaun's condition  became worse,he was rushed to the Royal Glamorgan Hospital by ambulance in the early hours of the next morning.

Despite treatment there,and at the University Hospital of Wales,Cardiff,where he was transferred,Shaun died at 10:40 am the following day. Doctors at the hospital believe an unusual reaction to the acne drug could have caused his death.

Hassel said she would write a report to the Lord Chancellor's office imdedining the impor-tailce that "doctors prescribe drugs and doctors make adjustments and patients receive drugs with the correct information attached".


56. Shaun Jones decided to take the treatment for acne because______________.

A. he thought he was fit and healthy

B. his friends advised him to take it

C. his mother gave him the suggestion

D. he wanted to improve his appearance

57. Which of the following is true of the drug Shaun took?

A. It was previously named Clearasil.

B. It was not the one in the prescription.

C. It should not be taken before going to bed.

D. It Was forbidden for people at Shaun's age.

58. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that ______________.

A. Shaun began to feel uncomfortable at 11:00 P. m

B. Shaun's parents called their family doctor at first

C. Ms. Jones called all out―hours GP service at first

D. Shaun's parents drove him to Royal Glamorgan Hospital

59. The reason why Shaun was transferred to the University Hospital of Wales was that______________

A. there were no doctors available at his local hospital

B. his family doctor suggested he be transferred there

C. he was expected to get better treallment at the hospital

D. the doctors in Royal Glamorgan Hospital were too busy

60. It call be inferred from the passage that Mary Hassel______________.

A. would report the event to the Lord Chancellor's office

B. could help mole people become more careful about drugs

C. would tell people the importance of correct prescription

D. could help more patients attach correct information to drugs



To do for you Baby and me

  St.Benedicts Family Medical Center’s “Baby and me” classes, 11 a. m. to noon Tuesdays, at Jerome Public Library, 101 First Ave.E.

  This week’s topic:story telling.The class is educational support for parents and babies.A baby scale is available each week.

  Free; 324-6133


  Infant care class of St.Benedicts’ prepared childbirth series(系列), 7-9 p. m.Wednesday, at Jerome Public Library, 101 First Ave.E.

  Topics:baby care and early parenting.The class is offered separately, or as part of the childbirth series.Mothers may register(登记)even if their babies will be born at a different hospital.

  Cost is $5.Register:732-3148.

Self defense(自我保护)

  College of Southern Idaho’s Community Education Center is offering a course “Self defense,” 7-8∶30 p. m.Thursdays, beginning this week to Dec.16, in room 304 in the College of Southern Idaho gym.Bryan Matsuoka and Gary Phelps will instruct.

  Learn defensive skills and the coordination(协调)of mind and body.

  Cost is $105.Register:732-6442 or communityed.csi.edu.

Fitness for seniors

  South Central Public Health District is observing Fall Prevention AWARENESS Week Sept.19-25 to raise awareness(意识)of falls and reduce fall risk in south central Idaho.

  The health district will provide a Fit and Fall proof class leader training from 9 a. m. to 3∶30 p. m.Friday at 1020 Washington St.N.in Twin Fall.Training is for individuals interested in volunteering.Volunteers aren’t required to have a physical education degree but should have exercise experience.Register for the training by Wednesday:737-5988.

  “To do for you” is a listing of health-related activities, events and education in the following Monday.


“Baby and me” classes are held mainly for _________.

[  ]


teachers and parents


children and teachers


parents and children


parents and babysitters(保姆)


Which activity can help the women who will soon have babies?

[  ]


Baby and me


Infant care


Self defense


Fitness for seniors


Which of the following phone number can help you reduce fall risk?

[  ]









To do for you
Baby and me
St. Benedicts Family Medical Center’s “Baby and me” classes, 11 a.m. to noon Tuesdays, at Jerome Public Library, 101 First Ave. E.
This week’s topic: story telling. The class is educational support for parents and babies. A baby scale is available each week.
Free; 324-6133
Infant (婴儿)care
Infant care class of St. Benedicts’ prepared childbirth series (系列), 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, at Jerome Public Library, 101 First Ave. E.
Topics: baby care and early parenting. The class is offered separately, or as part of the childbirth series. Mothers may register (登记) even if their babies will be born at a different hospital.
Cost is $5. Register: 732-3148.
Self defense (自我保护)
College of Southern Idaho’s Community Education Center is offering a course “Self defense,” 7-8:30 p.m. Thursdays, beginning this week to Dec. 16, in room 304 in the College of Southern Idaho gym. Bryan Matsuoka and Gary Phelps will instruct.
Learn defensive skills and the coordination (协调) of mind and body.
Cost is $105. Register: 732-6442 or communityed.csi.edu.
Fitness for seniors
South Central Public Health District is observing Fall Prevention AWARENESS Week Sept.19-25 to raise awareness (意识)of falls and reduce fall risk in south central Idaho.
The health district will provide a Fit and Fall proof class leader training from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday at 1020 Washington St. N. in Twin Fall. Training is for individuals interested in volunteering. Volunteers aren’t required to have a physical education degree but should have exercise experience. Register for the training by Wednesday: 737-5988.
“To do for you” is a listing of health-related activities, events and education in the following Monday.
【小题1】“Baby and me” classes are held mainly for ______.

A.teachers and parentsB.children and teachers
C.parents and childrenD.parents and babysitters (保姆)
【小题2】Which activity can help the women who will soon have babies?
A.Baby and meB.Infant careC.Self defenseD.Fitness for seniors
【小题3】Which of the following phone number can help you reduce fall risk?
A.737-5988 B.324-6133C.732-6442D.732-3148

To do for you

Baby and me

St. Benedicts Family Medical Center’s “Baby and me” classes, 11 a.m. to noon Tuesdays, at Jerome Public Library, 101 First Ave. E.

This week’s topic: story telling. The class is educational support for parents and babies. A baby scale is available each week.

Free; 324-6133

Infant (婴儿)care

Infant care class of St. Benedicts’ prepared childbirth series (系列), 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, at Jerome Public Library, 101 First Ave. E.

Topics: baby care and early parenting. The class is offered separately, or as part of the childbirth series. Mothers may register (登记) even if their babies will be born at a different hospital.

Cost is $5. Register: 732-3148.

Self defense (自我保护)

College of Southern Idaho’s Community Education Center is offering a course “Self defense,” 7-8:30 p.m. Thursdays, beginning this week to Dec. 16, in room 304 in the College of Southern Idaho gym. Bryan Matsuoka and Gary Phelps will instruct.

Learn defensive skills and the coordination (协调) of mind and body.

Cost is $105. Register: 732-6442 or communityed.csi.edu.

Fitness for seniors

South Central Public Health District is observing Fall Prevention AWARENESS Week Sept.19-25 to raise awareness (意识)of falls and reduce fall risk in south central Idaho.

The health district will provide a Fit and Fall proof class leader training from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday at 1020 Washington St. N. in Twin Fall. Training is for individuals interested in volunteering. Volunteers aren’t required to have a physical education degree but should have exercise experience. Register for the training by Wednesday: 737-5988.

“To do for you” is a listing of health-related activities, events and education in the following Monday.

1.“Baby and me” classes are held mainly for ______.

A.teachers and parents

B.children and teachers

C.parents and children

D.parents and babysitters (保姆)

2.Which activity can help the women who will soon have babies?

A.Baby and me

B.Infant care

C.Self defense

D.Fitness for seniors

3.Which of the following phone number can help you reduce fall risk?






To do for you
     Baby and me
     St. Benedicts Family Medical Center's "Baby and me" classes, 11 a.m. to noon Tuesdays, at Jerome
Public Library, 101 First Ave. E.
     This week's topic: story telling. The class is educational support for parents and babies. A baby scale is available each week.
     Free; 324-6133
     Infant (婴儿)care
     Infant care class of St. Benedicts' prepared childbirth series (系列), 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, at Jerome
Public Library, 101 First Ave. E.
     Topics: baby care and early parenting. The class is offered separately, or as part of the childbirth series. Mothers may register (登记) even if their babies will be born at a different hospital.
     Cost is $5. Register: 732-3148.
     Self defense (自我保护)
     College of Southern Idaho's Community Education Center is offering a course "Self defense," 7-8:30
p.m. Thursdays, beginning this week to Dec. 16, in room 304 in the College of Southern Idaho gym.
Bryan Matsuoka and Gary Phelps will instruct.
     Learn defensive skills and the coordination (协调) of mind and body.
     Cost is $105. Register: 732-6442 or communityed.csi.edu.
     Fitness for seniors
     South Central Public Health District is observing Fall Prevention AWARENESS Week Sept.19-25 to raise awareness (意识)of falls and reduce fall risk in south central Idaho.
     The health district will provide a Fit and Fall proof class leader training from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday at 1020 Washington St. N. in Twin Fall. Training is for individuals interested in volunteering. Volunteers aren't required to have a physical education degree but should have exercise experience. Register for the
training by Wednesday: 737-5988.
     "To do for you" is a listing of health-related activities, events and education in the following Monday.
1. "Baby and me" classes are held mainly for ______.
A. teachers and parents
B. children and teachers
C. parents and children
D. parents and babysitters (保姆)
2. Which activity can help the women who will soon have babies?
A. Baby and me
B. Infant care    
C. Self defense
D. Fitness for seniors
3. Which of the following phone number can help you reduce fall risk?
A. 737-5988
B. 324-6133
C. 732-6442
D. 732-3148

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